(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I could, but I'd have to ban you from viewing them while I'm in the room with you...

Haha, for sure. Just something to take home as a parting gift. :D
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It's too bad the gift card can only be used on Court of the Dead statue stuff. They look cool, but I don't think I'm going to get any of them.

Really? They can't be used on other GC eligible stuff? :(
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It's not a giftcard, it's a $25 coupon. Even says so on the card.

Ballz. Just read it. It specifies statue too... so I guess ordering a t-shirt is out of the question with it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can get into the 2.0 now just fine it seems. :hi5:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Someone should log in and post a comment about that with a link to Sideshow's site. :lol

That would be hilarious :lol

I love nailing someone like that but damn it sucks to be on the other end. :lol

Context :huh :lol

My Gabe week is over.... Always pretty tough when his little voice isn't booming through the house. We're changing our schedule so we do 't have to wait a week to be with him, so this week I'll have him Wednesday and Thursday. Hope it helps.

Man, that's got to be rough... :grouphug

I actually enjoyed the art of the micro-series more than the newer Clone Wars when you go back and look at it.


I definitely prefer the OG series... it's ridiculous and over-the-top, but a lot of fun. The new one is very well done, I really like the style... but man did it have some awful episodes and then later awful arcs :lol

Probe droid comes today!! Anyone on the fence want my opinion once it's in hand?

I'd love to hear more, I'm sol on a deal I fear... but I'll find a way to pick it up sooner than later.

About to see GOTG for the third time. :)

I'm finally going to see it tomorrow night :rock :rock Got a babysitter lined up and everything, so just an extra $30 to see a movie :lol

Got my movies today. Cases and discs look great!

Got mine yesterday, what a sharp looking set! Watched ANH and it was glorious :rock :rock Probably watch ESB tonight and then the long wait for ROTJ... Monkey2

It's too bad the gift card can only be used on Court of the Dead statue stuff. They look cool, but I don't think I'm going to get any of them.

Oh, bummer... I only got the dumb thing for the gift card :lol Oh well, at least it was free :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh man GB! I didn't even think of that fact that watching a movie when you have a little one would be more expensive with regards to the babysitter cost. :(
but at least you'll get to see guardians finally!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Got my Court of the Dead package in today. I chose the Bone set. It's a neat piece of classic Sideshow advertising. The patch is very nicely made.

I'm happy I have it but I couldn't imagine paying $10 for it.
Mine arrived ripped open. I think someone was going to steal the contents. Then they looked at it, shook their head, and put it back in the envelope...

It's too bad the gift card can only be used on Court of the Dead statue stuff. They look cool, but I don't think I'm going to get any of them.
Seriously? Crap. I didn't know that.

Ballz. Just read it. It specifies statue too... so I guess ordering a t-shirt is out of the question with it.
Oh man!!!!!!! I ain't buying one of those statues... They're neat, but I'm already over-extended with the stuff I buy... I'm out!

I can get into the 2.0 now just fine it seems. :hi5:
Sweet! Off to check shortly...

I'm finally going to see it tomorrow night :rock :rock Got a babysitter lined up and everything, so just an extra $30 to see a movie :lol
You hired a babysitter to take as your date to the movie? I hope it's like the babysitter pornos I've seen. Good luck! :monkey1
You could have taken Walleremma. He/she would likely have joined you.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

1. You hired a babysitter to take as your date to the movie? I hope it's like the babysitter pornos I've seen. Good luck! :monkey1
2. You could have taken Walleremma. He/she would likely have joined you.

1. :lol
2. We've seen movies together in Tulsa, but I think this was one his wife wanted to see.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Context :huh :lol

Got mine yesterday, what a sharp looking set! Watched ANH and it was glorious :rock :rock Probably watch ESB tonight and then the long wait for ROTJ... Monkey2

In the context of playing shooters and being on the end of taking someone out instead of the other way around. :lol

Nice! :rock
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Mine arrived ripped open. I think someone was going to steal the contents. Then they looked at it, shook their head, and put it back in the envelope...

So did mine. I thought the same thing. I think the envelopes are just a bit too small.