I'll kill you all.
Seriously that's the most annoying thing in the world... one text, and then 40 texts following it with, "Who's 513?" "I think that's GB, but who is 817?" "817 is east coast, maybe it's Cow?" "No, Cow is 414 I have him" "cool" "will do" "817 is me!" "Who is me?" "I'm 817" "I know but who are you? don't have you in my phone" "JJJ" "oh ok... I thought you were 513" "I am, was answering the text from 10 minutes ago of who's 513" "Oh ok" "So who's 817 then?" "don't know" "gibby?" "no, he turned off group texts" "So JJJ is 817? did he change #s?" "No JJJ is 513" "Yup bro" "but he said he was 817" "no bro 513" "anyone know who 817 is then?" "no" "nope" "not sure" "nope bro" "Is it Ben? has he replied" "Ben doesn't have texting on his phone" "oh" "I'm at work guys! So many texts my dumb phone can't handle them!" "lol" "get a smart phone" "who is 817" "no one knows bro" "grab me a proto boba while at work UT!" "store has none" "I need one too bro" "who's number is 414?" "cow" "titus" "cow" Madcow" "T" "cow" "thanks" "no prob bro" "anyone know 817 yet" "WTF! Stop texting!! Take me off this list!!"
"lol sorry bro!" "lol punk" "Please, stop, don't send any more to me" "like this text here... lol" "or this one! lol" "I'll take you off bro."
10 minutes later.... "I'm 817 guys" "it's me" "...yeah, but who is me?! you didn't put your name!?"