youre killin independent freeze! worlds colliding! awesome work fellas!
Hey Les, could you clarify what your email address is? I'm not sure I have it right, and email I sent to the last one you listed ([email protected]) bounced....
Did you get the package I sent Les?
By the way...Bob is fixed!!!! All I have to do is a little sanding to blend the patch and he'll be on the way.
Cool Mr. Freeze video too.I've always liked what you did with yours.
Thanks guys. BACK!
Dark Artist Josh has been here visiting with my Dad and I since Friday afternoon, so I didn't get much work done, (That's back to in full force today of course) but did we visit! Shared some great time and stories, figures, talked shop of course, the ins and outs of painting and customizing which is always fun, and more.
Saw a couple of movies together, we'd promised each other to see Dark Knight together one time, so that was my fourth and most likely last time at the theatre. (still no Imax, but maybe...) REALLY analyzed the Joker makeup variants as we watched and compared notes. Both of us working even then for you guys!
So, it was a great visit. I needed the break, as did he.
Gave me a sort of a Ma break too. Kinda nice. I don't get too many of those even now.
Anyway, nice to get a break.
Here is Josh adding hair to my own personal DA original Michael Myers!
As you can see, I let him sit in the "Emperor Throne chair" at the FML bench for a while. That was too cool, to watch him work for a change. His dirtying methods have really developed since last visits.
We also shared ideas about workspaces and organizing and all that. Plus, got some of his critiques of some of YOUR heads and things I am working on. That was nice to have some creative feedback in that regard also. Always is.
And we did a video together (posted below) and took some shots of our work together
These are all his Michaels and Jasons. (I'll post this and more of this series of shots in his thread!) And sorry guys, that H1 Mike, as well as the Jason6, is MINE!I get to finish the H1 knife though....
And here is the most fun part for me, our two original custom Mr Freeze figures together for the first time. Mine on the left, his on the right.
And the link to our first ever shared figure video:
FML n DA Mr Freeze vid!
So, that was our shared visit.
Had a great time Josh. Thanks bro for the comraderie. Great to share stories too! Can't wait til next time!
OK, back to the salt mines!
Back back with new work soon.
I am stunned, yet again, that the universe did not collapse into a black hole, so much awesomeness in one place can not be safe.
We were very careful not to tear the fabrics of space time... it got close at times, but we are professionals.![]()