(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm not sure about the Jaws convention, but I might go to the Godzilla one this summer if possible. It's not a very far drive from where I live.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

My top three movies are ESB, Raiders and ALIEN but I feel like JAWS is in there, too....it's just underwater so you can't see it.

Just scheduled an interview for Monday morning! SO stoked - would be 10 minutes from home, 8 am - 4 pm.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Daisy wishes you luck, too!

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Congratulations on the interview. Dems good hours. I hope you get it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

My top three movies are ESB, Raiders and ALIEN but I feel like JAWS is in there, too....it's just underwater so you can't see it.

Just scheduled an interview for Monday morning! SO stoked - would be 10 minutes from home, 8 am - 4 pm.

Go Thom!!!!!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Thanks guys!
I hope the interviews not that long since I will be lying about my whereabouts to the boss.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Wishing the best for you kind sir. I enjoyed not having to lie to my boss about my interview two weeks ago, as he was the one pushing me to apply! :D
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I saw a complete lot on my Sunday rounds. I think it was $5000... :lol

Crazy... I guess if you don't want to do any work it'd be worth it to buy a set (not for that much though), but it's "collecting" not "acquiring". Not much fun in buying an intact collection :huh

My top three movies are ESB, Raiders and ALIEN but I feel like JAWS is in there, too....it's just underwater so you can't see it.

Just scheduled an interview for Monday morning! SO stoked - would be 10 minutes from home, 8 am - 4 pm.

Congrats man, good luck on the interview :rock :rock :rock