Les I really will try to get Faramir mailed this week.
Bless your heart!

Hang in there J! I'll be here bro. Send when you can. Hope you all are ok with the tornadoes and such!
Thanks Pjam for all that Sarah love!

Means a LOT believe me. Knowing you are that happy with her. Thanks man. I really mean it.
Let's see. Been busy. Mom's day was a day with Ma. She broke a toe on her bad foot, (she'd had surgery to "correct" her toes on her left foot and the doctor did a LOUSY job on them, so bad one sticks up and all, and she hit that one, we call it her bird toe...think about it...and broke it.) So she's worried about them having to amputate it and she's a diabetic, and foot problems are scary for diabetics, so that was her Saturday and Sunday. Hence my absence from here for over 24 hours. I was hanging with her mostly. She had an ok Mom's day. I gave her some new stainless steel flatware....
Working like a Trojan on a ton of stuff.
It's all going,
but slowly. LOTS of Roses, lots of Hicks and Reeses, some Hudsons, sculpting on that Jack Napier head is going great and should have some images soon...he's coming along, but with all else, in segments....tons of stuff,
And again, emails from some of you that are newer, that don't understand it takes me a while. I am gonna make out a sort of standard
"I'm not done yet, but will be soon" email for the newbies and just send that to all who ask of me within the next couple of weeks. Not angry with anyone of course, just frustrated that I can't reach all of you to let you all know I am trying to get it all done. There is just one of me...and you all know it is slow these days...but...
PROGRESS! There is progress, so TRUST ME! I will not fail you! None of you. That means YOU! The one sitting there thinking, "Yeah, he said that last time!" Yeah! YOU! I got ya covered! Your's is coming too!
Anyway...I hope to have actual images soon. What a concept! New stuff painted by me!

It will be soon I promise.
So anyway, thanks again Pjam and all you guys.
Oh, mailed yet more stuff off today.
Zoomaround, your Blade is on the way! Thanks! I hope the wait didn't wear off any adorable qualities I may have gathered over this time by making you wait....
So, more soon. I PROMISE! Gotta clear out my photobucket and start stuff in the gallery here...soon....