It's up in the General Section now (see link in my sig)
This has been a tough figure to make. With the time I have had, or lack of it, lack of sleep, lack of materials, and the incredible work by one BILLYB, I got the figure of my dreams.
In some ways, I wish I could make a hundred of them, but can't. I don't want to either. This one remains my own, like my own 1939 guy, and my three years in the making Nicholson one. So, he remains a solo act for me. Sorry all.
The head is available though, as it is a reworked version of the new DC Direct Joker head, just with more hair, and a neck that allows for fitting onto Dragon or Hot Toys neckposts. I will be offering it to anyone interested, when I can get some of this other work done! But, I will take interested parties names soon, so I can at least start on them before the Hot Toys ones arrive. Maybe.
Here are more shots, my new Ledger with my other custom Jokers...
And here is the head itself...
Hope you guys like the figure, and that it was worth the wait.
I'll tell ya, with what all is going on here, I am amazed I got him done at all. I only post this now, so I have SOMETHING to post. I needed something upbeat this week.
More heads and lots more stuff VERY soon! Hang with me guys. Thanks for your patience.