Thanks Josh. Means a ton coming from you!
The master will reveal more of his treasures soon....VERY SOON!

.... My weak attempt at an impression of "Igor" from Frankenstein.

Thanks Mike. Soon indeed!
Massive Pile of Work Update:
Ran into an unexpected slowdown today, of all days, had to help the folks with several important things today, and as a result my mojo was off some earlier. I did decide to extend the start of my break by a day or so, to get more done as a result.
So, no pics today, although, some are done, some are almost done, and there is paint on EVERYTHING....just not all are done. No way!

But some are close.
To expedite other work along with all these Hicks heads, I put half of those aside, although they are painted with basic skin and hairtones at least, so I could finish the other half by this week. That means, maybe, that those will wait until after my break. I
may get all done, but you guys don't know what this does to my back. After hours and hours sitting hunched in my chair, (I call it my Emperor's chair:emperor) soreness sets in and I simply can't sit anymore. So, that slows me. My mind and vision are clear though, as is my resolve, but my body betrays me from time to time. Dangit!
Anyway, stuff is getting done, and
lots of it! If I don't post most of it by tomorrow night, as much as I do for the pre-break period will be posted and shipped by Wednesday.
ABSOLUTELY! After that, I will be forced to close shop so I can clean up. I very much look forward to that time off and cleanup period.
Can't wait to have more workspace!!!!
That's where I am at present. And I promise, NO APRIL FOOL'S stuff here. No time for that kind of crap. If I don't have it all done, I'm afraid that's for real. But I so wish! If anything, at this point, I'd be april fooling if I said it was all done.
I know all you guys are watching and waiting, and again,
thanks so much! Knowing you're out there give me more incentive, and helps me to get it done for you. That is my only motivation.
Anyway, until my pics. Hope your weekend was good. Mine was kinda...well...
I painted....

No surprises there.
(I actually dreamed I was painting last night!

FIRST TIME I ever dreamed that too, it's followed me in my dreams...funny dream. I'll tell you about it later...)
BACK TO WORK! For a couple more days.....