Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Thanks guys! Seriously.

I just got back from some errands and was at Walmart, with some money I had from sales here at home, and just went nuts with the new Indy toys! LOL! So I got enough 12"ers to get my 1/6 Ark of the Covenent ordered. No matter what, I wanted that, so I got it. Cheered me up some just to go nuts for a change. Haven't done that in ages!
Plus, now my Indy has a swordsman to deal with! :D

Back to the house and more cleaning. I am taking Ma to yard sales Saturday morning, to get her out of the house some, as she LOVES yard sales, and I'll be looking for shelving and work oriented storage space, so I can finish this cleanup, in spite of the piano delay, and get my paints going again. I did have to order some more flat acrylic clearcoat, because, DUMMY ME, I ordered all this paint from Testors, and forgot to order clearcoat with it all. It's set up on a seperate page on the online order page, anyway, not that I am at the point where it's urgent, but I clearcoat all your heads I paint, and that is crucial. So, at least that is coming now! LOL!

Thanks guys. I am fighting the good fight here.
Seeing Ironman tonight, and hope to just relax from all the recent seriousnless a bit before this weekend of work begins again.
I really need to paint now. What is it they say, It's in my blood! So, I need to get to work again. I'm actually craving it now. SO many ideas. I guess I am rested from that at least! :joy

Again, thanks guys.
Ma thanks you too.
I know it must be hard to have to put your Mother into a nursing home. My parents and my wife's parents are all in their 60s now. We hope to have to never put any of them in a home, but someday it may just come to that. My wife works hard at her full-time job, and then comes over to her parent's house every night to help her mother who is in a wheelchair now. She cooks dinners, cares for her mother and cleans their house, and washing clothes and all of that. I help her out as much as I can too with all of that.

But, as I've seen some board members here say already, that a nursing home CAN give her more "around the clock" constant care, that you couldn't Les. Since you have to do your job of custom painting and that other work you do to make "ends meet" as it is your livelyhood for surviving.

You have my constant prayers and support my friend! I can wait to get my stuff from you. Just whenever you are ready to do it and then send them to me. I will be waiting patiently (a hard thing for me since I'm VERY guilty of being impatient!). Many of us on this board have "got your back" my friend!

As Chris Chulamanis always said...."VBR" (Very Best Regards)!

Mike Buckley

PS - Hey that's great you found the new Indy toys! I want to get the new 12" figures too. At least the Cairo Swordsman, Indy (because I need the correct colored shirt under my custom Indy's jacket), and the Mutt Williams. I have a doubt that Sideshow won't make Shai Lebeouf. Or....maybe they will? But I definitely want that exclusive 1:6 scale Ark Of The Covenant! The Wal-Mart toy manager told me here that that won't put the new stuff out until May 5 down here.
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Weird! Indy toys are due out nationwide today. That's not fair.
Anyway, hope you snag what you seek Mike. And thanks for the kind words.
Weird! Indy toys are due out nationwide today. That's not fair.

I don't think Massachusetts got the memo either, I was told tomorrow though, my stores havent' even gotten it let alone put it out.

Les, I shot you an email, wish you the best dude, glad you found a pick-me-up today though. There is nothing like running through the toy aisles snagging stuff up like a 5 year old. Midnight Madness for the ROTS stuff was one of the most exciting collecting things I've done, and I was so pumped and crazy I had it all in like 5 minutes, I waited hours in line for 2 seconds to snag it up, course took DAYS to open it all up and check it out. It was like a MasterCard commercial.

Gas to drive to toy store, $15
Sitting in a parking lot waiting to buy toys, FREE
Dropping $800 on toys in 5 minutes, Priceless

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Les.
It must be really tough, and scary, to see that things just go beyond one's control and capabilities.
But the important thing to know is that in our hearts we have done and given all we can to the people who have made us (literally).
I find the level of love you have demonstrated for your parents is beautiful.
Take care buddy.
Wow, some news I'm sure is playing on your mind constantly, Les. I'm sorry to hear about your mum and hope the place she goes to is a good one. The important thing of course is to remember that you did so much for her. There was no failing here.

As for failing us, GET OUTTA HERE!! we can all be patient for your work. work is never as important as other stuff. i've never met your mum, but in a small way i feel like i know her - i love how you talk about your family. it makes you one of the most human people on these boards and why everyone can always relate to you. i think we all feel like we know her and hope she gets better more than we hope we get our little plastic heads back.

take it easy brolene.
Keep up the amazing work Les !
Sorry to hear about your mum , I had to do the same with my grandmother but only for a few months and even that was hard so it can't be a nice experience.
Hang in there bro and enjoy IORNMAN !!! You definitely deserve it !
If your mom does end up in a home, make sure it's a good one.

My dad works for Sunrise Assisted Living and has heard of some horrible places and great ones, but that's in our state.
Thanks for the comments and thoughts guys.
Yesterday was a great day of escape, but I had to fight for it. Ma is down a lot, and I had to have an up day to deal with all this, so Indy toys and Ironman helped. (Ironman is GREAT!!! Go see it! Man, it sold me on that Mark 3 suit completely! I was all Monger and Mark 1, which are both awesomely cool, but that Mark 3 suit kicks serious ass now, so I am stoked for any possible Hot Toys release!!!! Robert Downey Jr, whom I've actually met, was stupendous! GO SEE THIS MOVIE NOW!!!)

Anyway, back to reality. Packing and working today, and trying to keep Ma's spirits up. Thanks for the understanding. Lots to do. Long days ahead. Much to be done.
It helps knowing you all give a damn.
Off to ship a LOT of packages! HUGE lot!
All that's left are those waiting for other things to ship with them, or who I am waiting for to pay. But the rest are about to haul! Shipping emails as soon as I am home!
That's great to hear from you Les that Iron Man is an awesome movie! My wife and I really want to go see it together soon. Yeah, I was really shocked she actually DID want to go see a comic book hero movie with me for once!
Les, I'm very sorry to hear about your mom and I hope I'm not overstepping the bounds of good taste, but I have to say that in the days ahead you will find comfort in knowing you stuck it out as long as you could, and did all and more that any son could. You are truly an outstanding human being because too often elderly parents are shuffled off for convenience. I cared for my grandmother up until a couple months before her death and it is physically and emotionally taxing beyond belief to those who haven't been through it so you have my utmost respect. God bless you.
Thanks AH. That means more than I can say. I appreciate the comfort in that.

Here is something arty. I have managed to start some meager paints again, so those will come soon! But here is a beneficiary of that, repainted my 6" MM Joker! (GOD this stuff is small compared to 1/6!)


Touched up the vest and shoes also.
Better pics when I can. This was just a quickie.
NICE! I'm going to be tackling this soon and I am sooo nervous about it. Been a LONG time since I did anything that small. Hope I can do something cool with it. :lol
NICE! I'm going to be tackling this soon and I am sooo nervous about it. Been a LONG time since I did anything that small. Hope I can do something cool with it. :lol

I'm sure you will do fine. Or at least, you better be! :lol

I'm sure you can do better than the factor paint with your eyes closed.

Les just improved that figures 10X. Heck, if he just got rid of that stray red line, he would have doubled the figure's awesomeness.
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