(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

OK, enough LEGO Movie. :lol It's time to get serious! I went through my entire Blu-ray/DVD collection to find all the movies i bought but haven't watched yet. I'm gonna make it my goal to get through all of them hopefully in a reasonable time. Until then, no more buying movies!! Unless it's a Spielberg film, Disney movie, cartoon movie that's good, or Marvel/Star Wars (although these technically are classified as Disney :lol ) and DC film. THERE! :rotfl


DAAAAAMN! I haven't watched 90% of mine but I only have like 20 total. :lol

And watch Goon. That movie is awesome.

Just wakin up from a great sleep
Got a message that my Santa gift arrived
Florida was hot
Star tours and the other stuff in Disney was great fun
Spirit airlines was good...had an emergency row so more leg room
Drove all night and my butt was dragging when we got to hotel at 7 am
Hotel let us check in early.....
And back to where message starts

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Great FB pics, btw.

Well I survived the Yard Sale... and honestly we did pretty well. Got rid of a lot of stuff (some we donated afterward) and came away with $515. And the stuff that's left is stuff that could easily go on Craigs List. So, not bad.


re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

What irks me about that box-set is that they included The Lost World but not Schindler's List or one of the other better Universal movies he directed. And still no Munich but next year is the 10 year anniversary so we might get it then.

Ugh, you already made me go off course. I watched Schindler's List again tonight. I get all the emotions at the end. :monkey2
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ugh, you already made me go off course. I watched Schindler's List again tonight. I get all the emotions at the end. :monkey2

I saw Schindler's List in the theatres in High School as part of our history class and I have never been able to sit through it since.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I've never seen Highlander either actually.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Never seen Schindler's List either.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Maybe I'm just a sick person, but I can watch schindlers list over and over. :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

As for keeping movies etc if not watching them in a year thing I don't get rid of them. I don't buy a lot of them other than the comic based movies which I 'collect'. Used to buy tons of VHS right before DVD cane out... and after that I stopped buying movies cause of how quickly the formats change. I only really buy stuff now on black Friday for cheap of stuff I know I'll watch from time to time.
I do still buy cds though. I have a ton of them. 2 years ago I realized I hadn't listened to some in a long time cause I just kept grabbing the same artists to listen to... so I decided I would listen to every cd I own from A to Z without repeating or listening to the same thing until I made it through then all. It was fun, and rediscovered some bands I forgot that I really enjoyed, and actually went out and grabbed more of their albums I didn't have.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Maybe I'm just a sick person, but I can watch schindlers list over and over. :lol

Watching it over and over, no you're ok unless you're rooting for the Germans.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

As for keeping movies etc if not watching them in a year thing I don't get rid of them. I don't buy a lot of them other than the comic based movies which I 'collect'. Used to buy tons of VHS right before DVD cane out... and after that I stopped buying movies cause of how quickly the formats change. I only really buy stuff now on black Friday for cheap of stuff I know I'll watch from time to time.
I do still buy cds though. I have a ton of them. 2 years ago I realized I hadn't listened to some in a long time cause I just kept grabbing the same artists to listen to... so I decided I would listen to every cd I own from A to Z without repeating or listening to the same thing until I made it through then all. It was fun, and rediscovered some bands I forgot that I really enjoyed, and actually went out and grabbed more of their albums I didn't have.

CDs I don't mind keeping for a really long time, even if I don't listen to them. Music is my life and listening to a CD is much easier time-wise than sitting and watching a DVD. With the move I've purged my DVD/BR collection to just the essential films. Unless it's for the kids I just don't buy movies anymore. CDs I buy all the time.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Loved guardians of galaxy

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ugh, you already made me go off course. I watched Schindler's List again tonight. I get all the emotions at the end. :monkey2

I saw Schindler's List in the theatres in High School as part of our history class and I have never been able to sit through it since.

I went to SL in the theater with a college friend on it's initial release, and it left quite an impression on me. While it is obviously an amazing piece of craftsmanship, I felt I never wanted to see it again. Well, last year, when the Cinemarks had their Spielberg month, I went ahead and saw it again. I couldn't resist at $5 each for the four films they chose. Well, same impression. Only this time I decided I would view this masterpiece once every twenty years. So if I'm lucky, I'll see it two more times in my life...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The exclusive Star Lord went to waitlist already too. Pretty sneaky, sis.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

To me even if there is a slim chance you want something and there is no NRD order that biotch.

Cancel later.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

My thought is that the pre-orders for Hot Toys exclusives similar to these two were open for months and months before. Heck, the Luke with Vader helmet was on there forever and pretty much was made to order it seemed.' With this super fast change to waitlist on these two, I think they might've changed it to hype it up while reducing the number of customers who can use reward points or coupons on the exclusive versions.

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