Fear The Walking Dead

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Seemed like the humvees were burning a lot of unnecessary gas by constantly patrolling the secured neighborhood.

Otherwise I like how this show is developing. Having no main character deaths this far in will make it that much more shocking when it does happen. I was thinking that a good way to end this season would be to show literally everyone in the cast getting ripped apart and killed. I think that would be a huge shock for people expecting "Walking Dead Redux" and it would also make the cast of the main show seem that much more badass. Then start "Fear The Walking Dead Season 2" with a whole new cast in another part of the country and have people totally worried that they'll just all be killed too.

that would be interesting for a bit, but I think it would get old. Part of what makes TWD so popular is people getting so attached to characters. One season, then killing most of the cast, and moving on to new characters in new circumstances prolly wouldn't interest me as much personally.
What if the military already knows that people don't have to be bitten in order to turn. They already know that everyone is infected and they're removing all those people not to take to a hospital or prison but to exterminate. They removed them because there's a higher chance that they may die or kill others and they don't want that inside the perimeter so they remove any chance. Old dude and old lady because there's a good chance they could die and come back, junkie because he could OD or hurt others, and muscle car guy because he's not in his right mind.

As for people outside the perimeter, they're basically taking care of the enemy before they have a chance to become one. Also they're removing any chance of any diseases they may have which could spread through.

That's a cool theory. I like it. :)
:lol Same here! I like the daughter, the son (none drug) and the torturer guy. (I haven't learned their names at all) :lol

The Mom is very hit/miss.

The rest are absolutely garbage. I was screaming at the Dad to pull the freaking trigger!
If any of you follow TWD thread, you know that I am a very big fan of the series. Easily my favorite show on tv. I love the characters, the story ever since Scottt Gimple took over as show runner in S4 and the acting is solid. It has been very dynamic and interesting to watch Rick and his group deal with the zombie apocalypse over the years. This show has none of that. The character development just isn't there...yet. They are one dimensional and not very likable. There is no one that I am rooting for. They could easily kill off the whole cast and start over with a different group of survivors and I would be more than ok with that. There is no Rick or Daryl or Michonne to rally around.

I think the biggest mistake this show made has been quarantining the cast in their neighborhood. It has slowed the story down to a crawl. I wanted to see society fall. I wanted to see full scale battles of the armed forces/citizens against the zombies. Maybe we will get to that next episode or next season, but this season has been downright boring.

I have never been one of those viewers that needed to have zombies in every episode. The zombies are a plot device to develop characters and let us see how they respond and grow as individuals as the zombie threat increases. We are getting none of that yet. Everyone is sitting around moping and doing nothing terribly exciting. So if the way to develop these characters and get the viewers to actually care about them is to overwhelm them with zombies, then I say bring it on and kill off at least half of the main cast in the process. That will kick start this show in a hurry.
Meh, saw a little bit of the latest episode here and there. Like did they use an old camera to film this episode or something? Image are slightly blurry and definitely not HD.
The show seems to have improved for episodes 4 & 5, but honestly it's been a big disappointment. I can live w/o zombies in every episode, but the characters are just unlikable and seem to behave in ways that just draw out the episode rather than move the story forward in a meaningful way.

Hopefully the final episode has more of a punch... I assume the **** will hit the fan, but I just hope it's enough that I care to see what happens next :lol
That special is debuting earlier than I thought it would...but kinda lame that it's only one minute per "episode", and will still be subject to the mid-season break.