Fear The Walking Dead

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ok.. I might be stupid but can anyone explain to me why the Military would now even kill everyone in the safe zone ?? not getting it.. if its so obvious that human race is running danger to get extinct.. why not safe every soul they can ?
ok.. I might be stupid but can anyone explain to me why the Military would now even kill everyone in the safe zone ?? not getting it.. if its so obvious that human race is running danger to get extinct.. why not safe every soul they can ?

Maybe they don't want to spend the resources to save additional people? If they truly know the world is gonna go to ****, maybe they only have enough supplies and energy to save a few hundred thousand. Maybe they don't want people from LA? :)
I just hate that no is asking any "big picture" questions. The ex-wife has a relationship with the lady in the medical tent and the dad is constantly chatting it up with the head of the military crew and neither ever asks anything like "so is there any word on what caused this? How many states it has affected? Any other countries? What does the President say about all this?" Etc.
I just hate that no is asking any "big picture" questions. The ex-wife has a relationship with the lady in the medical tent and the dad is constantly chatting it up with the head of the military crew and neither ever asks anything like "so is there any word on what caused this? How many states it has affected? Any other countries? What does the President say about all this?" Etc.

Maybe it is a satire on how no one cares about anything but themselves? I dunno.
I just hate that no is asking any "big picture" questions. The ex-wife has a relationship with the lady in the medical tent and the dad is constantly chatting it up with the head of the military crew and neither ever asks anything like "so is there any word on what caused this? How many states it has affected? Any other countries? What does the President say about all this?" Etc.

I realized this as well.. its like all its about that little camp there.

When I first heard about this show.. I was hoping to see more about how this whole thing effects globally .. we dont se anything practically same as TWD ... same thing just a bit earlier where TWD started .. with a minimum of the perspective outside of the main characters whats going on...
Maybe it is a satire on how no one cares about anything but themselves? I dunno.

I guess. It just seems like in every other zombie movie people want to know what is going on and we as the audience will hear little snippets on radio or TV broadcasts, etc. Since this series isn't showing much in the way of society vs. the walkers (which I thought was the whole point) it'd be cool to at least hear about it. But we don't even get that.

Really we're just watching Alexandria Part 2 but with the military throwing their weight around instead of Rick's group and no characters to really root for. Watching a girl trying on clothes should not be the highlight of a zombie apocalypse show.
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I guess. It just seems like in every other zombie movie people want to know what is going on and we as the audience will hear little snippets on radio or TV broadcasts, etc. Since this series isn't showing much in the way of society vs. the walkers it'd be cool to at least hear about it. But we don't even get that.

Really we're just watching Alexandria Part 2 but with the military throwing their weight around instead of Rick's group and no characters to really root for. Watching a girl trying on clothes should not be the highlight of a zombie apocalypse show.

And what's wrong with that? :mad:
And what's wrong with that? :mad:

YEAH! What's wrong with that!

Nothing, in fact I think we should see that girl getting in and out of dresses for a good 10-20 minutes each episode. But the rest of the show should have like, you know, zombies and apocalypse and stuff. ;)

Now that would work. :naughty
..and I thought me wife switched to E! during the first commercial break and we left it on....
I liked this episode, and I'm liking the series in general.
Who is the guy in the tuxedo who saved junky-kids butt? He looks like an interesting character. And I thought the whole plot with the kidnapped soldier was great.
ok.. I might be stupid but can anyone explain to me why the Military would now even kill everyone in the safe zone ?? not getting it.. if its so obvious that human race is running danger to get extinct.. why not safe every soul they can ?

Plain and simple, they can't. There's just too many people to rescue. The army is barely holding together as it is, with guys dropping left and right, deserting, etc. There's no way they could safely bring everyone from the little communities to wherever it is they're regrouping. They might have even been running out of supplies which may have helped prompt cobalt. So the army basically see's it as saving people a lot of pain. They think everyone in those communities are toast the moment they leave and a million walkers descend on them like a wave. So one to the head saves those people from being eaten to death or turning from a bite.
Watching a girl trying on clothes should not be the highlight of a zombie apocalypse show.

And what's wrong with that? :mad:

Nothing, in fact I think we should see that girl getting in and out of dresses for a good 10-20 minutes each episode. But the rest of the show should have like, you know, zombies and apocalypse and stuff. ;)

YEAH! What's wrong with that!

dev would watch that.

You have done well dw316.

See what I mean?
The next and last episode of the season looks promising, but we should've seen that in the second episode. For every walker we've seen in this show, we've seen 10 instances of petty BS and hurt feelings over divorce. Sigh.

I don't want to see "broken" people. I want to see broken people.
Last part of this episode started to get promising... Hopefully they take all the criticism about the poopoo start and get things going... :lecture
The Forbes article mentioned how the show has pretty much already fast forwarded to a post-apocalypse and that it's pretty much "too late" to give us the show everyone was expecting. But TWD had lots of flashback episodes, some even showing the time before Rick woke up (like when Shane and Laurie were stuck on the freeway looking back at Atlanta.) No reason this show couldn't do the same. It might be silly that they would even have to but still, it can be done.