Darth Waller
Are you on the square?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."
You don't know me enough to make "old man" jokes. That is what pissed me off. Way to respect another Okie.
Zod understands Darth Waller's frustration. Waller is old--like really, really old--and to Kneel Before Zod would cause his ancient knees great pain. However, to refuse to kneel means death. Waller does not wish to die, though he has lived for decades and decades and decades, but kneeling may also reduce his knees to dust. Zod is not without compassion toward his elders, so he has made these available
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Zod would like to take a picture of Darth Waller kneeling but the flash from the camera would cause his old, dry body to spontaneously combust. Instead, Zod commissioned an artist to draw Waller while he Kneels Before Zod. As a result, Darth Waller's life has been spared and Zod has a very nice picture signed by Waller to put on his fridge.
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*Note to self: some members of the Cantina have zero sense of humor*
I told Flosi I was taking over the Cantina as a joke while everyone was gone for Celebration and I'd be out of it Sunday. It was a funny little prank that didn't hurt anyone and yet somehow that warrants being called a "dumb-****" and Deak threatens to delete the thread? I've interacted with most of the Cantina members outside of the thread and have never been malicious toward any of them so get over yourselves. If other members of this forum aren't allowed to post in the Cantina without permission then lock it up when you leave--surely there are enough mods that frequent this thread that you could do it. I hope everyone had fun at Celebration (as I said in my first post) and will somehow get over the massive trauma my posting as Zod has caused to those with delicate sensibilities. If necessary, I can start a counseling thread.
You don't know me enough to make "old man" jokes. That is what pissed me off. Way to respect another Okie.