I did, and consider it credit towards any future works for you and anyone else sending any now. Thanks guys!
Oh, I must mention, that I will only refer to 2008 as the
Year of Lost MOJO from here on out. Do any of you know what it's like to utterly lose one's creative mojo? Well, IT SUCKS! Try restarting a locomotive. No 0 to 60 in ten seconds stuff. No sit down at the desk and paint like you did in 07, like it all just comes out of your A$$. Nope. Takes TIME gang! Time. But I am working on a lot of stuff and will be posting it soon.
Hicks guys rejoice! Your guys are first up! Hudsons also! Any of those, USCM and such, are up first. YMBA! Relax my overdue friend!

Your Hicks is coming too! Same with you JediMike!

And all you guys waiting for that one.
And please, no more Hicks solicitations for a while. I may offer him again in late 09, but I have much more to finish in the meantime.
Thanks and be back soon!