Hey Les.
Did you manage to get the reference together for the Peter Lorre? Just wondering...
Loving the stuff too. Hicks looks AWESOME.
And thanks Cap! I hoped you like that Aragorn.
And to all I owe Hicks heads to (and Superman and other heads), I will be back on those as soon as my break is over. I have started on ALL of them!
All. So, it won't take me long to finish them after my break is over. I apologize again about the delay, as I really tried to get them done before I took off, but it didn't work out. I did try.
They will be among the first things I finish when I start back, and all of you with one coming, will be shipped your's as soon as possible thereafter. Thanks for your understanding.
And regarding the Peter Lorre, DarkAngel,
I'm afraid I've had no time!

Sorry mate! Believe me! (That's one I really want! And I will get that info to you asap!) for the past couple of days, I have been trying to get as much finished work shipped off to folks from here, so I can start my break. Today is sort of the first real day I haven't painted, and it's consisted of taking my Mom to two stores, eating out at two places, and unloading two full carloads of stuff from large hauls from which we are both exhausted! I think she overdid her "Les' first day off agenda!"
Anyway, trying like hell to get where I can do more work,( NO REST FOR ME for a while) so I can clean this mess of a house. So, it's gonna be days of going through all my paints, figures, boxes, etc. and redoing, cleaning etal, for about a week, then some time off. LOTS TO DO!
Also, quick note to anyone interested,
I note that Wofford is selling his Andy sculpted Bale heads now. If anyone is interested in my painting any, I would be happy to. Just email me at my
[email protected] address, and work it out with Wofford about shipping the heads that you buy, to me. I will process them here when they arrive and try to get them into my loop in a reasonable time after my break.
Email me if you are interested in that aspect. Otherwise, I am happy to see him selling them, no matter how you get one! He is doing a kind thing. Thanks Wofford! Cool of ya bro!
Be back with more info when I can.
Thanks all.
PS: I am responding to emails once a day now, so if you need to reach me, I will check that and my often full PM box here in the meantime, as often as time allows. Thanks.