re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."
I'm kidding. Maine is pretty diverse. We even have a black person.
Is his name Token?
Awesome! And bonus points or playing "Ice, Ice Baby."
Thanks! I had to do something to attempt to rival Steve's Flashdance! Although I mispronounced his last name, cuz he spells it wrong.
I miss the days when I could buy stuff I only 80% wanted.
What is that from? It's B&W, poor quality, and the set looks cheap! But it's RDJ!
When Ken and I jump off a bridge together, you'll all be sorry.
Yeah, you tell 'em! Wait, what???
Or maybe we'll do a suicide pact. I'll shoot him and then change my mind.
ken wouldn't do that. He wouldn't have any more food to eat.

Heaven is full of food! You can eat all you want, and not get fat!!!
If that's the case, I'll have what he's having. I would love to start each day anew without the baggage from the day before, especially lately.
I'd like to start my life anew, without the baggage from before. Even better, start over from age 17. I could fix a LOT if I could re-do some things then...
My life would be very different right now... Most likely better. I know what I did wrong... I can fix it!
I must be feeling better.... I just read all the posts since I last posted. Haven't done that in close to a month now.
Sooo, you've skipped some pages??? Yeah, I still have 33 pages I didn't read from my siesta last week...
I read about a guy that had constant seizures, so a part of his brain was cut out to save his life, but his brain would basically reset every day, so to him it would be like time never passed since he'd forget the day before every single day. He had his surgery in his twenties and died in his eighties or nineties. In his mind, he was still a man in his twenties on the day before they cut out a part of his brain until the day he died. Don't mind me, what you said reminded me of that story.
That sucks. Kinda like "50 First Dates"
"In four months, I've seen one black person, and one gay person. And, they were the same person!"
I would so totally move there.
You'd leave M for a black guy? Well, I hear the men in Maine fall mainly on your cane!
Not to be Debbie Downer but on this note, I wanted to say I have an aunt that was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and has been on a rapid decline. I saw her recently and it broke my heart.
I don't mean to peddle, but if anyone is can and is willing to donate, it would be much appreciated.
Sorry to hear that JJJ. My grandma had it. She lived a long life, into her 90's, but the last 10 years wasn't life. She remembered nothing, and just kept saying "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" over and over, to herself... It was so sad!
i'm sorry i said you're a forgetful old man.
Why bother? He already forgot you said that...
I just have to get through today and then I'm off for six days. Should be nice.
Enjoy! Do something fun! See some movies, hit on chicks, find a sasquatch, eat good food, drink good beer, and buy good toys!
My grandfather is going through dementia right now. It's horrible to see him ask the same questions every time you see him and just have no idea where he is. I couldn't imagine living with that every day.
That sucks, too. Sorry Jay...
Ballz of fury!
That movie SUCKED! I saw a screening of it at SDCC, and after the movie the stars and director came out for a Q&A. We all wanted to leave. They said "hold on, we're here to talk about the movie with you!" We said, "no thanks, it sucked" and ran out the door...
I love in Part II when the cops find 1985 Jennifer in 2015 and bring her home. They tell her to "be careful in the future." I liked the double meanings of that phrase.
I don't get it. What double meaning?
I had such a crush on BTTF 1 Jennifer.
I had a crush on both.
My credit card got hacked and they tried to charge up a bunch of stuff. Thankfully, they stopped it. Kind of sucks, though.
That sucks. I hope the CC company covers it all... They did for me when it happened years ago...
Ugh, I know all too well what that is like.

At least they stopped it. That's why I never use my debit card at all, since i don't want it being hacked. Credit cards are ok.
I agree 1000%!
the one i have is only 3g
Ummm, so doesn't that make your ipad kinda like a Smartphone, which you claim not to have??? There are apps for texting and making free calls!
yeah, i pay $30 a month for the 3g. but since i have no smart phone, it's sorta like i do. LMAO!
i have 4 rewards cards with over $1000 in rewards now! Christmas is gonna be fun!!
And yes, I pay off each card every month in case you were all gonna chastise me (fury)
I'll chastise you for other reasons...
All 4 of the ones I use are on this list. It's so worth it too.
I prefer to find airline miles deals. Mine are better than those...
You mean debit right?
You are too much !
Man I wanted the Sapphire but damn the $95 annual fee kills it for me.
I may just go freedom.
I never pay annual fees. EVER.
I'm just getting my first iPad this year, I'm a little behind.
I'm still rockin' an HP touchpad!
I do have the Sapphire Preferred. I don't even notice the $95 each year.
My one annual fee card will ALWAYS waive the fee each year, if you call and ask them to. You could easily do the same... I don't believe in annual fees. They make SOOOOO much money just from the fees they charge the retailer. They don't need any more money...