Fear The Walking Dead

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What if the military already knows that people don't have to be bitten in order to turn. They already know that everyone is infected and they're removing all those people not to take to a hospital or prison but to exterminate. They removed them because there's a higher chance that they may die or kill others and they don't want that inside the perimeter so they remove any chance. Old dude and old lady because there's a good chance they could die and come back, junkie because he could OD or hurt others, and muscle car guy because he's not in his right mind.

As for people outside the perimeter, they're basically taking care of the enemy before they have a chance to become one. Also they're removing any chance of any diseases they may have which could spread through.

You pretty much nailed it dude. I think that's pretty much what the female doctor revealed and the soldier revealed under torture. The CDC would have figured it out during the initial stages of the event, that you don't have to get bit or even contract the "flu" to turn. You just die, whether by natural causes, regular illness or accident and you turn into a zombie. They knew everybody was infected with the agent/vector to turn and would have shared that information only with the government and military. This leads me to believe that a running theory that my friends and I have had for a long, long time going back to the first issues of the comic is correct--the outbreak was not natural but engineered by human hands; ie terrorist attack using a cooked up, homemade or stolen pathogen or a first strike by a rogue/aggressor nation like North Korea or Iran using a pathogen from their bioweapons program.
my biggest question since the beginning of TWD is how everyone in the US could have possibly been infected. The only thing that comes to mind is water sources
To affect everyone on the planet simultaneously it would have to be airborne.
I enjoyed this new episode. I don't feel like it's missing anything major. Perhaps it's that lack of presumption which allows me to enjoy it. Hmmmm.
Am I alone in not having any sort of impulse to vandalise and destroy even if no one would or could stop me? Having said that I would destroy Alycia Debnam-Carey

:lol at that pic.

It's certainly better than playing with...what the hell was that kid playing with again? A drone or an RC helicopter? Dumbass. :ohbfrank:
I enjoyed this new episode. I don't feel like it's missing anything major. Perhaps it's that lack of presumption which allows me to enjoy it. Hmmmm.

I am enjoying the show - and this one was one of the best. The new guy with the nice outfit is a rather interesting guy........can't wait for more.
I enjoyed this new episode. I don't feel like it's missing anything major. Perhaps it's that lack of presumption which allows me to enjoy it. Hmmmm.
Yep, I'm enjoying it, too (just watched the last 3 episodes back-to-back because I let them build up for a month). Daniel Salazar character is pretty compelling and the actor's doing a great job with him, I think. Also, Victor... Damn, that was so brutal how he took advantage of that character's weaknesses and broke him talking about how his wife was basically going to be tricked out in the NWO. I've got some quibbles here and there but overall a good effort with enough to differentiate it from the main show.

Disagree also with the comment earlier in regards to the depiction of the Army (that they're being written as 'evil'). I think they're playing it about how it would go down in real life (I get that this has been perhaps depicted to the point it's a cliché, I guess). Guys with the guns and power are going to lord it over the civilians/people they're protecting, IMO, b/c that's how life works. They're still the 'good guys' in that they're keeping their baser instincts in check and not raping and pillaging, as would be bound to happen if the world went to s*** in a zombie apocalypse.
I think part of it is that human nature takes over the military. Pretty soon they cant help but be tyrants or abuse their power. Because they can. It's just what happens to men when circumstances push hard enough.

I was loving the pacing of the show until the they introduced the military. Then i think they went too fast. How did it go from riot to national guard takeover in a day? Then they skipped ahead a week. You could have shown tons of cool stuff in that week: the establishment of martial law, the early battles for containment, the learning process of how turning occurs, the media response, the big city battles of military vs walkers, the transistion from safezone to detainment camp, etc.
And the twist with the barber character is fantastic- you always hear about abuse and torture from the perspective of the victim (civil rights movement or nazi germany are the best examples in my mind). You almost never hear about it from the perspective of those who committ the abuse. You rarely get the back story as to why they did what they did. The whole time i was thinking he left his country because he was the one who was persecuted or victimized. Then we learn on his wife's deathbed that she was somehow complicite in the abuse too.
my biggest question since the beginning of TWD is how everyone in the US could have possibly been infected. The only thing that comes to mind is water sources

Taco Bell

cool, i'll be safe then

I'm doomed! :(


You should be OK so long as you stay away from certain combinations. Like in the first Burton Batman movie. :lol

Hey! That's a classic! :mad:
I'm an episode behind but really enjoying it so far. The first ep wasn't all that good really, but the rest have been quite interesting and I hear the finale is going to be amazing.
I am enjoying the show - and this one was one of the best. The new guy with the nice outfit is a rather interesting guy........can't wait for more.

Yeah definitely. That guy is the most intriguing character for me so far. Something about him being paired up with Nick made me excited to see what is next.
I think part of it is that human nature takes over the military. Pretty soon they cant help but be tyrants or abuse their power. Because they can. It's just what happens to men when circumstances push hard enough.

I was loving the pacing of the show until the they introduced the military. Then i think they went too fast. How did it go from riot to national guard takeover in a day? Then they skipped ahead a week. You could have shown tons of cool stuff in that week: the establishment of martial law, the early battles for containment, the learning process of how turning occurs, the media response, the big city battles of military vs walkers, the transistion from safezone to detainment camp, etc.
Yep, I'd have liked to see more of that stuff, too.
I think part of it is that human nature takes over the military. Pretty soon they cant help but be tyrants or abuse their power. Because they can. It's just what happens to men when circumstances push hard enough.

I was loving the pacing of the show until the they introduced the military. Then i think they went too fast. How did it go from riot to national guard takeover in a day? Then they skipped ahead a week. You could have shown tons of cool stuff in that week: the establishment of martial law, the early battles for containment, the learning process of how turning occurs, the media response, the big city battles of military vs walkers, the transistion from safezone to detainment camp, etc.

Yep, I'd have liked to see more of that stuff, too.

Right? I thought that was the whole point of them rewinding the timeline to the beginning of the outbreak. So we could see the social infrastructure break down.

It's a very curious decision to hit the FF button now. I'm just not understanding their reasoning. Some of the storytelling choices on this show are a little baffling to me, to be honest.

That said, it does seem to be finding more solid footing in these last couple of episodes, but it seems to me a lot these issues could (and probably should) have been foreseen and worked out a little better well in advance.

But here's hoping they keep trending in the right direction.
I'd be willing to bet some of these odd choices are probably budget-driven. Giant zombie battle sequences are super expensive. Look at the mother-ship show. No matter how huge TWD has gotten in the ratings (or how much money it's earned AMC), they've always kept the production relatively low budget. Same for this one, I guess.

Though that doesn't explain why characters aren't panicking and screaming questions about what's happening in the rest of the country or panicking about the virus or panicking because they can't go to work or panicking because they're running out of money -- is money still a thing? -- or just panicking in general. Nobody seems to be all that panicky at this point. It's just not realistic. You can panic on a budget, AMC!

Also -- total side note -- it doesn't make any sense to me that in a city of 10 million people some guys in Humvees have been able to keep what surely must be a tsunami of zombies away from a chain link fence. And they're not even seeing anything from a distance except a flashing light in a window? Seems like the density of zombie incidents should be a lot higher because of the population. Production budget, I'm sure. But still.