Fantastic Four reboot

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so smug... how can anyone be so smug knowing the movie was so bad :lol

Chief Financial Officer John Nallen told investors on an Aug. 5 conference call that he expected profit at the film studio to decline by $200 million this year from the $1.45 billion reported for the fiscal year ended June 30. He cited marketing costs for three films next summer -- “X-Men,” “Independence Day” and “Ice Age” -- that won’t contribute to profit until the following fiscal year.


‘Fantastic Four’ Box-Office Flop Could Cost Fox $60 Million - Bloomberg Business

:lol Yep this movie was heading down the drain from day 1. I feel for everyone involved in this film. It sounded like such a terrible time. Clearly Trank can't handle Hollywood and Fox doesn't have the balls to just fire and get someone else when **** hits the storm. It goes both ways for me. I was thinking Fox was the cause of this mess but it looks like much more dark secrets are coming out from behind the scenes and Trank was a major problem. I still believe it's both of there faults.
:lol Yep this movie was heading down the drain from day 1. I feel for everyone involved in this film. It sounded like such a terrible time. Clearly Trank can't handle Hollywood and Fox doesn't have the balls to just fire and get someone else when **** hits the storm. It goes both ways for me. I was thinking Fox was the cause of this mess but it looks like much more dark secrets are coming out from behind the scenes and Trank was a major problem. I still believe it's both of there faults.
Unless you were there, no one will ever know the entire truth. But from all I've seen it does seem that both sides were at fault. But ultimately, I place the most blame on Fox. You've got to account for the sometimes erratic and unreliable human element. If Trank was given so much autonomy and freedom that the producers weren't paying as close attention as they should, and didn't step in when they were supposed to, then that's on them. Even a low-level, middle management type knows better than to let their subordinates run away with things without proper supervision. This was a guy with very little in the way of a track record, handed the reigns to a $150 million production or whatever, and Fox was apparently too uninvolved to salvage things at a time when it could be salvaged.

yeah but at what cost? the money they got was traded for their reputation lol
I don't think people are going to place the blame on the cast. I don't think I've seen a single review that faults them for this train wreck. Even the best actors sign up for crappy movies now and again--Gary Oldman in Lost in Space, anyone?

So the smallest guy was the "muscle"?
I think Trank thought that was clever. . .
Unless you were there, no one will ever know the entire truth. But from all I've seen it does seem that both sides were at fault. But ultimately, I place the most blame on Fox. You've got to account for the sometimes erratic and unreliable human element. If Trank was given so much autonomy and freedom that the producers weren't paying as close attention as they should, and didn't step in when they were supposed to, then that's on them. Even a low-level, middle management type knows better than to let their subordinates run away with things without proper supervision. This was a guy with very little in the way of a track record, handed the reigns to a $150 million production or whatever, and Fox was apparently too uninvolved to salvage things at a time when it could be salvaged.

I highly agree on this we all will never know. Fox definitely should of watched on him.
I don't think people are going to place the blame on the cast. I don't think I've seen a single review that faults them for this train wreck. Even the best actors sign up for crappy movies now and again--Gary Oldman in Lost in Space, anyone?

A bad movie is hard to brush off. Look at Halle and catwoman, she is still a good actress and still had good roles but some careers take a dent. Even if it is a small one.

even if it doesn't affect them work wise there is always the making fun of. like George Clooney said before.

Look at how Daredevil ruined Ben Affleck's chance to be a superhero until now, or how Ryan Reynolds was kind of hurt from being into the superhero stuff because of Lantern.
It does hurt them a little. even it if is just from playing superheroes again
Well I agree that if an actor keeps taking crappy roles, then people will only recognize them as being involved in crappy projects, and may forget what other skills they may have. But even in your examples, Clooney wasn't hurt one bit from being Batman. Affleck wanted out of comic films after DD more than the other way around. Reynolds was in two terrible comic movies back-to-back, and then was invited with open arms to star in another one. And Berry's career was on a downward slope before Catwoman ever came along. In fact, I would submit that her handful of really good performances are the real aberration, and that she's never been particularly special as an actor. Producers and casting directors have better sense than to throw out the baby with the bathwater when they see these things.
Studio could care less if you're in a crappy rated movie, excellent rated movie or if you're having fun or are miserable while acting.

They just care if your movie is making money.

If not, you better be worried about your future in Hollywood.
I'm sure life will continue just fine for the actors, though I *am* glad that Jordan shouldn't be appearing in anything I actually care about now. Trank is done. No one will give him another $100+ million movie again. There are so many dimensions to his failure; personal, professional, creative, that I just don't see him ever being offered anything significant ever again.
I'm sure life will continue just fine for the actors, though I *am* glad that Jordan shouldn't be appearing in anything I actually care about now. Trank is done. No one will give him another $100+ million movie again. There are so many dimensions to his failure; personal, professional, creative, that I just don't see him ever being offered anything significant ever again.
I hear he's doing the Hobbit Reboot.