Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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I recieved my frist ever figuremaster_les painted masterpiece, a sunohc sculpted Ep.1 Obi-Wan.:chew

It took a little while, but it was well worth the wait. Now I can't wait to see my spikey haired Hicks.:monkey5

I can't stop looking at him, the amount of detail, the eyes/iris' are so lifelike, even the subtle shadowing on the ridges of his ears.:google I now know why he is called "The Figuremaster".:D
Quick update.

Everyone keeps asking if I am enjoying my break. Like, I'm sitting on a beach sipping brews watching babes...well, the only babes I've seen lately were at Walmart today, when I went and got another large storage box for my stuff that I am moving to the garage in my mass cleanup that has lasted six full LONG days now. I go to bed pretty sore, and wake up tired, but at least it's not sitting in one place all day like it was. Lots of exercise and I am losing weight like an athlete here! :D
Anyway, LOTS of cleaning happening. I got my room almost done. I HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF! Man! It's the density of it all that floors me. So much!

I have sold some stuff to a local buddy who came by and got the stuff I wasn't gonna post to sell here or on Ebay, so that's less, but it's like the tip of the iceberg.

Anyway, LOTS yet to do! My friend from Texas comes Wednesday to help me clean some (to be rewarded by a trip to Savannah Saturday! :rock), and Thursday, ALL DAY, it's THE GARAGE!!!!!! All day! Cleaning that rascal out so I can put all the boxes I've filled out there in a clean environment.
So much to go through.

And you guys think I'm sittin' around RELAXING. I love that! :rotfl
Not til the cleanup's done. THEN, a day or two of real rest, then back to it!
No rest for the weary. But at least I haven't painted A THING in over a week now. Feels strange, and I long for it from time to time, but my cleanup is paramount to my future success, so, I clean.

More to come!

Oh, and do I have some cool loot for my contest!!! :rock
Major stuff!!!!!! Anyone collect comics? How about a mint, bagged and boarded Spawn #1!!! And more! Lots of first issues...
Contest info and loot list soon. Sales list soon too! TOO MUCH, MAN! :monkey5
Hey les, If it would help, you can come take my wife to the hospital and I'll clean up your stuff for you. Make sure you have plenty of room when you get back too. :rolleyes:
were at Walmart today,

hey i've been in that wal-mart when i went to the pre-bid in waycross. i got there a little too early so stopped in there on the way. if only i had realized how close the muesum of Les' customs was. i keep kicking myself about that one.

random question about the stuff you're getting rid of. would any of it consist of a sideshow scully? if so i'll have to pm you.
I got an email saying my PM box was full. Sorry those of you that tried to PM me. Just buried in home stuff during this break of mine and I don't get online to clear my box as often.

Anyway, please email me at [email protected] if my box is full again.

Still cleaning! More to do! Lots of stuff seperated out for trade, sales, and prizes in my upcoming contest, I hope I can get free again soon.

Thanks all for your comments and contacts.

Rienhardt, messages and other things received as well as goods! :joy
Thanks bro!

And thanks Customikey. Enjoy your lil item. :D

Be back when I can!
Hey Les, I know you have a crazy long lead time for your repaints, which is fine by me as I'd need time to get together the money and I'd also like to see what Sideshow does with the new line but...

I have this crazy idea. I LOVE Abe Sapien but the Sideshow figure it just not acceptable. I'd like to put Abe on to a Hot Toys body, only problem is, his body is painted and has fins. So my question is, would it be possible/plausible for you to do repaint on of Abe's heads (or even just one of them) and repaint a Hot Toys body to match as well as adding the fins from the Sideshow body to the Hot Toys body? If so, what kind of money would that run? I would only really want/need the parts of the body that aren't covered by his wetsuit to be painted.
Sounds like my garage Les! I've been going through so much stuff it's un-frakkin-real.
I just want my garage back!!! Aaaaauuuuggghhh!

3 buddies spent the better part of a Sat. helping me organize and move out sixth scale "stuff". I now have two aisles in my garage!! :D I hate the sight of cardboard!!
Damn Les !.
From all that painting straight to this lot !.
Your a hard working guy bro !. I seriously couldn't do that , I would be dead by now ! :lol
Hope you manage to get some decent relaxation time on your hands !.
It sucks to have so much to do , I'm ripping a room apart myself at the minute ( slowly but surely anyway ) but I'm sure it will be great to get it done.
Good luck !!.
Quick update. Today was DAY OF DESTINY! WHere I attacked my overloaded and over full garage and cleaned it. It was NASTY work, twelve long hours from 7am to 7pm, but I got it done! You could park a car in there now, and DA Josh has been in it, and he knew what it was, the place all bad boxes go when they die!
But now, it is open and clean and I am able to store more out there in a clean environment.
But man! That is the hardest work I have ever done. I did have help, a buddy of mine from Texas was here and we worked at it all day. I am sore in places I didn't know you could be sore. I have blisters all on my feet, and dust and grime that took a long shower to remove, so word of advice to others out there, NEVER let your storage get as nasty as all that.
Anyway, the worst of my off-time cleaning is done now. I am gonna take a day of rest, and Saturday, take my buddy to Savannah for the day, and eat seafood, and walk the hallowed streets of my onetime college town. And think not a thought of work or paint or cleaning or anything...well...I may drop by a ToysRUs...Hey! IT's me!

Anyway, another week before I am really back to speed painting wise, so please be patient a tad longer. And know I am really starting to feel the itch again. More to come and after a nice, away from it all type of break. Thanks all for letting me do this. I hugged my Ma tonight, (cause she made us supper and a nice dessert...which is hard for her now...) and it was all for her. Me too, but you know what I mean.

So, soon guys! I miss the banter! I need to catch up! See who has a Wolf yet, and who's getting what and who likes this and that again. After going through all my stuff, and throwing away a lot of junk (You don't want to know!) I am about ready for some sales and contest stuff and a lot of back to work! Just one more decent weekend a few more days to catch up again, and we're off!

Til then, hope all you are well!
Great to hear Les... garages and storage places can get pretty scary if left unchecked! Good job fighting the good fight :rock
Yeah, I got an A/C storage room that is MOSTLY my stuff to clean out later this year...if...and when...we finally move into a family house we've been trying to get into for almost 2 years now. So, I got that big job to look forward to later on! :google :D

Good to hear you got your garage cleaned. I know it's gotta be a good feeling Les! :D

Here is my newly cleaned garage (Didn't think to get before wouldn't have believed them anyway...)



Looks like a normal garage again.

Here's the stuff we cleaned out of it...


Pile's 40 feet long, and about 8 feet high. Almost all the stuff was dirty, damaged or worse. Hated throwing out my beloved Jaws shark head I labored on years ago, and never finished, but I had to. It was rotten and nasty. End of an era. But, if I can throw that out, I can toss anything!

Here's some of the upcoming sales stuff


And some of these boxes will be for sale or trade.



I am not keeping many of them, so most will go. A detailed list of all the sale stuff is coming soon. Still going through it all.
I'll post a lot in the sales area soon. MUCH more to come!
Wow! You were not kidding when you said you have been working hard. That pile of garbage is amazing. I hope you have a neighborhood pickup soon! :lol

And I just noticed your Joker page in your sig. I'm honored to see mine in there among your other classics. :bow
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