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Jeesh, my poor wife endured labor for almost 16 hours with our last lil' one. I sat there trying to be helpful and supportive and probably not doing too good a job of that, while she did all the work, I tell ya, until you've witnessed the beauty of childbirth, you just can never picture how it could possibly be worth all of that...until, one look in those beautiful eyes and your heart melts and you suddenly realize what it all means. Bless all the mothers in the world, I don't know how in the hell you do it.
Congrats Dusters, may yours be much shorter, and most important, may your child be healthy and strong. One thing's for sure, the lil' bugger got some good genes working for it already. ;)
My only point is that parenthood brings many unexpected things. If you are aware of the potential obstacles you can take care to avoid them. When my son first came home he was a little jaundiced and had to be wrapped in a light blanket at all times for about a week. We would turn off his bedroom light and it looked like ET was in the crib. Add to that the fact that my wife was trying to breast feed and she wasn't producing any milk so the poor little guy was starving. Sleep deprivation makes anyone cranky under the best circumstances.

As I said, do not take my experience as universal. Ask those people around you that have children, what their experiences were like. I felt horrible that it was so rough for us that first year because it was so unexpected. When my daughter came along three years later, it was a breeze because we knew what was going to happen. I thought I had a unique experience until I got discussing it with others, it seemed it was one of those secrets that no one likes to talk about. In my opinion, get as much information as you possibly can so you minimize those unexpected bumps in the road. Kind of like having your monthly bills paid and the car breaks down. My hope is that everyone has a smooth a ride as possible and whatever you have to do to help that happen, is worth it.
Thanks AH and sorry to hear that u guys had such a rough time with your first and like u said it can happen to anyone just the luck of the draw so to speak.I'm sure that trying time made u better parents and gave u even more reason to appreciate how special life can be.:)

We have been reading quite a bit and have watched a few dvd's and whilst it all helps i'm sure theres nothing that really prepares u for the big change.

I think being raised well by your own parents,having the support u need from family and friends and just following your own natural instincts all play an important part.
We just had our first antenatal class the other night which was interesting and i'm sure we'll take something away from that once they finish in 6 weeks.

I have also heard a few similar stories like when the couple yet to have kids ask their friends with children how it's all going they usually get "yeah it's all great no problems".When u join the parenting club and mention any struggles u might have mysteriously it changes to"yeah we had that same problem,its tough"or something similar.:D

Happyboy the way u have described it is how i have imagined it to be plenty of times in my tiny little mind :D and man i just can't wait.:joy

I'm a pretty optimistic, easy to get along with person. And I have a GREAT ability to laugh at myself and situations that usually anger people and/or freak/stress them out. Plus, I have years on top of years of experience with newborns... from my sister's birth when I was 11, taking care of her a TON in infancy, babysitting friends and neighbor's infants throughout high school, and taking care of my friend's kids here in LA for the past 5 years (the little girl since 14 months of age, little boy since birth... and we're talking multiple overnights/weekends - parents travel a TON). Of course, it's never been 24-7 yet (sister was as close as that got - we shared a room from the time of her birth through the time I moved away to college), but I am confident that I will get through it with grace and not too much yelling or guilt-tripping ;)

I also think that how well a woman deals with new motherhood has a lot to do with how much support you have OUTSIDE the house, not only within it. I have about 10 friends who are currently pregnant as well, 4 of them who live here in LA, so I'll have a lot of great support, and my kid will have a lot of built-in playmates. It also helps that I trust Travis and have been training him how to deal with babies and kids for the past year, through babysitting my aforementioned friend's kids :D So, I will have no problem leaving the baby with him and taking a couple hours for myself. I think what a lot of people don't realize with the first baby in the first year is that babies are not glass, you don't have to treat them with kid gloves, silence the entire house when they are sleeping, or pick them up as soon as they even mutter a tiny cry - they are tough little buggers!

Obviously, I've never been a MOM, but I like to think that I'm pretty good at sitting back and analyzing a situation without getting TOO emotional about it. The 1 time I've gotten overly emotional these past 4 months (it was about changing the kitty litter, of all things :lol), I started laughing halfway through because I totally realized as it was happening that I was being ridiculous. Hopefully that will continue, because I can't imagine a life where I take myself too seriously - that would be HORRIBLE :monkey4

(As an aside, here's a tip for everyone - when you start feeling too serious about yourself, recognize it, take a deep breath, and watch an episode of the Colbert Report :rock)

We are all individuals, and we will all handle life-changing situations in our own unique ways. The only thing we can control is our own actions - so here's hoping :) I'm not some kind of new-age freak or anything, but I think positive thinking has a TON to do with the outcome.

Also, that's awesome about your wife and only 2 pushes - my mom was like that with my delivery - total of 17 minutes of hard labor, baby! And I hope she doesn't brag to other mothers about that, because they HATE that... especially if said mothers went through 22 hours of labor themselves. They hate it almost as much as they hate when one of their friend's kids starts sleeping through the night at 2 weeks, when their's is still waking up every 3 hours at 8 months :lol

I hope you are not changing the kitty litter yourself. I do not have any cats myself but I know that when you are pregnant you cannot change the litter boxes... and yep... here kicks in my mommynesia... I cannot remember why exactly... some parasite lol. Oh brother... really my brain is going down the drain lol

I want to sign up for those easy labors. But with the luck I am having it will probably be very hard labor. :D

It is funny but I wanted to be a mom since I was 25 years old... now I am 36, by the time Nathan will be here I will be 37... and even though everyone tells me I will be a great mom, I am still scared about it a little. But I cannot wait... it will be the best ever. I think I am more afraid of not getting any sleep... I always needed a lot of sleep and now having to get up every five seconds and not getting enough sleep before the baby is here... is making me feel I am ready to drop dead lol.

Redman... I am having my first class on Wednesday May 28th... should be interesting.

4.5 more days and I will have the 3D/4D ultrasound... omg I am getting so excited about that. I cannot wait to see his little face. And I do want them to confirm that we definitely have a boy... I had people coming in the store for a swing set and she was a nurse and a couple of times they told the parents it was a girl and the baby came out and it was a boy and she was so upset because she bought everything in pink.

That is why everything on our registry list is unisex... just in case ;)
I think Dusty needs to start her own thread and stop stealing Nessa's thunder :monkey3 :D
I think Dusty needs to start her own thread and stop stealing Nessa's thunder :monkey3 :D

Now that was not nice lol... I love this being the pregnancy thread... it is so much nicer to share with people that are going through the same. Sharing is caring ;)
Now that was not nice lol... I love this being the pregnancy thread... it is so much nicer to share with people that are going through the same. Sharing is caring ;)

Sorry, but there won't be another amongst your ranks if you know what I mean :D
I hope you are not changing the kitty litter yourself. I do not have any cats myself but I know that when you are pregnant you cannot change the litter boxes... and yep... here kicks in my mommynesia... I cannot remember why exactly... some parasite lol. Oh brother... really my brain is going down the drain lol

It's taxoplasmosis. And you can only get it if your cat(s) eat live meat. You can also get it from raw meat. My cats are indoor wussies, so no worry about the live meat thing. But I'm still not changing the litterbox. I'll take any excuse to get out of THAT :lol That's what the over-emotional outburst was about - he hadn't changed it in FOREVER so the cats were about to start peeing on the floor :monkey4
That vibe must be pretty wife started in with it yesterday...she must have caught some unintentional blowback..:google:
It's taxoplasmosis. And you can only get it if your cat(s) eat live meat. You can also get it from raw meat. My cats are indoor wussies, so no worry about the live meat thing. But I'm still not changing the litterbox. I'll take any excuse to get out of THAT :lol That's what the over-emotional outburst was about - he hadn't changed it in FOREVER so the cats were about to start peeing on the floor :monkey4

Oh yes hahaha... that is it. No worries on me eating the raw meat. George makes sure that I do not even eat my steak medium rare anymore. But I am definitely glad you are not changing the litter box. Ugh... I know I would be emotional about that too. Poor kitties.

Were you able to finish the book that I sent you without crying yet? :D We have been reading to my belly so that he starts recognizing our voices. I had a customer in here and she was telling me about that and when the baby was born, she said hi to her baby and he opened his eyes and looked at her like he was saying... hey I know you... of course... my emotions also in overdrive... tears in my eyes immediately, hahaha... pathetic isn't it how emotional we are getting. Even now when I start thinking about this life we are creating inside us... I get all teary eyed.

Another tip Dusty... definitely look into the baby sign language. I am going to do that with Nathan. I have had so many people in the store that did this with the children and they all rave about it. One woman who was in last week she started it at 4 months old but with her next child she will even start as early as birth. You will get a lot less frustrated child when they can sign you what they want. :D

I think this is the one that I have at home

Good price too... it is on sale
That vibe must be pretty wife started in with it yesterday...she must have caught some unintentional blowback..:google:

:D The power of the pregnant Nessa cannot be underestimated... I want everyone to be just as happy as I am. There is nothing better than the feeling of love for you significant other, your future child or children you already have, your family, your friends.
:D The power of the pregnant Nessa cannot be underestimated... I want everyone to be just as happy as I am. There is nothing better than the feeling of love for you significant other, your future child or children you already have, your family, your friends.

Can I be happy that your pregnant and Jen's not :monkey3
Can I be happy that your pregnant and Jen's not :monkey3

You two have plenty of time... George and I are together 2 years... when you two are together two years... we will talk again... haha

I see having a baby as the ultimate gift of love that I can give him. I know not everyone wants to have babies... but they are a true blessing and I know it will be a life changing experience but the unconditional love that the kids will give you is just amazing
You two have plenty of time... George and I are together 2 years... when you two are together two years... we will talk again... haha

I see having a baby as the ultimate gift of love that I can give him. I know not everyone wants to have babies... but they are a true blessing and I know it will be a life changing experience but the unconditional love that the kids will give you is just amazing

I agree that the unconditional love that you get with kids is pretty damn mindblowing....and I'm so happy for you Nessa and Dusty! :D :D I just don't think we were all meant to have kids....and truthfully the greatest gift of love any man could give me would be NOT wanting to have kids.....I want to be spoiled and get all his attention and give him all of mine. :naughty :lol
Two hit faster than I would have imagined! :lol My wife and I have been dating/married for 9 years. I'm lucky to have escaped the Baby Fever until now. Although its coming in strong.....personally I know they say a Man doesn't become a Father until he sees his newborn child but in reality I think I might a little too jaded and screwed up to risk it. Don't make enough to pay for eventual therapy anyway.
I agree that the unconditional love that you get with kids is pretty damn mindblowing....and I'm so happy for you Nessa and Dusty! :D :D I just don't think we were all meant to have kids....and truthfully the greatest gift of love any man could give me would be NOT wanting to have kids.....I want to be spoiled and get all his attention and give him all of mine. :naughty :lol

Then you and Loki are perfect for each other :D Go ahead and get married :joy