Hi guys! Quick in and out again. Library time. STILL sweating, and swearing out my computer changeover. I am not a computer expert, so taking my $800 computer and adding $200 more stuff by changing out the hard drives is no mean feat for me. I wish I had one of you experts in here with me.
Anyway, hope to have something to show for that expense soon.
Speaking of expenses...since I did that, and have yet to mail out anything yet (answer to anyone wanting to know where their stuff is...it ain't shipped yet....need funds to ship...) SO, look for some version of my sale soon. I have to raise enough money to send about 40 or so packages soon. I estimate it will cost me between $500 and $600 in total to ship out all I will have to ship, and that will be within the next month, so bear with me gang. I am trying.
I know, I should have put that aside, but bills and home expenses call, and I just can't. Downside of this being my only income. So, if anyone has new commissions they wish from me, Indys, Predators, etc., now would be a good time to let's at least start some.
Me needs the money to ship! (and live!)
Anyway, not all is bad. Thanks Amarcord. 09 is indeed starting better, though SLOW, and not what I wanted, but better than the horrid 08. I have learned it takes more than a few days on the road to get a bad year off your mind. I have been sluggish and down a lot lately, but not for work reasons. I think I am just tired from 08. It has been a rough one. I am intentionally letting my beard grow, and you will see my white beard next video or photo fest, so you will see what 08 did to me.
As for those of you that have been so kind and supportive, THANK YOU! You guys are the best! I love you guys! YOU have helped me more than anyone else to face and deal with my year. Ma is better. She is taking to this last nursing home better than any other, and her chair is back in her room again. YOUR chair. Thanks again for that kind gift. It means so much to her, and to me.
Projects, just know, Hickses and Bales and lots of singles precede Jokers. I hate that part, as I have my third version ready soon for posting, so you guys can deliberate which ones you want from me. I have some Jokers almost done, but Hicks and Bales and Indys and so many others come first. Some Predators and related stuff is coming too, but those are taking way longer than I wanted, so bear with me on those if you will.
SO, I am still here. Tired but trudging onward. Thanks to those that have emailed and PMed about how my story has helped you with your's. You guys know who I mean. I am glad my "strength"?? (Doesn't feel like that to me...) has helped anyone this year. But thanks for the kind words regardless. It gives me strength to know I am not alone in my own fight. You guys stick your battles out too.
As for this shirt thing...
Sure. Go for it. Me in tights...hmmm...I do have my old 89 Batman costume ones....I can see that..."YouTube suffered a blackout today when a guy in black tights showed up in a wresting style video...News at 11!" LOL!
We'll see. I will try to make a "triumphant" return for you guys. You supporters in the midst of all this. Thanks again.
Til next post. Thanks guys. And know I am trying. Email me any new commission info. And thanks to all who have come forth with work in the last month. I needed that. I will make good on all this. And I do have a plan for 09 that will make my turnarounds MUCH MUCH better than 08. I promise!