Sending something to Sweden would be VERY pricey. Especially something as big/fragile as a guitar.
When does the auction end? I'm not going to be around this weekend at all. If you want to shoot me a PM with the link I'll look into possibly helping. But I'm not responsible for it getting damaged etc. on the way.
Anybody know where to get the funco rancor set?
Hey guys I need you help!
I've been on the hunt for a long time for a vintage Ovation guitar. My dad is turning 50 in a few weeks and I wanted to give him that guitar because it's the same one he sold when I was born to be able to afforb my baby carriage and crib. I've now found one on eBay at auction but the seller will not ship internationally. Any suggestions for how I can get the guitar? Any forwarding services that would work?
If no one in the cantina can help you out, check JetCarrier | SHOP LIKE AN AMERICAN. A norwegian company that gives you a New Jersey address and you can then have the package shipped to ärans och hjältarnas land by sea or air. You will have to pay tax and possible customs fees but it is an easy and bulletproof way to get stuff you just have to have.
I voted today.
I voted today.