Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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And as just Selina Kyle in hiding....


More to come as I add these to my site. Thanks again bro.

Not sure what body that's on, but she looks hot, is that wrong :lol Great job Les.
Thanks guys! I really enjoyed those, and will be posting new shots of them on my website this month. Then, when the challenge comes due, look for yet more new figures to join this set.

Thanks everyone. And Capuchi, appreciate that. I spent a lot of time on that comic. Hope to do a sequel of sorts soon. The actual sequel is in Detective comics, a few after Batman's first appearance. Within that first year. This was my prequel story to that very comic tale (which is the first two part or recurring villain story in Batman history!), so I appreciate any acknowledgements.

And, naughty boy Maulfan! :naughty
Quick comment to all who are asking me this lately...
NONE of the Batman 1939 set of figures, including Batman himself, are for sale. Thanks!
Okay, if not for sale... then can you donate them to a worthy cause. Namely me :monkey3

I'll make sure to put that in my will! :D

I had to post that here, because I have had several offers in emails lately, from some folks that I don't know from here and from outside, and just wanted to state it somewhere at least.
Not to say I won't make others later on, but this particular set isn't is all.


Look for some Roses soon. Among several other things.....:naughty
my mum just said she thought this fig was great ! . She hates all my figures everywhere so thats definitely a compliment !! :lol
Having seen the 1939 set in person, I can say that it is THE best figures in Casa-De-Les. A testament to his skill, and something that is really close to his heart. Every time I go over there I just drool over them. And it was seeing them the first time that inspired me to make my own Batman set. It really is awesome. Catwoman is just another fantastic chapter in the story.
Recently started a thread about a Jack Napier head I am working up, it's in the General Section, and will be starting another one soon that may be something you guys want also. Will update on that as soon as I can.
So any interested parties wanna comment on the Jack, please go do so. I'll be done taking any considerations on this soon.

Looked at your Supes today Mike. No worries man. I am gonna see what I can do. :rock

Oh THANK YOU SO MUCH Les! :D I'm really really looking forward to seeing your improvements for him using that DCD Classic Superman body for me! Like you said I should get the best Christopher Reeve Superman out there....well other than the one you made that "pjam" has now! That one is flat-out incredible! Did you make a custom box for him for it too? I'd love to get a custom box for mine...someday. No rush on that though.
I didn't make the boxes for my figs, Mike. Anthony Durso from the Toyroom did. he makes great boxes, and is a hell of a guy. Affordable too! Your's might need a special box if he remains as tall....we'll see!
Got lots due before that though, but I will try to keep you as posted as I can.

Out of town today, due to taking Ma to two doctors. So, I will check back this evening.
Things are started. Workspace is cleaner. Yard is mowed! LOL! Ironman still rules at the box office and Indy is due soon! So all is moving a bit better. Updates soon guys.
Okay Les. Does Toyroom have a maybe, Or, do you have contact information for Anthony Durso for me? I'd like to see how much a Christopher Reeve Superman box from him would cost. Thanks Les, and just get to my stuff whenever you can. No big rush. :D
I just realized Anthony's website is down. I have emailed him to see if he can make more.
His boxes are astounding, and I hope I can get him back on the case. I'll keep you informed Mike. I hope he can make one for you for this.
Thanks Les. I'll stay in contact with you as always about that, and everything else. I really appreciate it! I found, but it's just another toys for sale site. Not Anthony's. It's good to know about it from you now. Hopefully he'll reply to you soon.
I heard from Anthony! He's still out there Mike. I will ask him about a special box for your Supes. He may be a smidgeon too tall for the one I used to use, or it may work. If so, I will make sure he makes another one or two. They are nice. Has my LWFM logo on it and everything.

Ok, I posted I had to take Ma out of town yesterday to two doctors. Went ok. I think we have some good news coming with her. Still looking at a home sometime, but not immediate. Her day was a good one for the most part. Long, and I am tired from it, but a good day nonetheless.

However, speaking of HOME...FUN FUN FUN!!! :monkey4
Get this, I take the entire month of April to try and clean up and do so much here at home, and was pretty much done... and WHILE I WAS AWAY yesterday, my BRILLIANT Dad sets up an entire redo of our living room ceiling for....TODAY! YES! As I frickkin' type, redneck guys I have never met are dismantling our living room, WHERE MA SITS ALL DAY, and are coating it in plastic, and are about to spray the entire ceiling! gets better....
Piano is still in my room, right! Still NO PIANO REMOVED...and get repair my old ceiling, they are gonna have to sheet rock it!
How can I say what I am feeling today...
It's been a tough enough couple of weeks, and now this.
I've put them off my room, "For now" they say...for now...for now....
When do I get to finish my own frickin' room! WILL THIS CRAP END!?!?!??!?!?!?!

I am sequestered away in there at present, painting in bursts and bits, but I HAVE to go and monitor what is going on, and see to Ma, and her lunch, move furniture...clean up the wood floor these MORONS have rolled large scaffolds over bare....BARE!!!!

THIS SUCKS! I am thinking, it may be time to move.
Sorry to rant, but with all your work looming on me, and arguments to folks that I need to work, and all I get is, "I know, you've told us" but apparantly NO RESPECT FOR MY WORK....I am angry. I will calm down, but this was uncalled for. I have done a lot for them, and SO MUCH lately, to do this to me, now, is unfair.

Hopefully this will settle down. I'll calm down and post pics soon.
All will be well.
Living with older parents means that there are always complications.
Hopefully, at some point, I'll have the damned best workspace/room imaginable. If I can just weather this day. :duh

So, anyway, what were we talking about? Oh, boxes! Anthony!
I'll post info on this as soon as I have it. And pics of heads too.

Coming as soon as I can, Miller head, Roses from Dr Who, Anakins, Obi-Wans, Aragorns, A Goldfinger, a Mummy, MANY HICKS HEADS, a Goonies Sloth, James Bond (various incarnations), Some repainted Predators, Some Mexican soldier guys from THE ALAMO, some Hudsons, some more Jokers, More 9th Doctors, SUPERMAN in various incarnations, and hopefully soon, Bale heads, another Faramir, and lots more! Including Mad Max, various Batman related figures, and THE CHALLENGE SET!

So, breathing dust, moving furniture, calming Ma, and painting stuff!
Man, that really does suck Les.... I'm sorry to hear that bro. I hope you are able to get it all straight, I know it can get a little overbearing at times. :google

Best of luck today, keep your head up man. :duff
Les, sorry to hear things aren't going so hot for you, hope you can find some escapism in your work and block out what's going on for a time to find some peace.

Chin up bud :duff
Thanks guys!

Here's the living room as it is now, it was NORMAL just hours ago...


And my newly accessorized work zone...I can put away all work at the end of the day...


At least I have it...

Anyway, back to it...

At least I have it...

Anyway, back to it...

Oooh, you mixed up the rotation, I see Godzilla 1954 has taken the place of 1993 there, very cool :rock Who makes that one Les, if you remember. I like seeing the TDK Batman figures representing in there as well.
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