He's awesome! So happy to complete my bounty hunters... I think I'm done with the jumbo vintage now. I don't plan on buying anymore. But you never know. Perhaps a Yakface will tempt me...
That's illegal!
And why don't YOU want them for yourself??? You have something against Indy? What kind of fan are you?
Nice. Did the Retron 5 sell out???
Why would you want to do that? You ruined the end of the movie! Too many spoilers!!!
I got no such notification. furystorm doesn't love me anymore...
Oh noes!!! That sucks.
Very cool. But it totally sucks about the broken base...
**** me! I guess I better order one soon...
And now for the bargain of the weekend. That I missed.

There were two, really. At the same rummage sale. We never go to rummages, but one was advertised on Craiglist as having Star Wars and Laser Discs. It was supposed to start at 10am. We arrived at 9:55. They had nothing set-up yet. He said to come back in 30 minutes. We came back 25 minutes later. He said the Star Wars still wasn't there, but he had just sold the Star Wars trilogy on Laser Disc, plus a stack of Criterions and other films on Laser Disc, WITH the working laser disc player, for $40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would have bought those for sure. He told us to come back in 30 minute for the Star Wars toys. We came back a few hours later. This is what they had:
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plus a Darth Vader figure case. I bought a Dewback for 50 cents. I had no cash on me, just change in my car... My friend asked how much the Rebel Transport was. It was COMPLETE and in great condition. Even the stickers were nice. 3 BUCKS!!! So then my other friend said "how much if I take everything?" The seller said "with the figures, or without?" He said without, it would be 10 bucks, with the figures, 15 bucks. SOLD! My friend bought everything, including the transport, then let my other friend have the Rebel Transport for 3 bucks. I had already bought my dewback first, or it likely would have been included in that transaction. The box included a turret and probot playset, complete, and Rebel Command Center, and Rancor among other stuff. BARGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! All that crap for 12 bucks!!! Not to mention the Rebel Transport for 3 bucks is a STEAL!!! I have that one from my childhood still, with the box. But I was still jealous...
No super rare figures. Very few weapons included, but most robes were present.