(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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Taste me, *******.

Does that come out of your pee pee? :panic:
Yep unfortunately. That was an experience...

Glad to hear that's over, Ken. Best of luck with the health this year. The stones were just a holdover from your year of health hell.
Thanks, I really hope so...

I hope Ken gave up sodas, or at least cut way back....
I have cut back, but I can't quit cold turkey...

Do you get to keep stone?

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I retrieved it, but had to give it to the doctor for analysis, since there are different types of kidney stones...

Well, you know he never gets rid of anything. :wink1:
Kenbenobi :thwak Darth Waller

Including his virginity. ;)
Kenbenobi :thwak Furystorm

Deal! :hi5: I paid $2200 for it. :yess:
BASTARD! :mad:

The Cantina is so quiet lately. :(

Seems I ordered the RMQ Vader at the right time. When I just searched, Sideshow shows the regular available now. So the exclusive is gone.
Crap. I missed it. What exactly is the exclusive? All it says is:
[h=4]SIDESHOW EXCLUSIVE[/h]Exclusively available through Sideshow.com. Limited availability in select international territories

But that doesn't make sense, since there is a Regular edition. So there has to be something unique about it! I know he didn't have a swappable head...

You should give up soda, tea and coffee. Caffeine is a big contributer.

Many docs want you to pee in a sive to catch the stone. If he did he would have the stone.
I could never quit caffeine. Life isn't worth living without caffeine! But I have cut back, and I'm drinking more water... As for the sive, I didn't have one. I had to reach in and retrieve the stone. Thankfully I was able to grab it easily on my first attempt...
The exclusive was a swappable head Kenben. Im sure a Waitlist would convert if you got on it now.

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Crap, really? I thought only the Stormtrooper and Fett had swappable heads... Damn, I guess I better get on the waitlist. I never saw that get a low quantity alert... Kicking myself...

EDIT: Just got on the waitlist. Sucks cuz I could have paid for half of it with points. How long ago did it sell out?
Crap, really? I thought only the Stormtrooper and Fett had swappable heads... Damn, I guess I better get on the waitlist. I never saw that get a low quantity alert... Kicking myself...

EDIT: Just got on the waitlist. Sucks cuz I could have paid for half of it with points. How long ago did it sell out?
The day fury posted I believe. So not to long ago.
Swappable head, just like you get if you stay in the right condo at Celebration! :lol

You shoulda known that Ken. The two portraits of Vader by RMQ are a big deal.

For sure! I need to get busy booking flights, etc.

Same. Down 40 pounds since last Celebration. :rock I am dating someone now too. :D

You never text... of course I don't either... we gotta work on that.
Awesome! Keep up the good work man. Thats great. Better book that flight or start walking tomorrow.

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