Super Freak
Yeah, that's worth the wait. So awesome. I hope the suit is worthy of that paint job. I'd sure like to see pics of it. 
You guys are all too kind.
I agree, I hope matters like this can be handled between us in PM's and emails. I will always try to work with you all.
As for this item, since it was so openly mentioned, and I am and have been, finished with it, I dug it out of it's box and here it is, painted and ready.
Normally, this head is NOT set for a HT body mount. This was an exception.
I hope you want it still.
I for one am envious, as I do not have my own Superman custom anymore. Sold it over a year ago, and have not had time to get back to these, and so, have not made myself one since.
And, I still owe several full figures (to come soon) so please don't barage me with where's mine posts or emails as most are started but not this far along.
I was trying to get certain ones done as soon as I could, and actually surprise a few with their's some still will be I hope.
Anyway, this head is indeed still available, from me, as I am redoing the mold off the original head, as this one was, and will be offering it to whoever wants one, BUT AFTER I CATCH UP with all else I have going on!
Hope that is understandable.
I will post more about it in the current Reeve thread, as there is interest in it at present.
Anyway, thanks again guys. I appreciate the support, but I do not begrudge anyone for their frustrations at waiting for my works. That is only human. I do begrudge it's open-ness out here in "Burb's"-land, as I am working my ass off to catch all this up, BUT, I cannot blame anyone for being anxious for something. In fact, in a way, I am flattered. It means my work matters. And for that, I can only feel honored.
Now, to get back to it, because I have a LOT more to catch up on, and a lot more folks to try to keep from 'Burbsing me further!
Til next, hopefully fruitful post...
Your's always,
Oh, and for what it's worth, I got in my WONDERFUL Toysoldier Menswear Grey suit (that I got from Monkey Depot BTW ) for my DK Two-Face custom, and IT ROCKS!!!
Pics of that when I get to it again. After the next wave of USCMarines and Ripleys....and....SLOTH!