(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Where are the deals ?
They're out there. I've been shopping all day. I'll list what I bought after this long multi-quote...

The easy way out would have them all end up on Alderaan.
:lol Sadly, that may be true for many characters. But I'm sure Ashoka will be killed by Vader. It has to happen.

I always get one when I am at the store and they have them. you probably just look like a **** hanging around to get kids. :lol
Kenbenobi :thwak punkg42

The graphics should actually be better than they were on PS2 I would think, since you have better equipment in the PS3. Of course there is only so much you can do with the PS1 games like Dark Forces. haha. Although they may have updated that one a bit. You never play any of the games you buy now so who cares if they look good or not?... you'll never know. :lol
When does that sale end? I have Bounty Hunter and Dark Forces that I know for sure... might have one of the others too.
I believe the sale ends tomorrow. But it could be today. I'm not positive... It started a few days ago...

My tv only has one HDMI port, and I like having everything on the current gen system.
Get a switcher box! They can be had for quite cheap... I paid 4 bucks for mine. 3 inputs, and it automatically switches when you turn on a device that's connected to it.

The Force Among Us and The Force Within Us DVDs are 50% off today.

DVD : The Force Among Us - Their Journey, The Story, Their Way Of Life....
I just bit. Shipping is kinda high ($10.50 for shipping 2 DVD's), but it's still the best price I've seen...

Does anyone own these books? Are they any good?

The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force
Book of Sith
The Bounty Hunter Code
I own them all! But I haven't read any! :lol

I own the first 2, but never read them. I just liked the awesome packaging since they are battery operated. :lol :lol
Exactly! The contraptions are awesome!

What he said :lecture

I only have the Jedi book and it's very well made but havnt read a word in the book. I was too busy opening and closing the box :lol
I concur!

Where's kenbenobi?! :panic::panic:
Here I is!

For Celebration London… :panic:
Can't book my flight til August...

Man, no good trying to avoid ep 7 spoilers of FB today :lol Nothing major, but still wish there was a way to control what I want to see more than how it currently is :lol
You ain't kidding! My life was ruined today!

Speaking of spoilers - here's an imaginary one I just thought up while watching an interview with Domhall Gleeson -

Anybody think he's a Kenobi in TFA?
Nope. They don't need to recast. I have no doubts that you know who will return...

Im back! Long long weekend, glad its over.

Happy May the 4th Cantina. Its gym time!

Also if anyone sees a deal on the blu ray collection please tell me. Still need to upgrade from dvd.
Happy May the 4th to you as well! I haven't seen any super deals on the BD's. You may want to wait until they give you a free Digital Copy with them. It's bound to happen eventually. OR they will re-release with a DC, and the price will drop on the current release.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Let's see. What did I buy today...
Started by spending $70 at mycoolcarstuff.com with the 50% off Star Wars coupon...
Went to Disney Store and bought a Stormtrooper mug and got the free May 4th pin...
Went to 3 Gamestop locations to find all of the Funko Pop exclusives. Fingerin Dan is shortpacked...
Placed 2 different orders from Target.com cuz they have $10 off $50 SW coupons. I re-ordered the Yoda 3D Night Light (from Celebration) with the coupon.
Just ordered The Force Among/Within Us combo...
Trying to find other deals. I go all out on Star Wars Day! Was hoping to find a Plastic Galaxy deal cuz I forgot to buy it at CVII. Alas, no deal currently. I guess I'll wait til Black Friday. Last year it was $17, but I had it on my Secret Santa list and wasn't sure if I'd get it. Then the sale ended.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I got boba fett cuff links to go with my millennium falcon ones. Can always use more cuff links since most of my work shirts need them.

Really want to order the snow trooper helmet from avonos with the coupon but I don't have the space to display it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I feel the need to order something today, just having trouble deciding.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I want to order as well. I would have ordered from Anovos but they charge the full amount upon placing the order.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Im back! Long long weekend, glad its over.

Happy May the 4th Cantina. Its gym time!

Also if anyone sees a deal on the blu ray collection please tell me. Still need to upgrade from dvd.
You don't need those. All you need is Harmy!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Let's see. What did I buy today...
Started by spending $70 at mycoolcarstuff.com with the 50% off Star Wars coupon...
Went to Disney Store and bought a Stormtrooper mug and got the free May 4th pin...
Went to 3 Gamestop locations to find all of the Funko Pop exclusives. Fingerin Dan is shortpacked...
Placed 2 different orders from Target.com cuz they have $10 off $50 SW coupons. I re-ordered the Yoda 3D Night Light (from Celebration) with the coupon.
Just ordered The Force Among/Within Us combo...
Trying to find other deals. I go all out on Star Wars Day! Was hoping to find a Plastic Galaxy deal cuz I forgot to buy it at CVII. Alas, no deal currently. I guess I'll wait til Black Friday. Last year it was $17, but I had it on my Secret Santa list and wasn't sure if I'd get it. Then the sale ended.

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I just started my OT marathon. I hope it's a quiet night...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm not talking about THAT character. It's all about the next generation.
There is only one character by that name, so I have no idea what you're talking about, nor do I want to. This conversation has just ended. He has never procreated. It was not the Jedi way. There is no "next generation" for him. If there is, I will walk out of the theater in disgust. I wish I had not opened your spoiler tag.

I just started my OT marathon. I hope it's a quiet night...
Me too! :hi5:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Really feeling the urge to buy something on SW day - anything you guys can point me too?
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I just started my OT marathon. I hope it's a quiet night...

Just started A New Hope! And ordered the Hot Toys Stormtrooper.
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