Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Wow, that looks really great Les - plus that is a really small scale to work with! by the way, did you happen to stay until the end of the credits for an extra clip in IM?
Thanks guys! And yeah, Josh, no worries man. You'll nail it. Just indulge bro! :rock
It is SMALL stuff for this guy! Hard to do, but do-able. Cool figure, but I don't like how the head sorta sits off kilter on the neck. he only looks good looking to his left. Sort of a weird posture. But overall, a cool figure. Love the hunch in his neck. Nice thing to add.
Back to the brushes! Like my Joker avatar says, Where do we begin?! I am trying to restart paints all the while still rearranging in here. REmaking my work area all the time.
I will post a schedule soon. Trying to figure one out to be honest. I have a ton of backlogged stuff, so making a realistic schedule is hard. I want to paint on all of them, but can only do bits here and there, so it will take time to get them all going.

I can guess this, a rough plan I have been thinking,
SOme loose heads that are almost finished first. Singles and some small sets for folks.
Then, the entire Hicks run, already started. About 30 total of those, so they will be another week or so. Then back to the Supermen! I will try to get all that done within a couple of weeks.
Beyond that are Predators, whole and just heads, then back to people, like bags of heads for one or two of you that are waiting. A mummy that is almost done and more to ship.
I will ship any unshipped garage sale items with the lots mentioned for those that had head orders waiting, so you get all your loot at one time. ALmost shipped JediMike his Batmans, but with his Superman redo in there, just hang tight Mike. I'd rather send all that at one time. You'll get your Keatons and Reeve in one happy pack!

And you other Superman figure guys, hang tight! I have new capes coming, and those are close to being made. The lady that makes them for me forgot how to do them! So I have been back and forth just on those. They are coming soon though, so I'll update that set in a couple more weeks. THIS MONTH if possible! All the above in May for sure.

Reworking a cool, plain Jack Napier head. I hope any of you that want one, will like this one too.

Hard restarting in some ways, Ma still needs lots of time. But I am getting back into it. For the record, Ellen has yet to come get the piano. Can't blame her, she is probably buried in wedding plans and she is young, so this is not a priority for her. That is keeps me in a state of dissarray is probably not very important to her. Bad planning on my part. SHoulda considered that. Anyway....on I go.

So, where do we begin? With a brush, some paint, water, and some heads....
See ya soon! With pics in progress.

It's good to be back! :rock
great to hear Les!!! Hopefully you are well refreshed from your break (even though it sounded more like overtime work than an actual break)
Yeah, I am ready to paint again. Took ma out to some yardsales saturday, and I think that lifted her spirits some to get out. And, turns out a med she's been on was nationally recalled this weekend, so that got replaced and she's doing better from that as well. So, that buys me time to get back to business! Ready and willing!
Thanks guys!

Also, been prepping some major additions to my Batman 1939 set of customs (remember the upcoming Challenge!!!!) and so I posted my entire Dr Death comic in my Batman page at my website. It's linked in my sig and is here also, for anyone who hasn't seen that old thing: BATMAN 1939
Go see and have some laughs. Got to keep the pre-DK madness going!
I am stoked! :rock
Man, can't wait to see who is added to your Rogues Gallery Les!!! Or maybe this will be an ally of Batman?!? Anyway, very excited to see what you come up with, the 1939 Batman series is still one of my favorite customs of all time. All of them are just brilliant :rock
Man, can't wait to see who is added to your Rogues Gallery Les!!! Or maybe this will be an ally of Batman?!? Anyway, very excited to see what you come up with, the 1939 Batman series is still one of my favorite customs of all time. All of them are just brilliant :rock

Wow! Thanks GB. As are your new customs! Save some for the challenge! :lol You are making them left and right these days!

Yeah, some allies and some enemies. Might be as few as two, and as many as four new characters for the 1939 set. Gonna be a full house when I get finished with 'em!

Just got finished installing a nice new shelving unit for paint and heads above my desk. NOW, FINALLY, I can put away all heads that I am currently working on, on a daily basis, so I am not overwhelmed visually and can focus on all projects better. Plus, my desktop is more cleared, and that will be conducive to a better workflow too. Trying to max out my minimal space for maximum effort.

Man am I excited!
I can feel the FORCE! :maul
Ready for battle! :legolas :gimli :aragorn
Must return the Ring! :gandalf :frodo :ring

Got lots to do! :D
Welcome back to your "element" Les! I know you've been itching to get started again. I can't wait to see your new work....including the stuff you're doing for me! :D
Recently started a thread about a Jack Napier head I am working up, it's in the General Section, and will be starting another one soon that may be something you guys want also. Will update on that as soon as I can.
So any interested parties wanna comment on the Jack, please go do so. I'll be done taking any considerations on this soon.

Looked at your Supes today Mike. No worries man. I am gonna see what I can do. :rock
Les, I JUST read your Batman comic and checked out our custom figures. Holy shiznit, that is awesome!!!! The comic was so well done and the figures are outstanding. Clicked to see your Catwoman entry that once again, perfection.

Great job bro.
Les, I JUST read your Batman comic and checked out our custom figures. Holy shiznit, that is awesome!!!! The comic was so well done and the figures are outstanding. Clicked to see your Catwoman entry that once again, perfection.

Great job bro.

Thanks Reiny! Here's a sneak peak at upcoming additions to my site (NOT to be confused with all new upcoming challenge figures due in July! These were made a while back...)

Here's my 1939 Joker and Catwoman...up to no good!


Catwoman with Kitty...


And as just Selina Kyle in hiding....


More to come as I add these to my site. Thanks again bro.
I really like that shot of Dr. Death with his two henchmen in the back - the pose is simple but fantastic
Awesome pics Les! Looks phenomenal... The cat sells it. :lol

She totally fits the period and still feels like Catwoman. I absolutely LOVE it. :rock
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