Yesterday I had my first screen test because I am over 35 years old to test for any abnormalities... the fluid around the neck should not be over 3 and mine was 1.5 so that was great. Everything looked really good. The baby is moving along in my belly and is now 2 inches big. When the nurse pushed with the ultrasound on my belly the baby started moving around like he or she was saying... hey are you disturbing my sleep here. At one point the baby was waving and we saw it open it's mouth. The doc could not see what it was yet so on March 17th we will find out... I hope the baby is positioned right then... I am sooooooo dying to know. The nurse also let us hear the heart beat for the first time and when I heard that I just got tears in my eyes... what powerful emotions that a person gets. We got some nice facial ultrasound pictures also.
I do not know if this will work but this is a little clip we made to send to our parents and family but this is the one where you can see the baby wave at us.
Or he or she just could have said stop waking me up lol
I do not know if this will work but this is a little clip we made to send to our parents and family but this is the one where you can see the baby wave at us.