Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Les, I'm glad you were able to get a break and hang out with Josh. Which reminds me, when are we gonna hang out? :lol You gotta try to meet me in Nashville or somewhere closer to you.

BTW, I love your guys' Vic Freeze customs!
Thanks guys.
Forgot to mention, I got my custom Vader and Joker back from Maulfan yesterday, (Thanks again Sean!) and have both my Joker and the HT now, and the heads work great! The one on mine is permanent, but when I paint up one for the first ones, with the variants (Pencil Trick, Interrogation and Nurse, as mine is sorta already the Road Duel/pre-interrogation version already), I will post a pic of the heads on the HT body itself.

Having both in hand is really cool. Can't wait to do more with all this in a couple of weeks after I get past this other in-prog work.
Did you get the package I sent Les?
By the way...Bob is fixed!!!! All I have to do is a little sanding to blend the patch and he'll be on the way.

Cool Mr. Freeze video too. :rock I've always liked what you did with yours.
Glad you're back in the saddle Les. Josh on the FML throne?... have to admit, that threw me at first :lol Great pic...

Glad you Guys had fun. Love hearing these posts about Freaks Buddies.
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It really was a great trip, I was honored to be there and to work with my mentor and buddy. We did a lot and talked about a lot, time well spent!

"When will you make it end?!"

"When it is finished." :rock
Did you get the package I sent Les?
By the way...Bob is fixed!!!! All I have to do is a little sanding to blend the patch and he'll be on the way.

Cool Mr. Freeze video too. :rock I've always liked what you did with yours.

Yes I did! Thanks! All received.
The hat is on my Nich already! It rocks! Thanks buddy!
Will look for the Bob also. :rock
I assume you figured out how to use the Epoxy? It's not hard to use, but you do have limited soft time, then it's sanding and removal time, unless you add more new layers etc. You'll get it. It's like sculpy but with no baking needed, you just use the clock and more layers. Or a dremel tool and sanding etc.
Also, I don't have immediate access to any more of the green hair to offer for any more Joker addons. I have had a lot of requests for this addon to my Joker heads, and until I can find more (it was a fluke find to begin with) it is an element that may have to either wait til later additions, or be a delayed thing for those wanting it.

I have enough to do those that have paid for that extra so far, but none left for anyone else.
For now, with all I have going on, (More Ma stuff again, Josh can attest to some of this as he witnessed some of it this trip), I am just too busy trying to solve that now, with so many other previous heads in progress.

Let me get past this month's huge load, namely the loose heads, the Hickses and Hudsons and all those, and then when I start painting Jokers in September, I can look for more of the special hair I used on mine, and maybe, if I find enough, offer that to more of you. Sound ok?

It is at best an iffy add on anyway, and, fortunately, something that comes in after all the heads are painted, so in reality, I have a month or so to come up with more if it's even needed.
I just don't want to commit to more of you with that option until I know more. If I can't find just the right hair again, I won't offer any more. If I do, I will make sure the option is available to a select few more.
I want to accomodate as many of you that want to get it as is possible, but it will always be a limited thing.

Thanks for understanding this, and for appreciating what I did with it. Means a lot. :rock

Also, I cannot start any of the Jokers or Bales until I get past my current work. The older work understandably predates these Jokers and Bales by quite a margin, so please forgive my inablity to jumpstart any Jokers, no matter how in an understandable demand, ahead of the current workload.
I am working really hard to get to those and will try to expedite them as fast and well as is possible. I don't think there has ever been a more in demand head I have been involved with before. Honored to be able to offer it to you guys!

I am using my HT Joker as a test for the Pencil Trick makeup look, in advance of such a paint on my own heads, so that paint my be posted soon for your perusal. At least it will give you a look at what I would do with a HT head.

Anyway, trying to accomodate your wishes and dreams here! WORKing hard! :banana

Til I know more,

PS: My inbox was pretty full, so I had to delete some PMs to make room. Now a couple of you can pm me now. If I missed any, please try or email again. I would still appreciate emails instead of PMs as those I can still save and organize more easily and go though and respond to faster. Thanks again all!
Reposting myself as this post as some of you may not have seen it yet!

Thanks guys. BACK!
Dark Artist Josh has been here visiting with my Dad and I since Friday afternoon, so I didn't get much work done, (That's back to in full force today of course) but did we visit! Shared some great time and stories, figures, talked shop of course, the ins and outs of painting and customizing which is always fun, and more.

Saw a couple of movies together, we'd promised each other to see Dark Knight together one time, so that was my fourth and most likely last time at the theatre. (still no Imax, but maybe...) REALLY analyzed the Joker makeup variants as we watched and compared notes. Both of us working even then for you guys! :rock

So, it was a great visit. I needed the break, as did he.
Gave me a sort of a Ma break too. Kinda nice. I don't get too many of those even now.

Anyway, nice to get a break.

Here is Josh adding hair to my own personal DA original Michael Myers!

As you can see, I let him sit in the "Emperor Throne chair" at the FML bench for a while. That was too cool, to watch him work for a change. His dirtying methods have really developed since last visits.
We also shared ideas about workspaces and organizing and all that. Plus, got some of his critiques of some of YOUR heads and things I am working on. That was nice to have some creative feedback in that regard also. Always is.

And we did a video together (posted below) and took some shots of our work together

These are all his Michaels and Jasons. (I'll post this and more of this series of shots in his thread!) And sorry guys, that H1 Mike, as well as the Jason6, is MINE! :rock I get to finish the H1 knife though....

And here is the most fun part for me, our two original custom Mr Freeze figures together for the first time. Mine on the left, his on the right.


And the link to our first ever shared figure video:
FML n DA Mr Freeze vid!

So, that was our shared visit.
Had a great time Josh. Thanks bro for the comraderie. Great to share stories too! Can't wait til next time! :rock

OK, back to the salt mines! :whip
Back back with new work soon.
:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

I am stunned, yet again, that the universe did not collapse into a black hole, so much awesomeness in one place can not be safe.
good stuff Les! Amazing how busy you are, but not surprised at all...

Look forward to what pics you will be releasing next.
I guess it is some dangerous stuff...our getting together...:horror

And Reinhardt, I too look forward to what I will be posting next, new work wise that is! :D

Until then, one more weekend acheivement to post before getting back to it...

Here is my repainted Hot Toys Joker.
I went with the Pencil Trick Mob Board room look, because it's been just killing me to try somewhere (I think it's my favorite scene in the movie, and my favorite Joker look since seeing it ), until I can get to painting it on my heads for the guys, so here is MY Hot Toys repainted one.
(Plus it helps me to validate keeping the HT as well, as I was kinda sour on it when I first got it until I did something to it...sorry HT enthusiasts...but I'm all better now...I promise...:D )


With My head and figure custom

The two together in full body (Note much darker coat on my HT)

What good would all this be without a comparison and review vid?!?!?

FML and HT JOKER figure review video

Note that I used a yellower, flourscent setting in my vid camera, so you could see the purples in both a bit better, as they looked more blue in normal lighting. Not the best overall lighting for a vid, but better to see these particular color schemes more accurately.
The HT still looks mighty black coated in regular light to me though....:tap

Look for my painted Jokers soon, and you will see the Pencil trick makeup scheme on my head. I may even switch mine out...or have a backup...or something...I really like that look a lot.

Oh, and look for Maulfan's AMAZING photography of my Custom Joker soon! Cool stuff coming!
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How did you do THAT?! :lol

HT Joker came out looking Awesome with your repaint, Les. I'm sort of shocked it came out so well, after spending hours photographing mine, I didn't think anyone could pull Heath out of it.. some tried, some made it look much better, but No-ONE -- and I mean No-One brought Heath out of it

Until YOU. Of course...

Congrats Bro. Mine will be coming your way! :clap
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