(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

A lot of the elements in the set are the same as the Throne Room on the Lego DS.


God I really want that damn DS !
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Wow.... that's a great place for it. :lol

Better than the carpet, i guess :lol

That's who I thought it was at first :lol They're cute, but not worth anywhere near the asking price and nothing I'd collect.

That's pretty badass... much nicer than the old sets. But, seems like it would be a tricky one to display given the odd layout.

That's why catch and release is only for fish, not dog doo :lecture

In all seriousness, if that happened to me, I would have puked instantly... I'm not sure which is worse to clean-up...


No, he had just tucked himself in on my lap and my left hand was supporting his butt and then it started getting a little gooey. So i had to keep my hand there and rush out in the garden so he could finish. Luckily he's a Chihuahua so it wasn't a whole lot :lol

It's funny, though. I HATE hair in the sink but i don't really have a problem with poop or vomit :dunno
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Better than the carpet, i guess :lol


No, he had just tucked himself in on my lap and my left hand was supporting his butt and then it started getting a little gooey. So i had to keep my hand there and rush out in the garden so he could finish. Luckily he's a Chihuahua so it wasn't a whole lot :lol

It's funny, though. I HATE hair in the sink but i don't really have a problem with poop or vomit :dunno

:lol When it's your babies (literally and pets), your poop threshold goes up.

The hair thing reminds me of the Seinfeld bit:

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Head back home tomorrow. My feet are done they will need replacing, my legs are going to need a few days and maybe a massage to recover. I managed to walk 166 miles in 12 days and that included 3 travel days where I didn't walk nearly as much. Got "hit" on by prostitues, went to a crazy bar in Budapest met some locals went to another bar and then had to get one of the girls to "help" me back to my hotel as my phone was dead:monkey3. Only had someone try to scam me once, had some pickpocket me (the jokes on them as they stole a wallet full of those credit cards you get with credit card applications :lol). I need a vacation :rotfl
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

. Only had someone try to scam me once, had some pickpocket me (the jokes on them as they stole a wallet full of those credit cards you get with credit card applications :lol). I need a vacation :rotfl

That's friggin genius....
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Happy Birthday Scott!!!

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Head back home tomorrow. My feet are done they will need replacing, my legs are going to need a few days and maybe a massage to recover. I managed to walk 166 miles in 12 days and that included 3 travel days where I didn't walk nearly as much. Got "hit" on by prostitues, went to a crazy bar in Budapest met some locals went to another bar and then had to get one of the girls to "help" me back to my hotel as my phone was dead:monkey3. Only had someone try to scam me once, had some pickpocket me (the jokes on them as they stole a wallet full of those credit cards you get with credit card applications :lol). I need a vacation :rotfl


THAT reminds me of this story from Stephen Merchant:

In the recording, Steve Merchant tells a story about how he used to carry a fake wallet when he first moved to London because apparently muggers congregated there.

Things got complicated when Steve over-thought this simple trick:

I got really anxious because I thought, “What if I hand over my fake wallet and he goes, ‘Well, is this a fake wallet?’…then makes me hand over my real one, but maybe also punishes me, you know, takes it out on me because he’s angry.”

Then I took to carrying a second fake wallet. So I spent about two months carrying three wallets around, two of which were fake.

And then, you know the reason I stopped? Because I thought, “What if I give him both fake wallets…and now he’s gonna be twice as angry as he would’ve been if he only had the one fake wallet!”

-Steve Merchant
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

:lol When it's your babies (literally and pets), your poop threshold goes up.

The hair thing reminds me of the Seinfeld bit:


It more the wet hair in the drain/sink thing that freaks me out. That and getting a hair in your mouth :monkey4

Head back home tomorrow. My feet are done they will need replacing, my legs are going to need a few days and maybe a massage to recover. I managed to walk 166 miles in 12 days and that included 3 travel days where I didn't walk nearly as much. Got "hit" on by prostitues, went to a crazy bar in Budapest met some locals went to another bar and then had to get one of the girls to "help" me back to my hotel as my phone was dead:monkey3. Only had someone try to scam me once, had some pickpocket me (the jokes on them as they stole a wallet full of those credit cards you get with credit card applications :lol). I need a vacation :rotfl

The girl who "helped" you back to the hotel, was she one of the prostitutes who "hit" on you? :monkey1


THAT reminds me of this story from Stephen Merchant:

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The girl who "helped" you back to the hotel, was she one of the prostitutes who "hit" on you? :monkey1
Nope the prostitutes was the night before on the way back from the really expensive Opera. This girl was just a nice local girl I met at the bar over really cheap drinks.

Oh yeah also tried Absinthe. Didn't have any effect on me.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Holy crap, bought a new bed today. A real spending Spree lately.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Head back home tomorrow. My feet are done they will need replacing, my legs are going to need a few days and maybe a massage to recover. I managed to walk 166 miles in 12 days and that included 3 travel days where I didn't walk nearly as much. Got "hit" on by prostitues, went to a crazy bar in Budapest met some locals went to another bar and then had to get one of the girls to "help" me back to my hotel as my phone was dead:monkey3. Only had someone try to scam me once, had some pickpocket me (the jokes on them as they stole a wallet full of those credit cards you get with credit card applications :lol). I need a vacation :rotfl
:lol That's hilarious! I was swarmed by pickpocketing children in Rome, near the Colosseum. I didn't have a wallet, but they almost stole something from my pocket. I forgot what it was. I caught them just in time, and pushed them to the ground. It was a group effort. The mother came at me from the front, begging for money, but also blocking my path. Then from the back and sides, tons of kids start grabbing on me. Because there are multiple hands all over you at once, you couldn't easily tell if one of them was successfully taking something from you.

Happy Birthday Scott!!!

Happy birthday freak
Happy birthday Scott! !
Thank you gents!


THAT reminds me of this story from Stephen Merchant:
That's awesome! :lol

Holy crap, bought a new bed today. A real spending Spree lately.
Have fun breaking in the new bed tonight! :hi5:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

:lol That's hilarious! I was swarmed by pickpocketing children in Rome, near the Colosseum. I didn't have a wallet, but they almost stole something from my pocket. I forgot what it was.

Your ****? :monkey3
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Happy Birthday Ken!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Got my Marty McFly in today! Haven't had a chance to open him up yet though.