Congrats Crows! Totally meant to log in when I got to work and check the page out because...well, this is what happens.
Alas, today I'm working with the anti-worker, so my workload is doubled. Huzzah! Awesome prize Zod!!
Ghostbustin' Freaktacular!!
I've got a digital copy of the new Ghostbusters (2016) to give away!! It'll be fairly straight forward, as for this, all you need to do is draw a picture of a ghost that has escaped the Ghostbusters containment unit!
Now let me be clear, you do NOT have to be artistically inclined to win this contest! My wife will be the judge (even though she doesn't know it yet
) and just like last year's pumpkin contest, I have no idea what she'll like that day, so anyone can win. Now that may make her sound insane, so let's get started!
The close date for this will be this Sunday (the 16th) at 11:59pm EST! So basically you've got the rest of the week to whip up whatever pops into your head. It can be done in Paint, on a Post-It, on paper, or you can paint a haunted Mona Lisa (probably shouldn't go that far
) Just post your picture on here before the closing time and the winner will be announced on Monday!
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