(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Woot! Someone bought my Han Solo cover on Ebay! First original artwork sale on the wretched hive! :banana
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

:lol :lol I had a feeling you'd eventually give in :lol

He's a great figure and the 2nd Bespin head and Bespin clothing make him a must have.
It was the stupid booth at C7 that had them unboxed and I got to see them in person. Should have just stayed home :lol
DO IT!!!!
I know that feel.

Ugh....bear with it I must.
Woot! Someone bought my Han Solo cover on Ebay! First original artwork sale on the wretched hive! :banana
:rock :rock :rock :rock
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Brother Waller should do one of his own :lecture
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ben, did you get a chance to look at Gigan yet?

I did take a look. He looks good. The glue I got on him and the scrapes I put there trying to get the glue off are still there, but you did the best anyone could to cover up what I did with what I gave you. Thanks very much.

You can never ********** too much.

When I first started whacking off, I didn't know about the jerk motion, so I just pummeled it with my fingers like a speed bag, and I can tell you that you can definitely do it too much if you do it that way. Had to put a band-aid on my wiener.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

When I first started whacking off, I didn't know about the jerk motion, so I just pummeled it with my fingers like a speed bag, and I can tell you that you can definitely do it too much if you do it that way. Had to put a band-aid on my wiener.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I did take a look. He looks good. The glue I got on him and the scrapes I put there trying to get the glue off are still there, but you did the best anyone could to cover up what I did with what I gave you. Thanks very much.

When I first started whacking off, I didn't know about the jerk motion, so I just pummeled it with my fingers like a speed bag, and I can tell you that you can definitely do it too much if you do it that way. Had to put a band-aid on my wiener.

Lolololol how the **** does that even work??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You can rent the book :rotfl
Amazon.com: Star Wars Art: Illustration (Limited Edition) (9781419704314): Lucasfilm Ltd, Steven Heller, Howard Roffman: Books

After seeing peope go insane for the MR and Hasbro FX sabers I am on a listing frenzy. Listing all the ones that are still in good shape, and some other random stuff I don't even remember having:lol
My MR sabers were stolen in a storage break-in years ago. I only have my Maul sabers still...

The definitive McQuarrie book was published by Dreams & Visions Press in 2007, with a nice supplement of non-Star Wars artwork published this year of course...


But, yeah, I'm still getting the new edition. ;)
According to the panel, it will be the most definitive McQuarrie book, and have higher resolution scans of the art than previously released.

I agree theirs is the best overall one but this new one will be the best SW one.
Most definitely.

Good morning peeps!

Interview went very well! Met with a Supervisor and was asked to stay to meet the manager. Lot's of "oh, good!" answers when they asked about my experience.

Fingers crossed, thanks for all the good vibes!!!!
Yay Thom!!! Good luck, buddy! I hope it pays better than your current job, too!


Only bummer is I may miss out on the Disney Trip end of May. But companies are often negotiable if you're starting in summer and have a vacation already planned.
Oh noes!!! Were you hitting SW Weekends? I hope it doesn't interfere with that... I am jealous. I wants to go there.

I thought they said there would only be one version? Or maybe that was my subjective hearing... not to mention you guys were talking so much I could barely hear what was going on. Thank goodness for that guy in front of us :lecture
You have selective hearing.

I thought the same thing.
So do you! :lol

Here is a review from the panel, copied from TheForce.net. TheForce.net: Celebration Anaheim 2015: Ralph McQuarrie Star Wars Art Panel

This panel was quite a surprise. Not because of the book being created but what has happened to bring it to the fans. Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie will be the sixth book in the Star Wars Art series, after Visions, Comics, Illustrations, Concept and Posters. JW Rinzler said that there would be at least one more title in the Star Wars Art series, but he's not sure when or what it might be. For now, Art: McQuarrie will be available later in 2016, presumably October (even thought the panel write-up indicates Spring) as with the other volumes.

Brandon Alinger, David Mandel and Wade Lageose (Eric Klopfer was not in attendance) discussed putting the book together and showed some images from the title including the cover, which is comprised of Ralph's original cover for the Star Wars paperback edition. The talked about their research at the Lucasfilm archives, and some of the special pieces they uncovered. But what was most interesting is the amazing process they went thru with the art they found.

For each piece of art, and some have been previously published in the Ralph McQuarrie Portfolios, and other places, they rescanned them at a higher resolution using modern techniques. Side by side comparisons of the previous version to the new versions shows enhanced resolution and sharpness, color where none had existed before, and in some cases an increased view - uncovering unseen titles or notes from Ralph himself. The team is really working to make a definitive collection of Ralph's Star Wars art.

When asked if there would be multiple editions (a standard and limited edition) the panelists could not answer, as none of them worked for Abrams. Rinzler did say he would prefer a single volume, but later mentioned that a dual volume might still be the best process.

Whatever they choose, this book will be an amazing archive of Ralph's work. The work that continues to inspire Star Wars, whether in Rebels or The Force Awakens. Stay tuned for more information about Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie as it develops!

Abrams ALWAYS has 2 versions. I personally guarantee there will be a LE version. That's more money for them, and this one will certainly sell out, unlike their previous LE's.

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