Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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I'm new to this board and follow the work of some artists here, especially your work. I hope things goes well for you and your ma, stay strong whatever the situation.
Hi Les. Well, I'm really sorry to hear about things with your Mom. I have a close relationship with my Mom, so I can relate to you when you say that your Mom has been one of your best supporters, and having your back. Mine has been there for me too every step of the way. I hope things improve for you and your family Les. Maybe someday you can move out on your own. I think that would be best if you can ever get to that point. It must be very difficult for you. I can't relate to that yet, because my parents are younger than yours are and they're still both in okay health. My Mom more than my Dad.

You know you've always got my support my friend! :D

Stay strong. You've made it through SO much, and I know you can make it through this too.


Mike :D
as the greatest gentleman on here, you really don't deserve what you're going through (nobody does). i'm really sorry to hear about your mother, les. paranoia in a family member is especially hard to deal with but you're dealing with it all with an incredible strength - but that's who you are. it's amazing. it's les.

as josh always says, life sometimes gets in the way of what you do. and people should understand that. i've never minded waiting for your stuff coz i know it's a gift when it finally arrives. but for those who do get sand in their vagina, KNOWING what kind of things you're going through in your life, well ^^^^^k em. ^^^^^k em right in the ear. you mention you understand their frustration, which is why you're a better man than me. i say if these guys put their need of figures before the welfare of a fellow board member or even human being, they don't deserve your art.

keep on keeping on les. always here if you need to talk.
I wish I had encouraging words for you, but nothing can soothe the pain you are feeling. Having a mother with health problems, seeing the decline in not only physical health but mental health is hell. Seeing the strong person who cared for you now in the opposite position is tough. Hang tough and paint only as an escape from the madness. Family first, all other things come after.
God Bless
Hi guys. Thanks.
Still here. Yesterday we had to go back and see her, that is an out of town trip, etc., so I was pretty tired when we got back, and it was late, so I didn't log back in to say hi or anything. Plus, there's weather here due to arms of that huges storm in the gulf I guess. Anyway, I was tired. Ma may be in there as long as 21 days, so it will be a bit before we know how she is really doing.
I am still working when I can, shipping some stuff out today, and getting back to the bench to catch back up. Hope to get to Hickses and get them going again.
Got a funeral to go to also. My old best buddy's sister died Tuesday, so that adds to the fun fun fun of our local durge.
Should have the loose heads off the desk by weekend's end though. On to Hicks and Bales and Jokers soon after. Still not too far off schedule, just delayed.
Superman stuff coming too. A wave of figures soon and then the newer head castings later in October. Thanks to those that have already secured your Superman heads. I will get in and update that thread asap.
Looking to get to ALIENS and PREDATORS paints soon also.

Any other stuff will be interspersed in there.
Getting lots of queries as to when I will be free for more. Well, hard to say. I want to get caught up this month more than anything, so I am trying to do that first.
Joker head samples coming also.

Not much else to tell about Ma. I am tired, but hanging in there. This constancy of stuff with her keeps my Dad and I tired. Emotionally, more than physically. So, I have to shake off those effects and keep going. Can't let this stuff get me down.

Thanks again for all the kind words. Means much to know there is this much understanding.
Keep your head up, bro... Things will get better. This year has been a trial by fire for you, and I have a feeling that it will eventually lead to good things for you. Life can only keep kicking you while you're down for so long.

You've got a lot of support here, we all love ya man. :duff:duff:duff
what could be said that's not previously been said here...
Les, I extend all my sympathy and support to you... I'm can't say I'm gonna pray as I'm not a believer, but you and your family are in my thought...
Hope there'll be a silver lining somewhere along the way...

I you ever need to talk about dealing with mental health stuff, pm me and I'll give you my phone number. My extended family has almost the full spectrum of them. I have panic attacks, and there are others in the family. Not naming any names, for their sake.
Yeah, hang in there Les. You've had more than your fair share of trials this year alone than anyone should have in a lifetime. I think pretty much all of us understand (somewhat at least) how difficult this is for you right now, so don't worry about our figures. You really worry about them too much! You'll get to them when you get to them. Just take your time and do what you have to do.
Thanks so much everyone. It has been an awful week, I won't lie to you. Having Ma in a place far enough away where I can't go see her often, on top of that, her having trouble there, and being afraid and stuff, it's hard on me in spades. Add to that the loss of a friend this week, one of my best friend's sister, who died Tuesday and whose funeral is tomorrow...long days indeed.
I try to work, here and there, to lose my thoughts, but I am stiff and off this week. I am still trying to stay on some sort of schedule. I must. I can't let events drag me down, nor delay my projects, as it is their completion that most promises to liberate me from some of the daily drag that I can indeed affect.

So, I trudge onward. I recall that scene in A Knight's Tale where the Chaucer character is naked, and walking on the road trying to find solace in his frustrations, and his "to trudge..." line comes to mind. I am trudging onward. One cannot stop due to one's own awkward dilemmas, or one will sink in the sands of dispair. Not I, says me!
I am lucky here to have friends, and I am grateful for every last one of you!

Anyway, thanks for the support guys. Really. No words can thank you all for that.

In the midst of all this, when I can settle down, I was watching a movie, a favorite, The Pink Panther Strikes Again, the REAL Clouseau, Peter Sellers, and laughing again some, comedies are about all I watch these days, and lo and behold, ADA's new Peter Sellers head comes in. SO....well....yeah. I had all the stuff....he is in progress along with all the rest. I'll try to show him soon with the next update, which will be loaded!
Anyway, having my own Clouseau with my own Groucho and other custom comedy guys, is a real release these days. Laughs are good. Never lose the laughs.

More soon. Updates and more about the Reeve heads.
Should be done with all the ALIENS guys short all the Hicks soon, and when those all post, it's DK all the way baby! :rock
Jokers and more!

Again, thanks for the support. To anyone else out there going through stuff like I am, know you are not alone.
Hey Les, my prayers are with you and your family through this tough time. Prayers work! I am proof! We survived Hurricane Ike down here in Houston and my home and a lot of my friend and families homes are all ok. We will be without electricity though but we'll live through it. :D
Hang in there Les!

Sorry to hear about all these terrible things you've been going through. :( I admire your courage, and hope things get better for you.
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