Thanks for the pic Ness looking like a proud mum to be.
We had our final precautionary ultra sound the other day to make sure everything is looking good with the baby.
A few mths back during our previous ultra sound they saw a dark shaded area which they believed could be fluid between the chest cavity and lungs-an effusion.
Obviously this news is every parents to be's worst nightmare.The doc explained that there were many possibilities some u dont want to even contemplate but also good news including that the fluid sometimes disappears on its own accord.
We remained calm and positive whilst obviously incredibly concerned and we were sent to a bigger hospital for a more detailed ultra sound to determine the exact nature of the problem.
To our relief they found nothing and we will never really know whether the fluid disappeared or that there was never really anything there to begin with but either way we're

Anyway here's a few pics of the cheeky little bub.