I heard from Anthony! He's still out there Mike. I will ask him about a special box for your Supes. He may be a smidgeon too tall for the one I used to use, or it may work. If so, I will make sure he makes another one or two. They are nice. Has my LWFM logo on it and everything.
Ok, I posted I had to take Ma out of town yesterday to two doctors. Went ok. I think we have some good news coming with her. Still looking at a home sometime, but not immediate. Her day was a good one for the most part. Long, and I am tired from it, but a good day nonetheless.
However, speaking of HOME...
Get this, I take the entire month of April to try and clean up and do so much here at home, and was pretty much done... and WHILE I WAS AWAY yesterday, my BRILLIANT Dad sets up an entire redo of our living room ceiling for....
TODAY! YES! As I frickkin' type, redneck guys I have never met are dismantling our living room, WHERE MA SITS ALL DAY, and are coating it in plastic, and are about to spray the entire ceiling! And...it gets better....
Piano is still in my room, right! Still NO PIANO REMOVED...and get this...to repair my old ceiling,
they are gonna have to sheet rock it!
How can I say what I am feeling today...
It's been a tough enough couple of weeks, and now this.
I've put them off my room, "For now" they say...for now...for now....
When do I get to finish my own frickin' room! WILL THIS CRAP END!?!?!??!?!?!?!
I am sequestered away in there at present, painting in bursts and bits, but I HAVE to go and monitor what is going on, and see to Ma, and her lunch, move furniture...clean up the wood floor these MORONS have rolled large scaffolds over bare....BARE!!!!
THIS SUCKS! I am thinking, it may be time to move.
Sorry to rant, but with all your work looming on me, and arguments to folks that I need to work, and all I get is, "I know, you've told us" but apparantly NO RESPECT FOR MY WORK....I am angry. I will calm down, but this was uncalled for. I have done a lot for them, and SO MUCH lately, to do this to me, now, is unfair.
Hopefully this will settle down. I'll calm down and post pics soon.
All will be well.
Living with older parents means that there are always complications.
Hopefully, at some point, I'll have the
damned best workspace/room imaginable. If I can just weather this day.
So, anyway, what were we talking about? Oh, boxes! Anthony!
I'll post info on this as soon as I have it. And pics of heads too.
Coming as soon as I can, Miller head, Roses from Dr Who, Anakins, Obi-Wans, Aragorns, A Goldfinger, a Mummy, MANY HICKS HEADS, a Goonies Sloth, James Bond (various incarnations), Some repainted Predators, Some Mexican soldier guys from THE ALAMO, some Hudsons, some more Jokers, More 9th Doctors, SUPERMAN in various incarnations, and hopefully soon, Bale heads, another Faramir, and lots more! Including Mad Max, various Batman related figures, and THE CHALLENGE SET!
So, breathing dust, moving furniture, calming Ma, and painting stuff!