Are you saying that for a volitional consciousness to have genuine free will, it needs to have its actions pre-determined by some innate tendency to make certain choices, which is not--in any meaningful way--in its control?
Or are you denying the existence of free will in humans completely (blank slate or not)? I can't tell if you're trying to have it both ways, or if you're a hook, line and sinker determinist.
Self-improvement is a form of changing yourself.
For a volitional consciousness to have a free will, it needs to exist independently of the forum that it acts in. A person's consciousness must exist independently of the physical body, in order to be truly objective in the physical body, or AS a physical being. That means that the person's consciousness must have existed prior to it's physical body.
If a person's consciousness was only a manifestation of the physical body, then everything they are would be the direct result of that construction, and thus, being all that is, no actual free will is possible.
With the physical body in this scenario being in an environment which was completely the result of the state of the environment before it, everything about that environment is predetermined.
It's entire development would be predetermined. This is because, if the physical is all that is, not only is all of the potential determined by it's nature, but so is the exact way in which it unfolds, much like a video game. The only way anything truly random could happen or any free will would be by the environment being acted on by an outside force.
Since the physical body was created by the environment, or evolved from it (the same thing)it is really just an extension of it, and not an entirely independent entity.
So, if the consciousness of the person is entirely contained or from the body, it must also be determined by the body, and cannot therefore be a blank slate. It can only be a very simple slate which will develop according to how it's very complex design and the design of the environment in which it is in, has programmed it to.
If the person really is a blank slate, then all of it's development is determined by it's environment.
The physical environment and everything as a direct result of it, has no ability to have free will. It cannot choose for itself, any more than a computer game can. Regardless of how complex a computer game or AI might be, it cannot have free will.
It can only act consistently with it's programming, and then adapt according to how it's programming is written in an environment that will force it to make logical decisions according to it's programming.
It can evolve, but it doesn't actually have free will.
It would be the same with people. If everything about people is the physical stuff, everything, all choices are predetermined by the physical stuff, just as the structure is determined by the physical stuff.
I believe the soul exists, which is a form of consciousness that exists independently of the body, which explain why we have free will.
God does not need to exist in the conversation in order to acknowledge the soul, either. A soul can simply be another dimension of reality that cannot be measured by physical equipment.