That gleam in those eyes are what does it for me... they have so much life in them!
That is so true. Les is very good at bringing eyes to life. On my Joker I can just see the wheels turning in his head plotting his next move. It really is creepy.
That gleam in those eyes are what does it for me... they have so much life in them!
hells yeah les. everything has changed for me. having to sell some old stuff too like maybe a shock trooper and medi vader. then giving up any and all new SS SW stuff. giving up wolf pred, medi wicket. milk, cereal. regular shaving. buses. new underwear. hot water. focusing on upcoming TDK and iron man stuff only. and gandalf. and any pred 1 stuff that might get released.
don't forget the...............
Hey Les,
I recall you posting a pic of the Hot Toys POTC:AWE figure of Liz after you took her clothes off and sanded the seamlines. I can't find it in this mega thread nor in the POTC thread. Can ya PM or post it again?
Your PM box is full again
Thanks man!
And I'll see about that naked Liz stuff for you Ragicin.![]()