(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah, this guy watched the auction for 3 days, bid at the last minute and now says someone got it for him already. If he could at least be honest and say he shouldn't have bid at all I'd probably be more understanding.

I've heard every story in the book. This last one was a mom blaming her kids. It was a Pokemon ornament though so it is possible.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

This is where the cool guys/old timers go to talk about Star Wars...Kenner, Sideshow, Gungans, young Anakin ghosts, warts and all come to hang out. Be cool or leave (no DC forum BS por favor), because we don't serve your kind. Don't delete this thread, please.

You HAD to bring up young ani's ghost didnt you XD hahaha well played good sir!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I've heard every story in the book. This last one was a mom blaming her kids. It was a Pokemon ornament though so it is possible.

God I do quite a bit of selling as well as buying too and lord I hate when they do that. But at least that's better than the win that doesnt and or wont contact you at all or the more current guy that I got a Biker Scout and Speeder from who after I paid for it refunded me because he didnt know it was going to cost more in shipping and yet then when i was trying to leave him alone he kept messaging me with some new B.S. every 2 days. Such a wonderous place that is.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That sucks. :( Don't fall asleep while driving!

That saddens me. I wish I could watch fisting videos when I was 12. I mean, um, that sort of thing disgusts me. :monkey3
Seriously though, I understand what you're saying. It amazes me how easy it is to access porn or naked pics online. They are everywhere, even when you aren't looking for them! It wouldn't surprise me if teen pregnancies are on the rise. I wonder how many parents take the time to block those sites...

Porn broke my computer. I feel so dirty. I bought a new one today. :(
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can accommodate that request. ;)

:lol :rotfl :lol


Porn broke my computer. I feel so dirty. I bought a new one today. :(

Hahaha! You bought a new one because you watched too much pron on your old one? That's awesome. A friend of mine used to have 2 PCs, one for downloading tv/movies/musc and porn and the other was for "normal" use.

Aaaand... 1 more post until 10k!!!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."


50 points for Waller and JJJ on Disney Movie Rewards
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

:lol :rotfl :lol


Hahaha! You bought a new one because you watched too much pron on your old one? That's awesome. A friend of mine used to have 2 PCs, one for downloading tv/movies/musc and porn and the other was for "normal" use.

Aaaand... 1 more post until 10k!!!

I think it did. I can't think of anything else. :(
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Cliffs Notes for Chase:

A very complex game using miniature ships from Star Wars and a plethora of rules and guidelines. ;)
Thanks, but damn even those cliff notes bored me to death.

Holy ****! Gus Lopez owns one of the matte paintings using behind the AT-AT shots. Wow!

What a jerk.
Summer Slam time!
Dug the show :rock :rock :rock

Gus Lopez made this site! The only reason other than porn to have the internet in the 90s.


The most important section is the collection of vintage figures, prototypes and bootlegs:

What a jerk.

I'm ashamed of you all... He's considered the 2nd biggest SW collector in the world, but he may actually have more film props than Sansweet...
What a jerk.

Well, I'm moved in at my brothers.... :( I slept like crap there last night.

Big c@c@ :(

On the plus side I did get a nice looking vintage Old Ben for 9 bucks. I forgot that mine had a repro saber.
Not big c@c@ :rock
Just saying... :D

Awful :yuck:
I thought this was neat.
Thinking of it as a post escape from Hoth image ...


Not awful :rock

It's from Episode VII.

Look what I got!! It's probably been in the mailbox over the weekend, but I'm kind of lazy when it comes to mail. This hardback is gorgeous with nice crisp graphics on both the front and back. Thanks again, Scott. :duff

View attachment 128205

That's a snazzy cover!

The average p size is 5.5 inches. It feels good to be above average. :lol

For all of 30 seconds.

What do we win?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Just got this from the supposed winner of my Thor figure - "Would you please cancel this auction. Some one already purchased this figure for me and I won't be needing two. I apologize and hope you understand."

Can I report him for backing out of a bid, this is the first one I've dealt with?

Sounds as bad as the time I got an email after an auction ended saying their kid grabbed their phone and bid on the auction during the last 15 seconds. Right.

Waller's just saying that he likes to be on top of a 5.5" schwantz.

Uh, no. :panic:

Porn broke my computer. I feel so dirty. I bought a new one today. :(



50 points for Waller and JJJ on Disney Movie Rewards


For all of 30 seconds.

What a jerk.

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