Fear The Walking Dead

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My biggest gripe with this past episode is they spent big chunks of time on things of very little importance. Nick floating in the swimming pool for the first 15 minutes of the episode. Alicia spending big chunks of time going to Susie's house and reading her suicide letter over and over. Ophelia making out with the national guard guy. They made it a point to say it had been nine days. When they could have jumped ahead another day or two and not missed a beat. I think this has set things up for the last two episodes where they will spend the next episode getting to where they are keeping Nick, Grizelda and Liza and the following episode escaping from there. This episode really only had about 5 minutes of scenes that moved the plot forward. The rest was just filler.

Side note: This is the third time that there has been a golf scene where someone was driving golf balls in the midel of the street; twice in TWD with the Governor and Martinez and once in last night's episode with the National Guard leader. Maybe Kirkman is an avid golfer??? lol
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that talk the old man had with Madison goes hand in hand with what happened at the end of the episode. And it was Travis's ex-wife's fault that Nick got taken cause she ratted him out to the doctor that he is a junkie. I'm wondering if this "hospital" really is one or more like a prison where they just execute anyone they think is sick.

Yeah, it was inadvertently her fault. She was just looking out for him, really, and even said that he wasn't a problem and she could handle it. As for the hospital being a prison...that's the cliche route to go, and it's probably the way it'll go. A mix of all that...I'm sure executions happen there if someone can't be helped, but it'll be interesting to see what they do with the loved ones who accompany them -- if they actually allow that. After seeing the end of this episode, maybe they didn't let that woman go with her husband. Or maybe they feared she may be sick too.

That said, I'm sure there's a bit of legitimacy to it, as his ex-wife is going, and the doctor urged her to come help them. The whole military angle is still a bit of a mystery on most fronts, so I'm sure those answers will come in the near future. That all said, I really need to learn the names of these people. I didn't realize how much the comic helped me know who people were in The Walking Dead...but outside of Travis, I can't think of a name...wait, the wife said, Peter...that's his son, right? No, that was the neighbour who was shot.

Yeah, I still have no idea what the names of 95% of the characters on the show are. :lol
I think I've got all the character names now.

Father - Travis
Mother - Madison
Junkie - Nick
Daughter - Alicia
Travis' son - Chris
Travis' ex - Liza
The Ecaudorians - Daniel, Grizelda and Ophelia
My biggest gripe with this past episode is they spent big chunks of time of things of very little importance. Nick floating in the swimming pool for the first 15 minutes of the episode. Alicia spending big chunks of time going to Susie's house and reading her suicide letter over and over. Ophelia making out with the national guard guy. They made it a point to say it had been nine days. When they could have jumped ahead another day or two and not missed a beat. I think this has set things up for the last two episodes where they will spend the next episode getting to where they are keeping Nick, Grizelda and Liza and the following episode escaping from there. This episode really only had about 5 minutes of scenes that moved the plot forward. The rest was just filler.

Side note: This is the third time that there has been a golf scene where someone was driving golf balls in the midel of the street; twice in TWD with the Governor and Martinez and once in last night's episode with the National Guard leader. Maybe Kirkman is an avid golfer??? lol

Nick floating around was only shown for a few minutes, and it was showing how everything was "normal" within the gates. Everyone was running for their lives the previous episode, and now he has the ability to just lounge around. It also showed that he wasn't suffering from not taking drugs anymore...he'd overcome it. He could just relax. Sure that seemed suspicious, and rightfully so, as he was basically high the entire time.

Alicia is still coming to terms with losing her boyfriend and everything in general. I think it was good that they're handing her like this...she'll get over it eventually, but she's in high school and the world just ended around her, which is why she gave herself a tattoo of the design her b/f drew on her, while also holding on to the letter that showed love in a very pure form that anyone else would discard at this point of where things are headed in the world.

Ophelia making out with the guard could go two ways...she's either into him, or she was using him for medicine. Or a mix of both. It also introduced another character to the show, which is what needs to happen during this introduction period of the series. The guard playing golf is definitely cliche by this point...or maybe it's an inside joke on set. That said, I think this happens a lot of times in end of the world flicks...I mean, you can just hit the ball ANYWHERE and pay no consequence! I don't golf, and I'd love to do that! :lol But that showed how he is as a leader, and how they're not even looking for people outside of the fenced off areas...they consider anyone out there a lost cause/infected.

Lots of stuff happened over the hour, and the time spent building up to the eventual ending all had reasoning. Some of it paid off in the final minutes, and other parts just helped build upon the characters heading into the future. I do remember the name Nick now though! :lol I'm sure I'll have the rest down by season two. :lol
I think I've got all the character names now.

Father - Travis
Mother - Madison
Junkie - Nick
Daughter - Alicia
Travis' son - Chris
Travis' ex - Liza
The Ecaudorians - Daniel, Grizelda and Ophelia

I like how he's not even the son...he's the junkie. I like the idea behind something different, and dealing with it during the apocalypse, but I could definitely do with him getting over it sooner (two episodes ago) than later! :lol Hopefully that's taken care of at the hospital and they can move on from it. Good work with all the names though! For some reason none of them, aside from Travis, have stuck with me!
Nick floating around was only shown for a few minutes, and it was showing how everything was "normal" within the gates. Everyone was running for their lives the previous episode, and now he has the ability to just lounge around. It also showed that he wasn't suffering from not taking drugs anymore...he'd overcome it. He could just relax. Sure that seemed suspicious, and rightfully so, as he was basically high the entire time.

Alicia is still coming to terms with losing her boyfriend and everything in general. I think it was good that they're handing her like this...she'll get over it eventually, but she's in high school and the world just ended around her, which is why she gave herself a tattoo of the design her b/f drew on her, while also holding on to the letter that showed love in a very pure form that anyone else would discard at this point of where things are headed in the world.

Ophelia making out with the guard could go two ways...she's either into him, or she was using him for medicine. Or a mix of both. It also introduced another character to the show, which is what needs to happen during this introduction period of the series. The guard playing golf is definitely cliche by this point...or maybe it's an inside joke on set. That said, I think this happens a lot of times in end of the world flicks...I mean, you can just hit the ball ANYWHERE and pay no consequence! I don't golf, and I'd love to do that! :lol But that showed how he is as a leader, and how they're not even looking for people outside of the fenced off areas...they consider anyone out there a lost cause/infected.

Lots of stuff happened over the hour, and the time spent building up to the eventual ending all had reasoning. Some of it paid off in the final minutes, and other parts just helped build upon the characters heading into the future. I do remember the name Nick now though! :lol I'm sure I'll have the rest down by season two. :lol

How long did it take you to write this post? 5-10 minutes tops?? That is the amount of time the show should have spent on these things. :lol

Last thing I will say about this episode. This is the only episode in this series or TWD series where I didn't feel anxious or worried at all about the characters while watching it. I was hoping the congestive heart failure guy would pass and reanimate with junkie boy still underneath him and that would be how they found out you don't need to be bit to become infected. I guess that distinction will fall to Grizelda now.

Another side note: How long was the fracking commercial break around the 40 minute mark? It must have been 10 minutes long, then they come back for 5 minutes and go to another break!
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they were 4min into the series until it hit the first break .. I never watch that #$&)#*$ live again
How long did it take you to write this post? 5-10 minutes tops?? That is the amount of time the show should have spent on these things. :lol

Last thing I will say about this episode. This is the only episode in this series or TWD series where I didn't feel anxious or worried at all about the characters while watching it. I was hoping the congestive heart failure guy would pass and reanimate with junkie boy still underneath him and that would be how they found out you don't need to be bit to become infected. I guess that distinction will fall to Grizelda now.

Another side note: How long was the fracking commercial break around the 40 minute mark? It must have been 10 minutes long, then they come back for 5 minutes and go to another break!

at the very least, Nick already knows you don't have to be bitten to turn. The black drug dealer wasn't and I don't believe the blonde bunk mate of Nicks was bitten either.
That's pretty much how every episode of TWD is, too. :dunno

I call bull*****, but you are entitled to your opinion. My question to you is if you truly feel that way then why continue to watch? I know if FTWD continues at the pace they are going over the next several episodes, I will drop it like a bad habit. Got better things to do with my time.
How long did it take you to write this post? 5-10 minutes tops?? That is the amount of time the show should have spent on these things. :lol

Last thing I will say about this episode. This is the only episode in this series or TWD series where I didn't feel anxious or worried at all about the characters while watching it. I was hoping the congestive heart failure guy would pass and reanimate with junkie boy still underneath him and that would be how they found out you don't need to be bit to become infected. I guess that distinction will fall to Grizelda now.

Another side note: How long was the fracking commercial break around the 40 minute mark? It must have been 10 minutes long, then they come back for 5 minutes and go to another break!

I'll agree that I felt no worry about the characters at all, but I think that was okay...I actually like the turn the show has taken with the army, and didn't just throw them out into the desert for survival, which I fully expected them to do. This gives everyone more of a story, as well as lets us see how the government and army are reacting to this outbreak. It's a nice change of pacing instead of quickly rushing into becoming "The Walking Dead Part 2."

I'm sure the last two episodes will pick up, and as a whole, I'm sure the series will find its stride in season two. As for the commercials, nuts to that! I've never heard good things about AMC commercial breaks, which is why I PVR all the shows I watch on it. I'd be driven mad by TWD commercial breaks I read about! :lol
Who goes jogging when you know the world is up the creek? I hope they load the whole cast up in a train cart heading for Terminus.
I thought this was a mini series...6 episodes and it was done?
Now it's saying two episodes left until the season...not series finale?
That means we have to put up with these idiots for another season?
I thought this was a mini series...6 episodes and it was done?
Now it's saying two episodes left until the season...not series finale?
That means we have to put up with these idiots for another season?

If you are strapped to a chair, TV turned on to AMC every Sunday night, with your eyelids propped open and a strange fellow moistening your eyeballs with visine every 15 seconds, yes.

If not, then change the channel. Problem solved.
Seemed like the humvees were burning a lot of unnecessary gas by constantly patrolling the secured neighborhood.

Otherwise I like how this show is developing. Having no main character deaths this far in will make it that much more shocking when it does happen. I was thinking that a good way to end this season would be to show literally everyone in the cast getting ripped apart and killed. I think that would be a huge shock for people expecting "Walking Dead Redux" and it would also make the cast of the main show seem that much more badass. Then start "Fear The Walking Dead Season 2" with a whole new cast in another part of the country and have people totally worried that they'll just all be killed too.
Seemed like the humvees were burning a lot of unnecessary gas by constantly patrolling the secured neighborhood.

Otherwise I like how this show is developing. Having no main character deaths this far in will make it that much more shocking when it does happen. I was thinking that a good way to end this season would be to show literally everyone in the cast getting ripped apart and killed. I think that would be a huge shock for people expecting "Walking Dead Redux" and it would also make the cast of the main show seem that much more badass. Then start "Fear The Walking Dead Season 2" with a whole new cast in another part of the country and have people totally worried that they'll just all be killed too.

That's a great idea that no one would see coming, to bad it's not likely to happen. The other frustration is the time spent before, how long do you think? Has to come back before next summer
What if the military already knows that people don't have to be bitten in order to turn. They already know that everyone is infected and they're removing all those people not to take to a hospital or prison but to exterminate. They removed them because there's a higher chance that they may die or kill others and they don't want that inside the perimeter so they remove any chance. Old dude and old lady because there's a good chance they could die and come back, junkie because he could OD or hurt others, and muscle car guy because he's not in his right mind.

As for people outside the perimeter, they're basically taking care of the enemy before they have a chance to become one. Also they're removing any chance of any diseases they may have which could spread through.
I thought this was a mini series...6 episodes and it was done?
Now it's saying two episodes left until the season...not series finale?
That means we have to put up with these idiots for another season?

It's a two-season commitment. The second season of FTWD will be 15 episodes.

I could've sworn I saw Carl and Mitch in the Safe Zone. Which reminds me a bit of Grady Memorial. :lol