I guess it is some dangerous stuff...our getting together...
And Reinhardt, I too look forward to what I will be posting next, new work wise that is!
Until then, one more weekend acheivement to post before getting back to it...
Here is my repainted Hot Toys Joker.
I went with the Pencil Trick Mob Board room look, because it's been just killing me to try somewhere (I think it's my favorite scene in the movie, and my favorite Joker look since seeing it ), until I can get to painting it on my heads for the guys, so here is MY Hot Toys repainted one.
(Plus it helps me to validate keeping the HT as well, as I was kinda sour on it when I first got it until I did something to it...sorry HT enthusiasts...but I'm all better now...I promise...)
With My head and figure custom
The two together in full body (Note much darker coat on my HT)
What good would all this be without a comparison and review vid?!?!?
FML and HT JOKER figure review video
Note that I used a yellower, flourscent setting in my vid camera, so you could see the purples in both a bit better, as they looked more blue in normal lighting. Not the best overall lighting for a vid, but better to see these particular color schemes more accurately.
The HT still looks mighty black coated in regular light to me though....
Look for my painted Jokers soon, and you will see the Pencil trick makeup scheme on my head. I may even switch mine out...or have a backup...or something...I really like that look a lot.
Oh, and look for Maulfan's AMAZING photography of my Custom Joker soon! Cool stuff coming!
HOLY TESTICLE TUESDAY!! That looks AWESOME. I have to ask... did you fill in any of the creases or is it all just paint work? At Any rate, STELLAR job!!