Quick update.
Everyone keeps asking if I am enjoying my break. Like, I'm sitting on a beach sipping brews watching babes...well, the only babes I've seen lately were at Walmart today, when I went and got another large storage box for my stuff that I am moving to the garage in my mass cleanup that has lasted six full LONG days now. I go to bed pretty sore, and wake up tired, but at least it's not sitting in one place all day like it was. Lots of exercise and I am losing weight like an athlete here!

Anyway, LOTS of cleaning happening. I got my room almost done. I HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF! Man! It's the density of it all that floors me. So much!
I have sold some stuff to a local buddy who came by and got the stuff I wasn't gonna post to sell here or on Ebay, so that's less, but it's like the tip of the iceberg.
Anyway, LOTS yet to do! My friend from Texas comes Wednesday to help me clean some (to be rewarded by a trip to Savannah Saturday!

), and Thursday, ALL DAY, it's THE GARAGE!!!!!! All day! Cleaning that rascal out so I can put all the boxes I've filled out there in a clean environment.
So much to go through.
And you guys think I'm sittin' around RELAXING. I love that!

Not til the cleanup's done. THEN, a day or two of real rest, then back to it!
No rest for the weary. But at least I haven't painted A THING in over a week now. Feels strange, and I long for it from time to time, but my cleanup is paramount to my future success, so, I clean.
More to come!
Oh, and do I have some cool loot for my contest!!! 
Major stuff!!!!!!
Anyone collect comics? How about a mint, bagged and boarded
Spawn #1!!! And more! Lots of first issues...
Contest info and loot list soon. Sales list soon too!