Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2016

Tomorrow at 12:09pm PST.

Live poll results:

#1 Valak the Nun: 0
#2 The Boy: 0
#3 Annabelle: 1
#4 Poltergeist: 1
#5 Extraterrestrial: 3
#6 Russian Mafia: 1
#7 Killer Clown: 2
#8 Killer Bunny: 4

It's close...Valak was pretty damn chilling. I know I'd freak the hell out in that situation. But I know I've seen the Killer Clown before and it freaked me out and did so again now so I'll vote for that. It's so randomly placed with people just walking that I'll have to go with that one. I mean, the music box is brilliant and terrifying. I think it's scarier that you have no idea if it's a prank or not, because people are...well, insane! :lol

But that parking garage? The music box and then he shows up with the chainsaw? Forget about it. I'm buying new pants in just about every scenario. :lol I will give MAJOR props to the pizza delivery guy in the killer bunny video, as he kept those pizzas safe dammit! But the clown was way scarier than the bunny...the bunny would be scary if it happened, sure, but I just think the music box was far more chilling than some random chocolate eggs that I'd go nowhere near to begin with, let alone take one home for my g/f like that one guy was going to do. :lol Plus, I felt that car scene went on a big long with him standing there...he's lucky he didn't get run down. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

POST COUNT CONTEST CLOSED... check back Monday 10/17 at 6:00 PM pacific time to see if you won.

I think I got everyone correct if not please let me know.

ZaCHw117 - 20196
Angry Kal-EL - 20230
Crows - 20360
Goldenboy - 20523
Veil1 - 20675
Centurion - 20900
mrdbis - 21123
Patriot666 - 21200
Greygoose - 21287
Punkg42 - 21380
kenbenkenobi - 21666
Ink - 21679
averagejoe - 22113
Shawpaw - 22886
ApeManRyan - 23000
GeneralZodLives - 25143
HappyBoy - 26420
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Thanks for entry, crows!

shawpaw kitty cat please give me luck :pray: :)

POST COUNT CONTEST CLOSED... check back Monday 10/17 at 6:00 PM pacific time to see if you won.

I think I got everyone correct if not please let me know.

ZaCHw117 - 20196
Angry Kal-EL - 20230
Crows - 20360
Goldenboy - 20523
Veil1 - 20675
Centurion - 20900
mrdbis - 21123
Patriot666 - 21200
Greygoose - 21287
Punkg42 - 21380
kenbenkenobi - 21666
Ink - 21679
averagejoe - 22113
Shawpaw - 22886
ApeManRyan - 23000
GeneralZodLives - 25143
HappyBoy - 26420

Re: Freaktacular 2016

It's close...Valak was pretty damn chilling. I know I'd freak the hell out in that situation. But I know I've seen the Killer Clown before and it freaked me out and did so again now so I'll vote for that. It's so randomly placed with people just walking that I'll have to go with that one. I mean, the music box is brilliant and terrifying. I think it's scarier that you have no idea if it's a prank or not, because people are...well, insane! :lol

But that parking garage? The music box and then he shows up with the chainsaw? Forget about it. I'm buying new pants in just about every scenario. :lol I will give MAJOR props to the pizza delivery guy in the killer bunny video, as he kept those pizzas safe dammit! But the clown was way scarier than the bunny...the bunny would be scary if it happened, sure, but I just think the music box was far more chilling than some random chocolate eggs that I'd go nowhere near to begin with, let alone take one home for my g/f like that one guy was going to do. :lol Plus, I felt that car scene went on a big long with him standing there...he's lucky he didn't get run down. :lol
Agreed, they're all very chilling. Actually, they're all very **** ed up! LOL!
I know some of you guys watching these were laughing! :lol

With the Clown and Bunny pranks, the victims at least had a way out. But then, the threat comes running after you. Hahaha!
With the others, being locked in a room, or worse... inside a locked car! Those things were surrounding the vehicle. :rotfl

Good stuff! :D

Live poll results:

#1 Valak the Nun: 0
#2 The Boy: 0
#3 Annabelle: 1
#4 Poltergeist: 1
#5 Extraterrestrial: 3
#6 Russian Mafia: 1
#7 Killer Clown: 3
#8 Killer Bunny: 4
Re: Freaktacular 2016

I actually didn't find the Valak the Nun one funny at all. Being Christian and terrified of the movie Exorcist, that one would probably give me a coronary if I was in those poor women's place.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

I actually didn't find the Valak the Nun one funny at all. Being Christian and terrified of the movie Exorcist, that one would probably give me a coronary if I was in those poor women's place.
The Exorcist movie was absolutely terrifying! I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I saw it at a young age. I wouldn't see it again until many years later. If I recall, it was about 9-10 years before I built enough courage to see it again.
This is the one movie often labeled "the scariest movie of all time".
Re: Freaktacular 2016

I actually didn't find the Valak the Nun one funny at all. Being Christian and terrified of the movie Exorcist, that one would probably give me a coronary if I was in those poor women's place.

I always, ALWAYS wonder about that. doing pranks to younger people is one thing, but when they do it to older ladies, it seems messed up.

The Exorcist movie was absolutely terrifying! I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I saw it at a young age. I wouldn't see it again until many years later. If I recall, it was about 9-10 years before I built enough courage to see it again.
This is the one movie often labeled "the scariest movie of all time".

i saw it once. I've never seen it since. I probably most likely never see it again. It is just too gross and uncomfortable. it is not fun, not cool, just unpleasant. Plus the devil stuff is too creepy. (and add to that all those rumors of accidents and things that happened during filming)
It is not a bad movie at all, that's not what I mean lol. it's just a once kind of movie lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

The Exorcist movie was absolutely terrifying! I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I saw it at a young age. I wouldn't see it again until many years later. If I recall, it was about 9-10 years before I built enough courage to see it again.
This is the one movie often labeled "the scariest movie of all time".

I saw exorcist when I was about 7. Dumbest thing I've ever done. 😵
Re: Freaktacular 2016

A fine choice. Beastly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I thought it was fitting! :D I truly feel it's probably too high, but 20,666 I thought would be too low. And I just had to have 666. You can relate, I'm sure! ;)
But to be honest, I think your guess is about right on track...
Re: Freaktacular 2016

I saw exorcist when I was about 7. Dumbest thing I've ever done. ��
Maybe so, but I'm guilty of the same. I think I was 9. Could not watch it again until I was in college. LOL!

I saw Alien in the theater when I was a kid. Scared the crap out of me, but I loved it!
Lucky! I wish I saw this one in the theater when I was young.

Speaking of The Exorcist and movie theaters... it was well documented that when the movie was released in 1973, people were waiting in long lines to see it despite hearing news of movie viewers walking out of the theater and some even throwing up.
The movie had such an impact, it was the first horror movie to be nominated for Best Picture in the Academy Awards.

Now that's awesome! :rock
Re: Freaktacular 2016

saw this on facebook from Spirit halloween store:

20% Off One Item With Promo Code CART16

just in case anyone wants to use it
Re: Freaktacular 2016

I actually didn't find the Valak the Nun one funny at all. Being Christian and terrified of the movie Exorcist, that one would probably give me a coronary if I was in those poor women's place.

Yeah :lol I was laughing at certain parts, but not in a way where you're laughing AT the people...I was more laughing...I'm not sure why. Just like, "This is insane!" I guess. Christian or not, if you're in that room and that goes down, you're acting the same way. Possession movies scare me quite a bit, as you can't really fight weird as that sounds. If you allow yourself to get right into it, they're creepy if done right. Still love the original Paranormal Activity, as well as Blair Witch for this. So messed up if you engross yourself in the characters position.

I'm actually surprised that none of them didn't just fall over on the spot. :lol That said, with the longer ones like that and the other movie teaser pranks, I wish they'd had that 30 seconds at the end where the people reacted when they found out it was a prank...having it just end with them terrified kind of just leaves the viewer hanging after eight minutes. After that kind of investment in a prank, you want to see how they react after as well! Granted, maybe it wasn't shown because they all slapped the producer around while cursing non-stop. :lol

And congrats KenBen :hi5:
Re: Freaktacular 2016

I was thinking while watching those videos that someday someone is going to have a heartbattack right on the spot. I wouldn't be surprised if any peed their pants.

But then again I wonder if the opposite happens and the "victim" doesn't just attack the bunny or clown or whatever?