Since this entire Fantastic Four debacle kicked off with Josh Trank's hastily deleted Tweet, every new story that materializes continues to paint an unflattering picture of pretty much everyone involved with bringing this reboot to the screen. We've heard about Trank's destructive behavior on the set and in his rented Baton Rouge house, but this latest report from Entertainment Weekly (via Yahoo!) gives us an insight into just how tense things between the director and his cast - one in particular - became.
Trank actually campaigned heavily to get Miles Teller cast as Reed Richards, but during the shoot things went bad between the two. Word is Trank's withdrawn, uncommunicative demeanor did not sit right with Teller (reportedly not the easiest guy to get along with himself) and his sarcastic responses to the situation finally brought the two into conflict. At one point the men were apparently "chest to chest", each daring the other to throw the first punch! That didn't happen, but as you can imagine it was not the most positive working environment to be in afterwards. Trank is also said to have been a **** to Kate Mara, who he never wanted in the role of Sue Storm in the first place.
IF everything we've heard about Trank is on the level, it's safe to assume we may have had a better movie on our hands under a different director. Fox could well have contributed to the end product too of course, but if they do indeed decide to move ahead with the planned sequel, do you think the franchise is salvageable with someone else at the helm?