congrats Nessa.
My wifes due April 7 and I was trying to fall asleep the other night with my hand on her belly, but had to move it cause our little girl kept doing back flips and freakin me out...![]()
congrats Nessa.
My wifes due April 7 and I was trying to fall asleep the other night with my hand on her belly, but had to move it cause our little girl kept doing back flips and freakin me out...![]()
Maybe I can get some **** done...
its a girl.
Alexandrea Greylynn.
after Alex Grey
Congratz occ.
Glad to hear everything is going ok.
Glad to hear things are going good for you as well Nessa and Boo.
Once the kid starts moving and you can see it, it is pretty awesome.
My wife was just ill the past couple of days.
Not good for a pregnant gal to be sick.
Sorry to hear you were ill as well Ness.
That sucks that the company is still treating you that way.
Is the old man still alive?
Are the kids still treating you like junk?
Yep he is still alive. They are treating me better because they probably realize that I will be able to start looking for another job. But I am sick and tired of the lies... they promised me a raise if I was going to work at the other store. So I said ok I will do it. When I asked for my raise... I did not get it... they even told me you do not get the gas allowance anymore. I said well then I do not want to work in that store. They want me to move to the South Shore... pay $300-$400/month more in rents without them giving me a raise. I told them no way. Then they made me work for free again when the stores were closed. I start working again tomorrow. And they took 4 of my shares away that were a gift in the first place because I did not want to give them 4000 dollars to put in the company. Last year I got the biggest pay cut as the smallest stockholder... and Mike did not even take a pay cut. I told them... I had the biggest pay cut, and the others had none and I still have to give 4K and now they took my stock away. I do not think all this is legal in the first place. So I am trying to hang in there till after the baby is born and then they can kiss my a$$. I went over and above for 10 years and they have done nothing but take advantage. It is time for me to stand up for myself, especially with a baby coming. It really has stressed me out and it is not good for the baby. I love my job but am sick and tired of them just doing whatever they want and always using me and making false promises.
Sorry to hear that.
Yeah, don't get stressed out being pregnant.
Take it with a grain, then get the hell outta dodge when the lil' freak arrives.
Move to warmer shores and find a job where you are treated better.
Did the old man throw a fit when you got married????
Do you still cook for him?
Our little sideshow freak critter is now the size of an avocado.
I think I felt the baby for the first time move in my belly today. I was driving my hour and a half drive to work and all of a sudden I feel something hard move towards the front of my underbelly. I just cannot describe the feeling. It was amazing.
10.5 days (since my appointment is at 2.15 pm on the 17th of March) and we will find out what the baby will be. Any thoughts on what you think this little future collector will be? Boy or girl? I think a girl.![]()
Hi Guys new to the forum but what the heck.:chew Congrats Ness and Booyah on the engagement,wedding and the joy of having a little one on the way
My wife and i are expecting our first in July and we both cant wait.Listen to advice if you think its going to be helpful but just follow your natural instincts and im sure youll be good,thats what we'll be doing.All the best to everyone and their fams.![]()