Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Jeez-ow Les! That is an amazing amount of stuff you cleared out! Great work, the garage looks like a usable space now :rock

Hey Les,
I'm curious, what came in that large red Darth Vader box?
I think that is the Koto ROTS Vader kit. :D

Ah okay, anytime I see Star Wars boxes that don't look familiar, I get curious if there's a cool product out there I wasn't aware of, and I know Les has some things that aren't from the mainstream in his collection.
Ah okay, anytime I see Star Wars boxes that don't look familiar, I get curious if there's a cool product out there I wasn't aware of, and I know Les has some things that aren't from the mainstream in his collection.

Oh totally! I do that all the time. I rush up and grab a box that looks new... only to realize it's something I already knew about. It's a sickness. :monkey2
:lol pics of amazing customs and now pics of a garage? :lol nice! :D

Yeah, sad. This cleanup has been my life for the last few weeks now. Ready to be done with it. But, it does tie in to my work so I thought I'd share it. And it does explain what's taken so long for me to get it all done. It's been hanging over me for months now, the need to clean up and make room again.

The room made in that garage also accomodates a lot more, sculpting needs and dremeling (in any weather now!) and much much more. I have a large project I want to start on soon, that requires some messy stuff, and this allows for it. :D

And, the sorting of my old stuff allows me to get rid of so much of that too. Needed purging is a good thing every now and then.
But, no worries, new customs are indeed coming. Back to it all very soon, and more original works too. Can't wait to get to those! :rock

And Sean, that is indeed the box for my Koto Vader. I have plans for it...
I love the shot of all your jokers in your signature Les, thats a very impressive collection of work:rock
Thanks GB.

Is that Curly from the 3 Stooges I see in the background? LOL!!
Oh, dibs on Jedi Luke and the Taun Taun!! :monkey3

The Curly is from the three pack of the boys I got years ago, and he and the other two are currently not for sale. They are in another pile. But, that prompts me to say "what keen eyes you have!" Ironman! :D You don't miss much!

As for Jedi Luke, noted, and the Tauntaun only goes with the Empire Hoth Han as well. They are a set.
I haven't figured prices yet, so let me solve all that, but if you still want those, I will hold them for you. Those Hoth uniforms are still solid work even if they are Hasbro.

I'd hoped to be pricing and photographing today, but since my guest, and temporary help, had to leave early Saturday due to an emergency, I have been at the cleanup alone, so it's gone slower since. Today I have the Storage room to do still, (think Garage light...about a quarter of that amount to do), so our $75 trash pickup pile is maxed out. Can't afford two of those at that price. (It was $25 last year for trash pickups, now it's $150 for the same amount, but the guy's letting me off for $75, and that's still steep! Damn city fees!!!)

Anyway, back to cleanup. I am also moving an old piano out of my room late this week, and will be building a nice multi-shelf entertainment center where it is now, and moving my TV over to there, and thusly making much more figure and work space, so I am nearing completion of my total overhaul cleanup. I am itching to move all the heads and work back in so I can restart. I looked at all of it, including all the Hicks heads last night, and am soon to be back to all that. The break's been about long enough. :google Just a few more days of moving before I can unpack and start.

Thanks all for your kind understanding of all this. It's been a LOT of hard work, but I think it will make my painting and custom work flow so much better. Instead of heads all out on tables and out exposed so, as I work, they will always be stored in special drawers and shelving and in better in-prog storage for proper work flow. Cannot wait to start my new system up! :rock

Lots yet to do! :duh
The Curly is from the three pack of the boys I got years ago, and he and the other two are currently not for sale. They are in another pile. But, that prompts me to say "what keen eyes you have!" Ironman! :D You don't miss much!

I don't miss much when it comes to 1:6 stuff. :D
great update Les. Wow, have you accomplished a lot!! I need to do something like this myself. The amount of crap that accumulates is unreal.
Dude that is alot of rubbish you got there, i cleaned out mu loft last month and as i was going through everythingi was like why did i keep this stuff. More room for more 1/6 boxes now.
I'll be watching out for your sale.
Got the storage room done today. Really knocking the "rubbish" out! :D
Cannot wait to paint again. Seems like years now...
Gonna get pics of some cool keeper stuff I have found in all my cleanup, and my long delayed sale stuff soon. :rock
Nice update Les! I'm VERY happy to hear about your progress in cleaning up. I know it will make your job so much easier with more space to work. Congrats on the clean up my friend! :D
Yeah, sad. This cleanup has been my life for the last few weeks now. Ready to be done with it. But, it does tie in to my work so I thought I'd share it. And it does explain what's taken so long for me to get it all done. It's been hanging over me for months now, the need to clean up and make room again.

The room made in that garage also accomodates a lot more, sculpting needs and dremeling (in any weather now!) and much much more. I have a large project I want to start on soon, that requires some messy stuff, and this allows for it. :D

And, the sorting of my old stuff allows me to get rid of so much of that too. Needed purging is a good thing every now and then.
But, no worries, new customs are indeed coming. Back to it all very soon, and more original works too. Can't wait to get to those! :rock

Congrats on the clean-up! Looks great! If it makes you feel any better, I've moved my collection of figs 8 times in the last 7 years. You purge a lot when you move and things you've kept even become ridiculous to you and you wonder why you've kept sumthin so long. It's cleansing in a way. Then when you first sit down to a fresh, new workspace, I think you tend to feel revitalized.
Congrats on the clean-up! Looks great! If it makes you feel any better, I've moved my collection of figs 8 times in the last 7 years. You purge a lot when you move and things you've kept even become ridiculous to you and you wonder why you've kept sumthin so long. It's cleansing in a way. Then when you first sit down to a fresh, new workspace, I think you tend to feel revitalized.

Exactly what I'm hoping for! :D Thanks Slade.

As for getting back to business...

To thwart the hoards of emails I am sure to get in the next week (they have already started...), let me keep you all informed here if I may.
I am about done with the major cleanup stuff. Today was a HIT HARD day, where it all kicked in and I have slept more than I had planned. Tried to sit though AVP-R and fell asleep three times (No reflection on the movie, although that's sure to give it's detractors ammo!:lol ) but I am just plain tired! It hasn't been so much a vacation as it has a time to work.

So, I will try to get my workspace back in shape by the weekend. And I do have more paint! FRESH PAINT! Goood paint! :rock and what I didn't get in person at the hobby shop in Jacksonville this last weekend, I have on order, so my paint needs are NIL! Thank God! Brushes are clean. Room is made.

I need to mount a shelving unit above my desk, so I can put all in progress work there, and keep it off my desk from now on, and that is about it. Move all the boxes of YOUR STUFF, from the other bedroom, sort it and put it in an order that I can attack it successfully.

Just so you all know, I will finish a couple of random single heads for folks first. Ie. some things I almost finished before all this, and mail those out asap. I hated not getting them done before I started this.

Then, I will attack those Hicks, and the remaining Superman heads and figures. These will be the LAST Reeve Superman figures I will be making. Period! PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME FOR MORE! :peace I appreciate your desire for them, and wish I could oblige, but with so much else on my plate to do now, I just cannot take on those anymore.

I will also get back to all the sets, ie. the groups of heads sent by folks, that have all VERY PATIENTLY waited through all this.
I have a LOT to do. So, all new work I accept, will be started in mid to late May. As long as that is cool, we're good. And I will be ready for it!

Again, sorry my break set things back so much, and I know you all understand, but it was essential, as I am sure the images of my garage pile shows. Just know, I am paint rested, even if my muscles ache from labor of cleanup. I am really excited again and ready to work.

I will start posting shots of finished work soon. Can't wait! So much to come!


My sale!
I will start that this weekend, as a part of my 1 year anniversary at YouTube. LOTS to move! Everything must go! It's gonna be the largest sale I've ever done, so it will come in waves I am sure. No way I can post all this at one time. There will be some here, in the sales thread, that is SSF only! And, some will be on Ebay. I will post links to those also.
I just hope I didn't throw too many shipping boxes away! :D

Thanks all for your AWESOME support in the last few weeks. I could not have done this cleanup without your understanding. It really means a lot to me and my family. The city came and picked up the pile today. It was hard to sit through. Hearing some cool stuff go "clunk" into that huge trailer. My beloved 1/2 scale JAWS shark head that I started in 1978, when actually talking to Robert Mattey, the man who actually made the sharks work in the movie, had to go. It was rotted and rusted and too far gone. It was a sad feeling. BUT, I can let all that go. And did.

Now, to new stuff! And more stuff for you guys!
It's a new day here at LesVille! Hang on! It's gonna be a wild (and hopefully, not too bumpy) ride!!! :rock

Hey Les,

Glad the clean-ups going well.

Is that a Slave Padme I spot buried in that pile?

Yes it is. I have/had almost every 12" Hasbro figure. So something's in there somewhere...
There is a lot more there, and coming. I'll post a lot soon. Got to make it where I much stuff! :monkey1
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