re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."
Welp.... it looks like it might be official,
Waller and Fury are in love...

Seriously though, I'm curious what's going on. You've been hinting that something bad is happening in your life. I hope you're all right, brotha. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm available...

I've only watched that show like 5 times, but it's pretty funny...
Thanks! I'm really pleased with them. I think they're the best SDCC pics I've taken. This is the first place I've posted any of my SS pics.
dude, your pics

! They are seriously better than the other ones we have seen posted. For instance, your Godzilla pics are clear, with good color. The other ones I've seen look black, and show no detail. Plus, you got up close and personal with the SW figs. LOVE EM!!!
Great pics of Pinhead. But also, Vampirella has a NICE a$$...
Thank you. I know it sounds silly but I wanted to make sure I delivered great shots for TORn and for you guys here in this thread.
You done good!

Darth Waller
I am drinking Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale.
You found a beer named after you?
I'm sure Ken will find a bunch of SW Burlesque shows he'll try to drag us all to...
Crap, I just realized I forgot to put my name in the package I sent. Mine didn't have a name in it either.
That makes it more fun! See if you can figure out who sent it! With the last one, Punk didn't need to sign it. I could totally tell it was from him... Granted, that may not work for everybody, but it will for some...
ordered the wampa from b&n
May have secured a itty bitty
Bid on a black crumb
Good day
Nice! I found a wampa at my local B&N last night. Was able to use a coupon, and get my membership discount. BUT the only ones they had left were kinda damaged...
any one see the Marvel movie release dates?
Avengers May 2015
Ant Man July 2015
Caps 3 The Fallen Son May 2016
Doctor Strange July 2016
Thor Ragnarok May 2017
GOTG War Of Kings July 2017
Black Panther Nov 2017
Civil War July 2018
WWH Nov 2018
Inhumans May 2019
Thanks, I had not seen that...
Damn, 20 pages behind again...
Friggin' SDCC…
Yep, me too...
Hasn't even opened yet and already a sequel. Albeit, it looks like a great flick, but talk about getting a head start!
My friend saw a preview last night, and loved it...
Get in line. I'd actually like a life sized Yoda for the living room / theater area of my home.
And I blow way better than any of you, so…
Ahem, I am at the start of the line! But I will not dare challenge you in a blowing competition... Unless it's balloons... I am full of hot air!