re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."
I haven't done anything with Spook for years, pretty much since they made so you couldn't cheat
Cheat? You mean how you could see what page was updated last?
This is pretty good
Muppets and Beastie Boys
I'll have to check that out later. Stupid work blockage.
My dorkness level has increased.
View attachment 134342
I didn't think it was possible for you to get dorkier, Eric. Add some Star Wars bling to it, and you'll reach all all-time new dork level!
So this will be on it's way to Andrew tomorrow. 5" by 7" and took approximately 1,000 days to finish, cuz that's how I rolllllllllllll!
I figure this one's like 2/3 artsy and like 17% fartsy. The rest is beer.
My wife just got home from back-to-school night (teacher) abnd she's drinking wine so I'm gonna go try to get lucky!
TTFN beeches!
Sooooooooo, update? Did you?
I'm having a bit of a relapse on the Sideshow Godzilla maquette. In about a month, I'll have a little over $400 in points. I've saved those points since I first started ordering from Sideshow or whenever they started that program and I've never used any of them. I thought Godzilla was going to be somewhere around $500 and was going to use my points to get him for cheap. Now that he's up for pre-order, I really don't think he's worth the $800 they're asking for him. He's really not much bigger than the Pacific Rim statues. Maybe 22 or 24 inches tall.
Now, I could use my points to get him down to a little bit below what I thought he'd retail for, but part of me feels like I'd be justifying the stupid price by giving up my rewards to make the price easier to accept. I don't know. Maybe I should just use them to pay for an entire dinosaur statue or a Tauntaun or something. What do you guys think?
I agree with your last statement. You are trying to justify the price by giving up your rewards to make the price easier to accept. Don't do this.
Here is my suggestion. Unless you see the quantity is almost sold out, WAIT until after Spook. We hope they will give out Rewards points again during Spook. That's free money, unlike the other points which you earned from spending money. The free points you can use to help reduce the price. Perhaps if you get $100 in free points, plus your hard earned points, then perhaps you can justify buying it. Definitely wait til after Spook, unless you see low quantity alerts...
To continue my personal Star Wars day, after the PO of Both Scouts and a bike, I picked up Star Wars:A New Dawn book. Hoping to gain some insight into the New Rebels show.
Does that book relate to the Rebels series??? I may have to pick it up...
Nebraska Jail Worker Resigns in Lego Theft Case
GRAND ISLAND, Neb. — Sep 18, 2014, 9:08 AM ET
A Nebraska corrections officer has resigned after police posted a video showing the theft of Legos from a Wal-Mart store.
Wal-Mart employees tell police they looked through surveillance footage after finding an empty Lego box Friday. They say a man accompanied by two small boys dumped the bricks into a diaper bag.
Grand Island police Capt. Dean Elliot says the man faces a misdemeanor theft by shoplifting charge. He says the case has been referred to the county attorney's office. Elliot says the man turned himself in after images from the video were posted on the department's Facebook page.
Hall County Clerk Marla Conley tells the Grand Island Independent ( ) the 29-year-old officer resigned on Tuesday. She said he had worked at the jail since January 2009.
I guess he thinks Legos are too expensive too.
He dumped them in a diaper. He clearly thinks Legos are ******.
He holds your hand during movies, too.
You oughtta know!
Let's plan a Vegas trip for next year!
I just had something spoiled for me last night during a podcast I do with some friends... we were discussing our hopes and fears of SW EPVII and I tossed out an idea about something and another guy dropped a possible spoiler bomb, it was about the villain rumor that was going around.
VEGAS! VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for the villain spoiler, I don't wanna hear it! LALALALALALALALALALALALA!!!!!!!!!
I'm hoping for a solid political drama with Tarkin. I'm very interested in all the backstabbing and Bribes that went on for him to be in his position of power. Maybe a sprinkle of 20's mob hits on Imperial senators for him to earn his seat.
I'd rep you for this! I want to see the rise of Tarkin as well! And of course, the rise of the Rebellion, with Mon Mothma and Bail Organa!
Neat rings, I draw the line at wearing SW jewelry

...I want the little cases though
They don't show cases except for the R2 and Vader rings. I wanna see the Yoda case!
I think I saw on their Facebook site that they're 295 pounds.
I'm out!
I enjoyed the fact that it came in just a couple hours
I can't last that long. Only porn stars can last two hours...
Check out my new avatar and sig!! So awesome!
Starting Weight Watchers tomorrow.
I need to have some good ****** beer tonight.
Good luck!!! I've been dieting all week now. Life isn't as fun anymore. I really miss eating junk food.