(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh chewbacca...........you and those sexy eyes..........:love

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I love that cover. Hearthrob Chewie FTW!!! :love

I don't like that he looks younger than he did in Jedi.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Josh Trank departs Star Wars Anthology film
I bet he was fired. And he sure as hell wasn't sick when his panel appearance at Celebration was canceled.

Wow, ok. I'm shocked, IMO Rebels is WAY better than I expected and is more enjoyable than the Clone Wars. But to each his own.

Hmm, not surprised. Everything I've read about this guy makes him seem like a douche. 10 bucks says he was fired.
I prefer Clone Wars, thus far. But the way the season ended, Rebels could win in the long run... However, I need more than 2 good episodes to win me over... Looking forward to the S2 premiere in June...
And yes, Trank is a douche. He trashed a rental unit while filming Fantastic Four, for 100K in damages. Oh, and FF looks terrible. I don't think I want him directing any SW film, so I"m glad he isn't.

I want to see the fold-out full picture, with Luke and Leia...

We got a set for Lily and 2 for me. Was well set up. In and out in five minutes. Would have been nice if they replenished their SW shelves.
They actually let you have multiple sets? Lucky... My store refuses to give any to adults...

Vacation has officially started :) 18 hours to go until the plane leaves for new york :)
Have fun!!! If you're seeing any plays, you can wait outside for autographs, if you're seeing anything with awesome stars. Most of the stars will sign after the shows... That's how I got Ian McDiarmid and Mark Hamill to sign for me for FREE! :)
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Punk or anyone who has played PS2 Star Wars games on their PS3,
How terrible do the graphics look? Is it playable, or not fun to play? PSN has a bundle sale on PS2 games, including Dark Forces, Podracer, Episode III, Bounty Hunter, and one other, for $17.94. I'm debating buying them. Sounds like a decent deal. I've never played any of them, cuz I never had a PS2. I could get Dark Forces by itself for only $1.38. But the other 4 games are $7.49 each, so getting all 5 games for under 18 bucks sounds like a good deal.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Hmm, not surprised. Everything I've read about this guy makes him seem like a douche. 10 bucks says he was fired.

I bet he was fired. And he sure as hell wasn't sick when his panel appearance at Celebration was canceled.

There's talk that there was tension between him and Simon Kinberg during the making of Fantastic Four which might have led to him getting the boot.

:rock :rock :rock

229 days left!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

May the 4th be with you guys!!!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Kenben pretty much posted how I feel about the show. I do like the ties to McQuarrie and the music cues. It does feel like Star Wars. I think the next season is going to be much better.

I've seen this show take heavy criticism online, but it's a kid's show...I don't know what kind of depth and tone adult fans expect? The music and art direction are excellent and give it that heavy McQuarrie Star Wars vibe, which is why I watch it...for light entertainment. Looking forward to Season 2. Only thing that puzzles me is how they're supposed to end a kids show like this given the beginning of Episode IV...I can't see it ending well for the crew of the Ghost.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I've seen this show take heavy criticism online, but it's a kid's show...I don't know what kind of depth and tone adult fans expect? The music and art direction are excellent and give it that heavy McQuarrie Star Wars vibe, which is why I watch it...for light entertainment. Looking forward to Season 2. Only thing that puzzles me is how they're supposed to end a kids show like this given the beginning of Episode IV...I can't see it ending well for the crew of the Ghost.

The easy way out would have them all end up on Alderaan.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

They actually let you have multiple sets? Lucky... My store refuses to give any to adults...

I always get one when I am at the store and they have them. you probably just look like a **** hanging around to get kids. :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Punk or anyone who has played PS2 Star Wars games on their PS3,
How terrible do the graphics look? Is it playable, or not fun to play? PSN has a bundle sale on PS2 games, including Dark Forces, Podracer, Episode III, Bounty Hunter, and one other, for $17.94. I'm debating buying them. Sounds like a decent deal. I've never played any of them, cuz I never had a PS2. I could get Dark Forces by itself for only $1.38. But the other 4 games are $7.49 each, so getting all 5 games for under 18 bucks sounds like a good deal.

The graphics should actually be better than they were on PS2 I would think, since you have better equipment in the PS3. Of course there is only so much you can do with the PS1 games like Dark Forces. haha. Although they may have updated that one a bit. You never play any of the games you buy now so who cares if they look good or not?... you'll never know. :lol
When does that sale end? I have Bounty Hunter and Dark Forces that I know for sure... might have one of the others too.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I've seen this show take heavy criticism online, but it's a kid's show...I don't know what kind of depth and tone adult fans expect? The music and art direction are excellent and give it that heavy McQuarrie Star Wars vibe, which is why I watch it...for light entertainment. Looking forward to Season 2. Only thing that puzzles me is how they're supposed to end a kids show like this given the beginning of Episode IV...I can't see it ending well for the crew of the Ghost.
I can see it coming up shorter of ANH than we think that way there is no explanation of what happened, but yeah I like Waller's idea.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I wish you could buy those games on PS4. My PS3 isn't hooked up.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I wish you could buy those games on PS4. My PS3 isn't hooked up.

Yeah... and it's so hard to unplug two cords and plug in two more... why is life so hard. :dunno
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah... and it's so hard to unplug two cords and plug in two more... why is life so hard. :dunno

My tv only has one HDMI port, and I like having everything on the current gen system.