Fear The Walking Dead

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I like the show a lot so far. Acting has been decent imo. Someone's face isn't exactly a barometer of acting. In acting, if you over show emotions, then you look fake and ridiculous. You have to make it more subtle and use words and reacting ions to display ones demeanor. Don't know why some people are so hard on Kim. She's doing a decent job. Go watch a scy-fy movie if you want overdramatic acting. Lol. I watch those all the time as well.
That episode certainly picked up though compared to the rest.

Also, stupid ****ing junkie.

Are you saying this episode picked up??

I have only said this once before about a Walking Dead episode (the Governor chasing Andrea in S3) but this episode sucked. Nothing happened except Nick getting taken at the end. Bleagh!
One of the things that really bugs me about tv these days is how the military, especially those in command, and the police are made out to be heartless and sometimes insane with power. It's getting old.
Are you saying this episode picked up??

I have only said this once before about a Walking Dead episode (the Governor chasing Andrea in S3) but this episode sucked. Nothing happened except Nick getting taken at the end. Bleagh!

Just in terms of anything exciting. Storywise, literally nothing happened.
Fear people will
Stop watching this....

Curious how this show looks from the outside looking in. Meaning if they are viewer that have never seen THE WALKING DEAD.
I'm going to be happy when the real deal starts up in a few weeks. This series is just slow and uninteresting for me personally.
One of the things that really bugs me about tv these days is how the military, especially those in command, and the police are made out to be heartless and sometimes insane with power. It's getting old.

Yep, police get a bad enough wrap as it is. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes

I'm going to be happy when the real deal starts up in a few weeks. This series is just slow and uninteresting for me personally.

I'm not concerned. I expected season one to be rather slow. TWD had the luxury of starting well after the breakout began.
Are you saying this episode picked up??

I have only said this once before about a Walking Dead episode (the Governor chasing Andrea in S3) but this episode sucked. Nothing happened except Nick getting taken at the end. Bleagh!

Just in terms of anything exciting. Storywise, literally nothing happened.

The episode before this one was pretty slow, and while this one continued the usual Walking Dead pace that most episodes have, you definitely can't say nothing happened story wise -- especially literally, as that makes zero sense so long as a single thing happened. I thought this episode was really well done, and it took the show on a turn I wasn't expecting. Having quarantined safe zones is smart. I honestly thought they'd just drive out to the desert and find trouble along the way.

Now we've got a military presence, which could be rogue or it could be taking orders...that's all still fairly unclear. But the fact that everything is still unknown to everyone, and there seems to be a panic to basically exterminate everyone outside of these safe zones is a good story arc for this series. Showing that someone was alive, and that Travis brought it up to them, only to see that person get blown away at the end (likely because Travis brought it to their attention) was unexpected. The fear is real, and now they're not as safe as they thought. Or they are, but things aren't being put back to normal outside the fences as Travis thought was happening at the start of the episode.

We also found the mom sinking back into a somewhat alcoholic state (though I doubt they'll keep that up long at all), while also blaming Travis's ex-wife for her son being taken away. Sure that could've been resolved with the two minutes they obviously would've given her to go back and explain, "Yeah, I'm going to the hospital to help. I'll be back," but hey, I'm not saying the show doesn't have its facepalm moments...I'm just saying that plenty happened in this episode.

Plenty of silly things happen in both Walking Dead series. I couldn't comprehend the ridiculousness of the huge riot happening downtown at the start of last episode, with some people just acting all mental, laughing and breaking things while others are being eaten beside them -- and yet, after running rather quickly through all that, our hero's truck was 100% untouched and they just drove off. Those things will always be there because they think most will ignore it, and I'm sure most do. That said, pacing has always been a complaint of people with this series, but that's The Walking Dead in general. Sometimes months can go by in the comic before something major happens. With the show, sometimes there are a few character-centric episodes in a row before any huge action-packed moments take place. The way the shows are paced should be no surprise to most after five seasons of The Walking Dead.
Good episode IMO.
I like the way they're going with the military being an unknown factor for the population in the safe zone. I think it's smart how it's written, that some people are more trusting of the "establishment" than others, and just want to go along to feel safe, while others are always asking questions and doubting.
My only issue is how did Madison know some corpses were "infected" and others not?
Did I miss something? 'Cause that made no sense to me.
And the junkie kid needs to get shot...
Good episode IMO.
I like the way they're going with the military being an unknown factor for the population in the safe zone. I think it's smart how it's written, that some people are more trusting of the "establishment" than others, and just want to go along to feel safe, while others are always asking questions and doubting.
My only issue is how did Madison know some corpses were "infected" and others not?
Did I miss something? 'Cause that made no sense to me.
And the junkie kid needs to get shot...

My guess would be the body laying in the road with the handgun next to it. Corpses don't need guns. Either that or the dead womann next to the car although I can't remember if she looked infected or not.
I thought the episode was really good. It was much better than the ones before it and I like the direction this show is taking.
this was an episode that could be wrapped up in 5 minutes.. very poor IMO ..

And why would the military just randomly kill people that are obviously not infected ?? what makes them different then the ones they put into the safe zone ??
this was an episode that could be wrapped up in 5 minutes.. very poor IMO ..

And why would the military just randomly kill people that are obviously not infected ?? what makes them different then the ones they put into the safe zone ??

I don't think they're bringing in people to the safe zone...I think they quarantined off the area nine days earlier, and that was that. They made sure everyone inside was okay, and anyone outside of that zone is now a potential threat, because they're trying to stop it from spreading. Clearly, they're doing it wrong, but that seems to be how it was handled when this all began -- at least in the city where our protagonists live.
that talk the old man had with Madison goes hand in hand with what happened at the end of the episode. And it was Travis's ex-wife's fault that Nick got taken cause she ratted him out to the doctor that he is a junkie. I'm wondering if this "hospital" really is one or more like a prison where they just execute anyone they think is sick.