(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Done!!! I did first class. :)
Sweet! I could ship them tomorrow, but I'm kinda hoping Waller pays first so I can ship all 3 at once. I'd rather not make multiple trips to the post office.

Wow KD is serious about the No Pants thing. Even his statues are freeballin'.

Escape From New York was the same way. Awesome DVD cover. Photoshop **** on Blu-ray.
Yeah, but that BD was totally lacking compared to the DVD. Glad to hear that Shout Factory will be releasing the CE on BD.

Anyone want to buy a sealed exclusive TOD Indy PF? Ugh, the buyers of our house have a an expensive list of stuff that they want fixed and we have no money to pay for it so it looks like I'm being forced to sell stuff I don't want to. :(
I hate that you have to sell it, but I'm kinda interested depending on the price if you are absolutely sure you must sell it...

Had my first refund request on eBay tonight. :(. My bad luck continues.
That sucks. I have never had the refund request go through Paypal. I did have someone ask for a refund because they never received it, and I promptly refunded them. But that was actually my fault. I had no idea the item sold, so I never shipped it! :lol It was through half.com not Ebay, but they're related. Thankfully I did not get negative feedback...

I'm considering selling my two Mythos, Boba and Ben... At over a grand each, it's very tempting, and would pay off one of my four CCs!
A grand each? Where? I just looked in Ebay history, and they are nowhere near that. Maybe $600 for Fett, and $800 for Obi if you're lucky (one just ended at $600 last week). His price dropped quite a bit after Sideshow started taking more orders...

Finally caught up in this thread.... Had no time at work this week. Sucky week...
I saw Lucy last night. Interesting movie. Not great, not bad, just interesting...
I started watching Orphan Black tonight. 3 eps so far. Decent show...

That is all...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm obsessed with the idea of a tiny house! Any of you guys hear about this movement toward living very simply in 50-500 square foot homes?

I've heard of the tiny apartments , but I want to live in Wayne Manor.

I can live with very few commodities and small living quarters. However my dream is a two story house with a personal library with a secret door leading to a command center which has everything from a full gym to a meditation area to even a basketball court.

a man can dream right?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can live with very few commodities and small living quarters. However my dream is a two story house with a personal library with a secret door leading to a command center which has everything from a full gym to a meditation area to even a basketball court.

a man can dream right?

I want a murder room.

I mean laundry.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Very true. I do kind of like Hathaway too, though. She's sort of antelopey.

She's kind of incredibly pretty and terrifyingly Joker-y. She's super talented but my wife's college friend went to school with her and says she's a ******** so I have to love her secretly.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ken's awesome and had my R2-KT shipped directly to me. ;)

Oh, did you pick something up for Waller at the show itself? You are a trooper!

I didn't realize I could do that until just before I left for SDCC.

I got him one of the busts that were their ex for the show.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

She's kind of incredibly pretty and terrifyingly Joker-y. She's super talented but my wife's college friend went to school with her and says she's a ******** so I have to love her secretly.

I went to school with a girl that looked a lot like her. I had a thing for her, but she was kind of a ******** too.

I like it. It's like Pee Wee's playhouse but you can't fit Chairy or Jambi in it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I want a murder room.

I mean laundry.
You ever see Disturbia with Shia Labeouf? when he enters the "clean room" is what I think of when you say that haha

IDK bro. Working as a security guard in a small guard shack for almost two years, you start to feel like a lion in a cage. When I get off work i feel so free.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You ever see Disturbia with Shia Labeouf? when he enters the "clean room" is what I think of when you say that haha

I enjoyed Disturbia (I have a high DaBeef tolerance) but I was actually thinking of How I Met Your Mother.

So awful YouTube boot -

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can live with very few commodities and small living quarters. However my dream is a two story house with a personal library with a secret door leading to a command center which has everything from a full gym to a meditation area to even a basketball court.

a man can dream right?
I wish I had bought a 2-story. I use my basement to convince myself that I have a 2-story...

Very true. I do kind of like Hathaway too, though. She's sort of antelopey.
I used to love her big time, but I'm over her. I'm not sure when that started, but it was before Les Mis. She was great in it, but she's not the one for me...

I want a murder room.

I mean laundry.
In my house, every room is a murder room! :lecture

She's kind of incredibly pretty and terrifyingly Joker-y. She's super talented but my wife's college friend went to school with her and says she's a ******** so I have to love her secretly.
I can see that. She seems like she could be an uptight *****.

I went to school with a girl that looked a lot like her. I had a thing for her, but she was kind of a ******** too.
I like it. It's like Pee Wee's playhouse but you can't fit Chairy or Jambi in it.
Not enough room for my collection, that's for sure!

You ever see Disturbia with Shia Labeouf? when he enters the "clean room" is what I think of when you say that haha

IDK bro. Working as a security guard in a small guard shack for almost two years, you start to feel like a lion in a cage. When I get off work i feel so free.
I liked the girl in that. Sarah Roehmer. Sexy eyes I recall... She was on the TV show "The Event" after that. Dunno what she's done since...

He needs to mow the lawn.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Why do you have so many pics of this guy in his rustic trailer???
I was wondering that as well. But I also can't tell if it's the same house as that other picture. If so, what happened to his neighbor?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I don't think it's the same guy. But...

Almost all tiny homes are built on trailers, because there are ordinances in almost every place in America, preventing people from building homes below a certain size in square feet...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I want that Wolfman. What are those? POP vinyls?

I don't think it's the same guy. But...

Almost all tiny homes are built on trailers, because there are ordinances in almost every place in America, preventing people from building homes below a certain size in square feet...

Oh, okay. So a "tiny home" is a trailer that's made to look like a house?