Yes it was a keloid scar I added on the the Reese cast sculpts I offer.
Also, thanks all, for all that went down in the last few days. No need bringing it up again, just know I appreciate the support and understanding. And of course I accept any apologies, and I hope others accept mine.
Was out with Ma all day yesterday, and she baked me a day early Bday cake which we enjoyed. So, it was a pleasant day. Did keep the brushes dry though, so getting in gear today for the long weekend.
Back to work and enjoying it. More updates to come!
And by the way, you guys rock!
Ma says thanks to USCMHICKS for the kind get well card! I do too! Thanks Tay!
And for what it's worth, I share this birthday with, of all people, Michael Jackson, yesh, THAT Michael Jackson

, and also, strangely enough, John McCain. Who woulda thunk it?
Sir Richard Attenborogh too, of Jurassic Park old park owner guy, and Ghandi directing fame, so that one makes me proud.