Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2016

1. Befriend the whiny nerd and ask the nerd what do they fear?
2. Tell him that there is only one way to conquer his fear.
3. Turn his fear into hate.
4. Unleash his hatred upon the galaxy.
5. Have him grow his hair out long, confront his mentor, have most of his limbs cut off and become the robocop of evil.
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl Awesome entry!
Re: Freaktacular 2016

2016 Freaktacular Contest Results

The final count is:

#1 Valak the Nun: 0
#2 The Boy: 0
#3 Annabelle: 1
#4 Poltergeist: 1
#5 Extraterrestrial: 3
#6 Russian Mafia: 1
#7 Killer Clown: 4
#8 Killer Bunny: 4

Each of the contestants were randomly associated with a video as follows:

mrdbios = #3 Annabelle
Patriot666 = #5 Extraterrestrial
Angry Kal-El = #1 Valak the Nun
Golden Boy = #7 Killer Clown
Veil1 = #6 Russian Mafia
ZaCHw117 = #8 Killer Bunny
Darth Madden = #4 Poltergeist
crows = #2 The Boy

We have a tie!!!

Golden Boy and ZaCHw117. Their videos got 4 votes each.

I uploaded both contestants onto, spun the wheel, and our winner is....


Thank you everyone who participated and congratulations to our winner!

Zach send me a PM with your address and prize choice.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Awesome. Congrats! Sorry I couldn't participate. I was doing too many things at once.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Congrats ZaCH! Thanks for the contest Centurion! It turns out what I should have feared all along was :lol :lol Fun watching all these videos though. Really gets ya in the mood heading into the holiday!

Here are some gone wrong videos. Just goes to show you what happens when you prank the wrong person. Some salty language in these things:

Man, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. And you have to pick your spots too...when you're three dudes, even if you look like you just bashed someone's head in, a gang of, what, seven guys who look rather tough? Likely not the best people to try and intimidate. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Congrats ZaCH! Thanks for the contest Centurion! It turns out what I should have feared all along was :lol :lol

Yeah, if you look back at my original post, I explained in the contest rules that in the event of a tie I would figure out something later. Even I didn't know what I was going to do. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

One guess per member so be certain of your answer.

Angel is my favorite tv series of all time. If I could get SSC to do only 1 character in PF form, which character from Angel would I want them to do?

Re: Freaktacular 2016

One guess per member so be certain of your answer.

Angel is my favorite tv series of all time. If I could get SSC to do only 1 character in PF form, which character from Angel would I want them to do?


Wesley Wyndam Pryce?
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Yeah, if you look back at my original post, I explained in the contest rules that in the event of a tie I would figure out something later. Even I didn't know what I was going to do. :lol

I'll guess Cordelia...though I've yet to watch these. I really do need to watch this and Buffy.