(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah, full set of 100. (includes blue Snags)
I went on a bender last year at C2E2 and bought 15 (maybe 16) of the last 17 figures while there. Those are the POTF figs. Only one I didn't get was the Yak Face cause the only one I saw had a bleached head and was all faded.
The one I bought yesterday is purdy!

100? How did you get 100? There are 93 figures not counting the 2 extra r2 and 1 c3po and then blue snags make 97.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I think Jabba and the Max Rebo band are included in the 100... Maybe even the Dianoga, but that might not be part of it. But I recall that it's 100 w/o minor variants like different colored hair or Lando's teeth.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh, thought it was a period. Poop is OK. :wave
So did I! :lol

Anyone able to still get one of those Droids R2-D2 12-inch vintage figures from Gentle Giant? I think I need to search for one.
The SDCC one? Did that go up for sale already??? CRAP! I missed it... I really really needs that. I have C3PO, and he'll be lonely without R2! :gah:

I've been absent for a while, not that anyone noticed. Enjoy the time away from me?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Wow this is so cool! A librarian found an original shooting script for Star Wars in Canada of all places!!

Original Star Wars script discovered in UNB library - New Brunswick - CBC News

My favorite part of the article:

"I'll tell you one thing, right now," Brown gleefully points out.
"Based on the script, I can tell you 100 per cent, Han shot first."
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Wow this is so cool! A librarian found an original shooting script for Star Wars in Canada of all places!!

Original Star Wars script discovered in UNB library - New Brunswick - CBC News

My favorite part of the article:

"I'll tell you one thing, right now," Brown gleefully points out.
"Based on the script, I can tell you 100 per cent, Han shot first."
:lol :lol If I were that librarian, I would have slipped that script into my bag, and auctioned it at Sotheby's or whatever.

It is POURING here, and my umbrella is in the car. :gah: Leaving in 2 minutes...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I think Jabba and the Max Rebo band are included in the 100... Maybe even the Dianoga, but that might not be part of it. But I recall that it's 100 w/o minor variants like different colored hair or Lando's teeth.

Ah I was counting the carded figures. There was 92 back but they only list R2 and c3p0 once and yakface and no bluesnags. Thats what I always counted 97 unless your a baller and have a VC jawa there 98. I never considered Jabba or Max Rebo figures since they were boxed.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Anyone have any extra complete vintage Jabba denizens they are willing to part with on the cheap? Lmk.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Anyone have any extra complete vintage Jabba denizens they are willing to part with on the cheap? Lmk.
Any specific ones? Need to be complete? I may have a few, I used some to put with my Jabba but I think I may still have some more.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I really need to work on my vintage set but damnit, I keep getting sidetracked. The problem for me is I have a lot of figures but need almost all the accessories. I'm afraid to buy them online with all the repros out there.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The end of this week's GoT episode was ****ing beautiful.

Congrats! That's a nice looking place. That means nice looking guests. :naughty

And nice looking co-workers...who I'll never see because I'll be working at night.

Double congrats!

Sadly, I did not get to ride Small World after we chatted. I will have to see how it hits me on the next trip with your theory in mind. :duff

Last two puppets. :lecture

And thanks!

What's your position at the hotel? I worked in hotels for many years. Front Desk Clerk, Night Auditor, Accounting, Front Office Manager, Manager on Duty, and Security. If I went back into the industry, I'd try for Director of Revenue or something like that. I have the experience, since I've trained many Directors of Revenue due to my hotel software experience... I could also be a corporate trainer or something like that... I'm actually thinking of going back into it, since I'm bored with my current job...

Night audit supervisor, which basically means I do the audit, make executive decisions as manager on duty, and someone else handles the clerk chores.

I've been doing night audit as a short term survival strategy for years. Whenever I get sick of it, I find a new hotel capable of improving my situation. This time I hit a relative jackpot.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Any specific ones? Need to be complete? I may have a few, I used some to put with my Jabba but I think I may still have some more.
I'd prefer complete to make it easier on my self if possible. I only have a Weequay and the max Rebo set so anything beyond there would be needed to complete the look.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The end of this week's GoT episode was ****ing beautiful.

And nice looking co-workers...who I'll never see because I'll be working at night.

Last two puppets. :lecture

And thanks!

Night audit supervisor, which basically means I do the audit, make executive decisions as manager on duty, and someone else handles the clerk chores.

I've been doing night audit as a short term survival strategy for years. Whenever I get sick of it, I find a new hotel capable of improving my situation. This time I hit a relative jackpot.

I liked to imagine you were a fisherman. Or a lobster...er. Lobstrador?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ah I was counting the carded figures. There was 92 back but they only list R2 and c3p0 once and yakface and no bluesnags. Thats what I always counted 97 unless your a baller and have a VC jawa there 98. I never considered Jabba or Max Rebo figures since they were boxed.

I can see Jabba being a bit of an outlier, since he's boxed and similar to a Wampa or Rancor, but he's a character versus a creature, which I think keeps him in the 100. And then the band are definitely figures even if they were never sold single-carded.

So with 92 figures counting C-3PO and R2 once
2 additional R2s
1 additional C-3PO
1 Blue Snags
4 From ROTJ (Jabba, Max, Droopy and Sy)

That's 100.

So I guess the Dianoga is just a bonus creature.

I'd prefer complete to make it easier on my self if possible. I only have a Weequay and the max Rebo set so anything beyond there would be needed to complete the look.

I have a loose Nikto, no weapon but you can have him for free. His weapon is a common one, so always possible you could pick up an extra one in a lot one day.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can see Jabba being a bit of an outlier, since he's boxed and similar to a Wampa or Rancor, but he's a character versus a creature, which I think keeps him in the 100. And then the band are definitely figures even if they were never sold single-carded.

So with 92 figures counting C-3PO and R2 once
2 additional R2s
1 additional C-3PO
1 Blue Snags
4 From ROTJ (Jabba, Max, Droopy and Sy)

That's 100.

So I guess the Dianoga is just a bonus creature.

The 100 must not count Jabba then since Yak Face is not part of the 92. He was to appear on a 93 cardback.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'd prefer complete to make it easier on my self if possible. I only have a Weequay and the max Rebo set so anything beyond there would be needed to complete the look.
I had way more complete than I thought I had.
Ree Yees
Klaatu (first one)
Gamorrean Guard
Big Fortuna
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The 100 must not count Jabba then since Yak Face is not part of the 92. He was to appear on a 93 cardback.

Damn, my logic seemed air-tight :lol

Oh well... I still think Jabba should get the nod as a figure; but so should Salacious :huh
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I have a loose Nikto, no weapon but you can have him for free. His weapon is a common one, so always possible you could pick up an extra one in a lot one day.

Awesome ! Thanks bro ! :hi5:

I had way more complete than I thought I had.
Ree Yees
Klaatu (first one)
Gamorrean Guard
Big Fortuna

Cool ! Hit me with some details bro !
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Damn, my logic seemed air-tight :lol

Oh well... I still think Jabba should get the nod as a figure; but so should Salacious :huh
Yeah I remember being really confused when I was buy them few years ago. I even went and counted what I have displayed. I have 98 on the one shelf, but that includes a fake VC jawa. I thought it would be cool to show both versions but no way I would pay for a real one.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah, VC would be awesome... but I wouldn't know the first thing about spotting a real one; let alone being able to afford one :lol